Learning to plant lilies in the open ground

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Oriental and Asian, Kudrevatov and tubular lily of the large number of varieties and species boldly compete with gladioli andtulips. But the gardener is not enough to choose your favorite lily bulb, planting and care in the open field - this is the groundwork for future flowering.

Thanks to its magnificent forms, the lily is called the royal flower. Such a plant will decorate any garden, but many newcomers treat lilies with trepidation and apprehension, fearing that they will not cope with the care of a regal plant. In fact, taking care of most types of garden lilies is not at all time consuming, and planting flowers is a challenge for novice gardeners.

Terms of planting lilies in open ground

The growing season of lilies begins in early spring, when a powerful sprout is shown above the ground. Then it turns into a leafy upright stalk, topped with one or several large flowers of different shapes and colors. In the autumn, the aerial part withers, and under the ground remains loose, consisting of modified leaves.

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In most regions, popular varieties of lilies hibernate well, so lilies can be planted in open ground in spring and autumn. If there is no danger of deep freezing of the soil, the bulbs are planted in early autumn.

After flowering in plants, there comes a period of rest, during which the growing season does not stop, but freezes. This moment is perfect for planting or transplanting. Before the onset of cold weather, the bulbs acclimatize and root, so that with the onset of spring they immediately grow.

No less popular planting lilies in April and May. It is practiced in regions with severe winters, as well as for varieties with low frost resistance. In the spring flowerbed, correctly overwintered bulbs will not be subjected to soaking and rot. Getting into the thawed and warmed loose soil, they do not lag behind the lilies planted in the fall. Planting in April is preferred for eastern hybrids. But this method has its drawbacks. The most delicate plants may not form daughter bulbs and bloom less luxuriously than we would like.

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When lilies are planted in open ground in spring? In the middle lane, the optimal moment occurs in April or early May. By this time, the ground is warm enough, and the threat of frost to the appearance of the first shoots is over.

The planting time for bulbs in different regions may vary significantly. For example, at the end of summer or in early September, planting lilies in open ground in the Urals will give greater results than in spring.

The bulb will have time to ripen and will delight you with flowers in the summer. In the spring in the southern areas of the lily are planted earlier. In the autumn - the opposite. To delay with landing in that, and in another case it is not necessary. For example, in March it is better to take out the bulbs of tiger and Tibetan lilies to the garden, immediately after thawing, many Asian and Oriental hybrids, as well as the most beautiful tubular lilies, endure the landing.

Terry varieties are planted when the air and the ground warms up to +10 degrees. But the Canadian, Kinky Lily and a number of other varieties are better to replant only in the fall.

In order not to be mistaken with the time of planting in open ground and caring for lilies, at the time of buying the bulbs it is important to know what kind they are.

Planting lilies in open ground

Healthy bulbs with dense scales with no signs of rust, damage or mold are suitable for planting.

Before planting material reaches the flowerbed:

  • bulbs are sorted by varieties and sizes;
  • rejects weak, diseased and soil pests;
  • cleans suitable for planting bulbs of dried roots and scales;
  • is washed, kept in solution of potassium permanganate, and treated with a fungicide, for example, phytosporin or foundationol.
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The place for planting lilies in the open field is chosen according to the preferences of the plants themselves. Best of all, most lilies feel in the sun or in partial shade. Large flower stalks can be affected by the wind, so they pre-select a site with natural protection in the form of shrubs, trees, tall grassy crops.

For all lilies, a loose, light substrate is needed, in which the bulbs will take root easily, will not suffer from stagnant moisture, rot and soil pests. The basis for the nutrient soil will be a mixture of equal parts of turf land, peat, coarse sand and well-rotted humus.

Fresh manure or other organic matter under the lily can not be made because of the risk of burning delicate scales, insect damage and aggressive microflora.

Most cultivated varieties of lilies prefer neutral soil, but if American hybrids are to be planted, more sour peat or needles are added to the soil to increase acidity. But under the tubular lilies, the substrate is not only deoxidized, but additionally crushed chalk, dolomite flour or other components with an alkaline reaction are added.

The landing pits are made in advance, providing a drainage layer and a sandy shirt at the bottom. The depth is determined based on the size of the plants and their bulbs:

  • large bulbs are buried by 12–20 cm;
  • small specimens - by 7–10 cm.

The higher the stem, the deeper the planting of the lily in open ground. The distance between individual plants can vary from 15 to 30 cm, depending on the diameter of the overgrown bush.

The bulbs are planted on a layer of drainage from gravel or expanded clay, densely covered with fertile soil, flavored with full nitrogen, potassium-phosphorus and mineral composition. Around each bulb make a sandy shirt, and then again sprinkled with soil. Landing sites compacted, watered and mulched.

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in the open field. Use this method if you need to plant lilies in autumn. Digging is carried out a month after completion of flowering. All bulbs must be treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Lily care in the spring in the open ground

After planting in the open ground, lilies need attention and competent care. If the bulbs hit the soil in the fall, they only mulch. The main vegetation begins with the melting of snow, then the time comes for the comprehensive care of lilies in the open ground in spring. Plant care includes:

  • watering;
  • top dressings that stimulate the growth, flowering and ripening of the bulbs;
  • loosening and weeding;
  • preventive treatment for pests, rot and other diseases.

Large plants need support and a garter. This measure, as well as regular loosening and weeding, will help support the strength and growth of lilies.

Lilies love a moderately moist soil, and drying causes a decrease in the number and size of flowers, and excess water is dangerous if the bulbs rot. Watering combined with the introduction of dressings and tillage of harmful fungi. At the beginning of growth, lilies are more in need of nitrogen fertilizers, but already the second dressing is carried out with superphosphate. Very good plants respond to watering a solution of wood ash. It can also be mixed into mulch material.

In May, the care of planting lilies in the open field includes watering with a solution of Bordeaux liquid. After 2 months, the same agent plants are sprayed. During the summer, carefully monitor the appearance of insect pests that affect both the stems, leaves, and lily bulbs.

Spring Lily Planting - Video

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