How to properly drain water from a bath - 5 ways


  1. Autonomous sewerage with a sump-settler
  2. Arrangement of a simple drainage pit
  3. Method of soil filtration
  4. Method with drain pipe
  5. Horizontal filter cushion method
  6. The basic tips for creating a drain for a bath

Bath is a place often in contact with water. And, it happens both outside and inside. ANDprotect wooden walls with a waterproof coating is not enough- it is necessary to organize a high-quality discharge in order to avoid frequent repairs of the foundation, damage to the bath with a pathogenic fungus and decay of wood.

Water drainage is carried out from the washing room directly to the drain tank or to the place allocated for draining. Variants of the organization of the water intake system can differ sufficiently depending on the conditions in which the bath is erected and on the type of sink.

To begin with, you need to know the answers to several important questions regarding the conditions for the construction of a challenge:

  1. Where will the drain be located and what area should be allocated for it?
  2. instagram viewer
  3. What type of soil on your site on which the bath will be located?
  4. Is it possible to connect to a central sewer?
  5. What budget do you expect?
  6. Will you build the sink yourself or use the hired labor?

From the correct organization of drainage communicationsdepends on the longevity of construction and the quality of the bath procedures themselves.Even if the volume of sewage is small, do not expect to absorb the soil of the entire liquid: the remains of water will still spoil the foundation and the soil itself, because of what the shrinkage of the structure may occur. The only case when the runoff may not be necessary is if the bath itself is not used more than once a month by a small number of people (2-3 people).Here you can use the so-called leaking floor, with widely laid boards.In all other cases, this is the first thing you need to plan after laying the foundation. Therefore it is very useful to know the different ways of organizing a sink for a bath, even if you do not do it yourself, but order it from a construction company.

Autonomous sewerage with a sump-settler

The first and most time-consuming method is a filter well-settler on the basis of autonomous sewerage. Here the system consists of two tanks, preferably plastic. The first tank filters the effluents from coarsely dispersed particles with a simple strainer fitted to the vessel. The second tank carries out a second degree of wastewater treatment before being sent to the sewage pit. But for any version of the drain with sewage, a special floor construction is required in the bath.


The whole essence of such sex lies in the slope to the center of the room even at the initial stage of construction. In the center of the floor is mounted a fitting that fits snugly against the connector in the floor, tightly treated with sealant around the installation site. The funnel of the fitting is selected within 5 cm, with slight deviations. Sewage pipes from all rooms, if several, are connected by a splitter. But it's worth knowing thatThe construction of a cesspool is advisable only in the case of a deep groundwater table, not less than 4-5 m deep. Otherwise, your pit will be flooded all year round and the smells of putrefactive bacteria from it will haunt before each subsequent cleaning. If the conditions for the sink pit are favorable, then the second item in the calculation of the runoff will be the determination of the pit volume by several criteria: the number of people in the bath, the frequency of use and the water costs.

Further, when the draining project is already ready, the location of the pit is calculated: it should be no more than 2 meters from the bath. If you place the drain too close, there is a chance of penetrating the foundation. If too far, then it will not be possible to make a sufficient slope to drain water naturally.

By laying the foundation, you are probably already familiar with the type of soil on the site and its properties. When creating a drainage pitimportant to understand the physical properties of the earth, as taking into account this will be selected concomitant measures to strengthen the frame of the pit. However,If the soil is not loose and does not crumble, then nothing needs to be strengthened. But excessively dense clayey soil also has a drawback in the case of equipping the sink - it absorbs badly. Sometimes on sites there is a successful combination of a fairly dense soil with good absorbing properties. Then the work with the pit will be limited to the fact that it will simply need to be dug and equip the filtration according to one of the described methods. But such conditions are very rare. Most often the soil is showered and one has to resort to strengthening the boundaries of the pit. To strengthen often use brickwork with gaps to absorb water, or wild stone (any waterproof material).The simplest option is to use a large plastic tankwith a lot of holes as the inner frame of the pit.

It is also important to choose the optimum size for the holes in the tank. The optimum shape for the reservoir in this case is a streamlined cylindrical, since it is the best way to keep the pressure created by the water. It is also necessary to provide a pit with heavy overlapping of concrete or iron.

When the tank is ready, the bottom of the pit is filled with filter material (broken brick or crushed stone), and then covered with a layer of sand.Sewage pipes, connected earlier under the floor of a bath in one, are diverted under a slope to the pit.Moreover, the optimal gradient required for rapid drainage varies within 1 cm per 1 meter of the pipeline.

Arrangement of a simple drainage pit

This way of organizing the flow is simpler than the first by eliminating several stages of filtration. It implies all stages with the organization of the drain in the bathhouse itself and the digging of the pit, but in this case only a septic tank without filters will be used. The method is used in the event that there is no desire to tinker with the replacement of the filtration material and there is the possibility of using a sewerage system for pumping out the drains.

But in this case, you should think about the entrance to the pit at a distance from the sleeve of the car. The second way to clean a simplified pit system is tothe use of special bacteria for the processing of rotting residues in septic tanks.Its efficiency is of course several times lower than complete waste disposal or natural filtration, but it also has a place to be.

Method of soil filtration

In this method, the main is the organization of the pipe system, through which the liquid will be led to the sewage system. The system will be distributed over the entire area of ​​the plot so that the water can pass several stages of filtration before the drain.

The filtration is carried out by the principle of drainage: the first step on the pipe is the grating (in the initial section) for catching large waste. Then, in the future, the water goes through a section of pipes covered with a large filtering material. The last stage is a fine filter, that is, coarse sand.

Thus, the water from the effluent will be filtered throughout the site at the same timecreating an additional source of irrigationI. This method is suitable only in the case of low groundwater, since the location of the pipes should be more than 0.5 meters above the water level.

Method with drain pipe

In general, this method is similar to the previous ones and differs only in the type of materials and slight differences in the design of the septic tank.The longer length of the pipe is important here. At the same time, the pipe itself is important to be mounted even at the stage of pouring the foundation with a slope towards the area for the construction of a sump.

The settler is made on the basis of concrete rings that make up the walls of the pit. The bottom, in turn, should not overlap for better absorption of waste. The pipe is laid without corners and bends, and the diameter of the pipe is taken as high as possible among sewage pipes for domestic sewage.When installing a pipe it is important to insulate it, since when the soil freezes, the water in the pipe can freeze and deform the plastic, at best.


Horizontal filter cushion method

This method is suitable only for a seasonal bath, in which the water costs are so small that there is simply no sense to make a clarifier. It consists in the following: at a distance of 2-3 meters from the foundation of the bath, a trench is dug long and deep in 1 m, not more than 50 cm in width.

At the bottom of the trench is laid drainage material (crushed stone, broken brick, expanded clay or slag from the combustion of coal), it is covered over with a small layer of sand. After that, the drain pipe, which is separated from the bath, is laid on the bottom.The pit will be designed for a small amount of waste, not more than 100 liters. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think carefully before choosing this option.

The basic tips for creating a drain for a bath

In the event that there is at least some way to connect your drainage system to the central sewer system - then this is the most optimal and most effective option for sewage management. If the site is located in an inappropriate for this area, then you have tocarefully study the features of the ground, the slope of the site, internal communications, the presence and level of groundwater, the correct calculation of materials and energy costs. Often, the owners of the bath are facing a choice, a septic tank or a well? Both options have their pros and cons. For the arrangement of a well, for example, it will take more time than for the installation of a septic tank. But the right well provides the best filtration of water and practically does not allow the appearance of unpleasant odors. A septic tank is more suitable for frequent use of a bath, since it provides a faster absorption of water. In financial terms, the organization of a septic tank and a well is almost the same.Everything will depend on the materials used, because you can always replace, for example, an expensive plastic container on old tires, equipping them in such a way that they make up the capacity of a cylindrical shape.

The gutter, which was described in the last, the fifth method, is only permissible in the case of a small volume of water and the absence of cultivated plants on the site. Otherwise, they will simply be poisoned with detergents coming from the drains, although the water to some extent will pass through filtration. Nevertheless,this is the cheapest and fastest option for the organization of the plum.

In general, despite the apparent ease in carrying out the task of organizing a sink,It's not so easy to calculate all communications correctly. Therefore, if you do not have experience in construction, it is better to hire a team of builders - today this service is not too expensive.

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