- 1. How to determine that the lawn needs watering?
- 2. When is it best to water?
- 3. Water use rates for herbaceous plants
- 4. How often should the lawn be watered?
- 5. Lawn irrigation equipment
- 6. How to protect the lawn from drought?
A well-kept, luxurious lawn can rightfully be considered as a real decoration of any summer cottage or garden plot. A lot of effort will be required for self-improvement of the lawn, but even more attention will require a plot in the first years of its life. This includes timely harvesting, cutting, planting seeds, correct feeding and fertilizing the soil, and most importantly, timely and sufficient watering. How to water the lawn correctly , which watering equipment can provide abundant but delicate watering, what is the preferred frequency watering and which average rates are recommended for lawns? You will find answers to all your questions after reading this article.

1. How to determine that the lawn needs watering?
Many mistakenly believe that regular moistening is required for the lawn only after its initial sowing and until the first shoots appear, and there, mother nature will take care of everything herself. After all, for example, in the forest is full of green lawns, for which no one cares, but they look fresh and very much alive. Indeed, grass in their natural habitat is much more resistant than on artificially planted lawn. This happens because in the wild, all grass has great height and long leaves and stems that help accumulate moisture and increase its reserves, thereby deepening the root system. The longer the roots, the more moisture they can extract from the earth.
The lawn is regularly cut and the height of its plantations barely reaches 10-15 cm. From here is the main problem is a shallow, shallow root system, which lies at a depth of 10-15 cm and dries quickly. It is not at all difficult to determine the moment when the water reserves dried out completely and it is necessary to fill its losses.
Of course, the easiest way is to stick a stick in the ground. If it easily penetrates to a depth of about 15 cm, then the moisture in the soil is still sufficient. But you will not resort to a similar method every time.
We suggest you carefully examine your lawn, if you notice the following signs, then it is time to water:
- The grass has become unhealthy bluish or grayish;
- In places where the sun is constantly shining, the grass has become paler than in other places;
- There were bald spots;
- The stalks began to curl;
- After you walked the lawn or drove the lawn mower, the grass could not quickly recover its shape in a short period;
- Overall wilting green cover.
When the moment is finally lost - you did not attach importance to the change of color, or you were simply not around - the grass turns yellow and fades. Drought-resistant herbs can be saved even after they have completely subsided. After abundant watering, they are able to recover. But the appearance of the lawn for a long time will not bring aesthetic pleasure from its contemplation.

2. When is it best to water?
One of important factors, determining the effectiveness of water procedures, is the time in which they are carried out. Consider all possible options with their advantages and disadvantages:
- Morning watering is considered the most optimal. Early in the morning there is still nightly coolness, therefore the coefficient of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth will be minimal. Due to this, the water reaches the desired depth and moisturizes the soil. In the morning, almost always calm, calm weather. This contributes to the fact that water spray does not blow in different directions, and they get exactly where they were intended. The sun is not as “evil” as the day, so the moisture from the surface of the soil and plants will have time to evaporate and absorb before the onset of heat. To summarize - is the best time for watering is the interval between 8 and 9 am .
- Daily watering is the most harmful and ineffective. Watering the lawn under the scorching rays, you will achieve only the following: drops of water on the surface of the plants will serve as peculiar lenses that will attract sunlight and burn. Due to the difference in high ambient temperatures and lower temperatures in soil and water, plants will experience real stress. After all, watering with cold water, or, conversely, with too hot water, can significantly slow down growth. Plus, the degree of evaporation during the day will be the highest. You will need two times more water for normal wetting of the area than you would need in the morning or evening. And if a small breeze rises during the day, then in addition to the lawn, you will water the paths and other nearby objects. And this in turn will further increase water consumption.
- Evening watering the will only be beneficial if the temperature at night drops slightly compared to lunchtime. For example, if in the afternoon the thermometer reaches the mark of + 40 ° С, and drops to + 30 ° С at night, then you can safely water it. The soil will be warm and will quickly absorb moisture to the required depth. If the night temperature is + 10-15 ° C, then excessive moisture from the surface of the soil and plants will not be able to be absorbed quickly. Its accumulation will serve as the beginning of the formation of mold and disease-causing fungi. That way your lawn gets sick all the way around. The best evening for watering is between 4 and 6 pm by .Before the sun goes down, the grass will have time to dry.
- Morning + evening watering is carried out only on particularly hot and dry summer evenings, provided that during the daytime the top layer of soil has time to dry completely to a depth of about 10 cm.achieve a gradual swamping area. Oxygen will not flow to the root system, which will lead to its weakening.

3. Norms of water consumption by herbaceous plants
It is very important to understand the line between abundant watering and overflowing, and also in no case prevent underfilling. Many argue that it is better to water the lawn more often, but for less time. This proposition is fundamentally wrong and will bring absolutely no benefit to . On the contrary, the evaporation rate will be very high, the grass will get wet only superficially, and the soil will not have time to soak to the very roots. Such short-term showers can be used only to refresh the site and reduce the ambient temperature. Therefore, it is better to water the lawn once, but in sufficient quantity .Calculate a clear rate of water consumption of one or another site is almost impossible. We can only summarize and say that 1m2 of land needs 15-20 liters of water. This indicator directly depends on the mechanical composition of the soil on your site:
- Light sandy soils quickly pass through any amount of moisture and are not able to hold it and accumulate in sufficient quantity. The reason for this is their increased friability. Such soils require a greater amount of water, and the norms in this case are up to 35 liters per square meter. But this soil is very difficult to pour. Water can go quite deeply without harm to the equine system of plants.
- The clay soils of are heavier and more dense, they retain moisture well and can nourish plants for much longer. Such a lawn can be watered much less frequently and water consumption will be much lower. When watering a lawn with this type of soil, make sure that no puddles form on the surface. Water can stagnate for quite a long time, especially if the soil has already been fed and is no longer able to absorb water. Shallow root system may rot. After drying of the excess moisture, the top layer of the earth will be compacted, a hard crust will form, which will impede the flow of oxygen to the roots. As soon as the lawn stops "breathing", the grass will begin to wither. In this case, you need as quickly as possible to fluff the top layer of soil.
The recommended standard of water is often determined by the depth of the root system and is not mandatory. You should not strictly adhere to it, if you know that the roots of your lawn went deep into 25 or even 30 cm. In this case, you need to increase the amount of water so that the moisture reaches the deepest roots. Just be aware that 35-50 liters per square meter will moisten the soil to a depth of 10 cm.
And now we’ll proceed to the answer to a logical question, which probably already had time to appear in your head - and as actually determines how many liters water must be pour it on your site so that it is saturated with moisture to a depth of 10 cm. Make it very simple:
- Starting the next watering, take a watch or timer and ruler;
- At different ends and in the middle of the plot, place an empty glass jar on the ground;
- Turn on the water and simultaneously note the time or start the timer;
- Watch the water level in the cans. When it reaches 1.3 cm it can be argued that the lawn received about 10-15 liters of water per square. With a mark of 2.5 cm - about 20-25 liters. To more accurately determine the amount of liquid, and at the same time to understand the , how uniformly the irrigation occurs, measure the water level in all banks, fold and divide by their quantity.
For convenience, you can put a mark on the can wall in advance with a marker, the height of which will be the cherished 10 cm. When the liquid reaches the set height, turn off the timer. Now you know not only the amount of water needed for the quality of watering your lawn, but also the time during which it should be carried out. The next time the banks will not be needed.

4. How often do I need to water the lawn?
When and for how long it is best to water the lawn, you already know. Now it's time to decide on the frequency of watering. It depends on many factors:
- Soil texture;
- Root Depths;
- Weather Conditions;
- Landscape features.
We have already spoken about various rates of water consumption by sandy or clay soils. The first need much more abundant and more moisturize. The deeper the root system is located, the longer, but less likely to be watering. If your site has sloping areas, or is completely located on a slope, the level of water absorption at different points will be unequal. In order to prevent overflows in one place and obvious underfilling in another, similar lawns recommend to be watered in 15 through 5. Where 15 is the irrigation time, in minutes. And 5 - soaking time, also in minutes. Such intervals will be able to achieve the best result. Most gardeners think that if their lawn is in the shady area, the should be watered much less often. The determining factor in this case is the subject that creates the shadow. If it is the shadow of a house or other building, then in part they are right. If the lawn is in the shade of trees or tall shrubs, then it requires even more frequent watering than that located in open areas under the scorching sun. This is due to the fact that the root system of large plants is much stronger and more intensely attracts moisture and nutrients. A thin root system of cereal plants barely has time to get the necessary minimum.
also plays an important role in the climate of the region, the in which you live. If the daytime temperature is not too high, and abundant rainfall periodically falls, then one irrigation per week is enough. If precipitation falls irregularly, and during the day it is hot enough, water the lawn 2-3 times a week. Just try to stick to the golden middle - water when the top layer dries completely to a depth of 10 cm. After all, it can rain during two weeks, and then a small drought will begin, and the weather will be difficult to navigate.

5. Lawn irrigation equipment
In order not to take a lot of time and effort, and most importantly, it was economical and expedient, you need to choose an irrigation system that will fit your lawn size and shape. Let's start with the simplest ways:
- Watering with an manual watering can. Despite all the modern technologies and devices that can make the irrigation process completely automated, it is a pleasure for many to produce watering with their own hands. It is reasonable to do this only on small lawns, otherwise it will be too long and tiring. Be sure to choose watering cans with holes that are frequent but small in diameter. Then the water streams will be thin and will not wash away the delicate roots. Also, a garden watering can be useful for watering hard-to-reach areas or where local watering is needed.
- Watering the garden hoses using is one of the easiest and most affordable methods of lawn irrigation. In order to make watering more gentle and to prevent even short-term moistening with a jet with a strong pressure, as sometimes happens when you pinch the edge of the hose with your finger, use special dispersing nozzles. The disadvantage of this method of irrigation is that the hose must be constantly transferred behind him and not skimp on its length. Thus you can water the areas of any size and shape.
- For irrigation of long and narrow green strips, perforated hoses are best suited. Due to the fact that there are a lot of small holes throughout their length, water is evenly sprayed in all directions, which provides cooling of the soil surface and gentle irrigation.
- Watering the lawn using different sprinklers. These are special attachments that can be both stationary and mobile, which mimic natural rainwater irrigation. It is believed that this is the best way to water for lawns. Especially, given that you can choose the optimal type of sprinkler for different areas and even the shape of the site. For example, there are circular sprinklers that are suitable for irrigating small areas. The rotating sprinklers are suitable for irrigating round and oval lawns. You can adjust the radius of action and intensity of pressure and avoid unwanted watering of unwanted areas. For irrigation of rectangular or square plots there is a floating, or oscillating sprinkler. Its nozzle smoothly swings in one way and then the other. By setting the necessary settings, you can adjust the length of the water jets. The great advantage of sprinklers is that the water dissipates and turns into very small sprays, which have time to warm to the ambient temperature before they hit the ground and the grass. The risk of causing stress in plants with minimal. The disadvantage of of such systems is that with a strong wind, a certain amount of water carries and for the quality of watering requires more of it. Also with this watering very high evaporation rate.
- The drip system of lawn watering is also very effective and allows you to moisturize the soil even during the daytime without harming the plants. Water then goes directly to the roots. Drip hoses are laid all over the site, which brings some inconvenience during lawn mowing. After all, the hoses will have to twist and unwind every time.
- Intrasoil irrigation system has a minimum evaporation rate. It is a system of pipes or hoses, divorced under the ground throughout the site. On the walls of the pipes there are micro holes, which supply water to the roots. Due to the special structure of the hoses, which are labyrinths for the passage and accumulation of fluid, the holes are rarely clogged even with moist soil. The only "but" - you should think about such an irrigation system before arranging and preparing the place for the lawn.
- The automatic irrigation system is also a pipe installation underground. In certain places the pipes come to the surface, and various nozzles are attached to them, including sprinklers that disperse water. When choosing a similar irrigation system, consider that it will be much more convenient to mow the lawn if the sprinklers are recessed. It is also necessary to equip the automatic system in advance. For more convenience, it can be equipped with a sensor that determines soil moisture, precipitation sensor and timer. This will allow the system to turn on only when needed or at a specific time. In order to maintain a healthy looking lawn, your presence is not necessary.
One more question - where to get water for irrigation. In order to save many, they install special settling tanks on the plots, which serve to collect rainwater. They can embed labor with a ball valve and an adapter for a specific diameter of the hose. Another way to save will be the withdrawal of water from a natural reservoir - a lake or river. This will require a special submersible pump that can provide the necessary pressure. Well or well also have to be equipped with a pump. But to pour such cold water directly from the source is not recommended. It is better to sharpen it in a container and wait until it reaches temperature or use spray nozzles. Then the temperature difference will not be felt. Well, the easiest way - water intake from the central water supply.

6. How to protect the lawn from drought?
There are particularly dry months when any plant needs more water. But it happens that there is no possibility to make an automatic irrigation system on your plot, just as there is no opportunity to come every day to irrigate. In such situations, there are several tips that will help the lawn to cope with drought without watering:
- You need to regularly remove weeds. This will allow the grass to grow continuously and without obstructions and reduce water consumption. Weeds, by the way, absorb moisture in much larger quantities than cereals.
- In conjunction with the timely removal of unwanted plants, feed the lawn with seasonal fertilizers. Then the soil will be rich in trace elements and fertile.
- Do not mow the lawn as often and as short as usual. Let the grass grow much higher than usual. Thus, it will create a shadow for itself, and the surface layer of the soil will dry out more slowly.
- Mowed grass can be left directly on the lawn. It will help retain moisture in the soil.
Thus, the lawn will be able to last without watering for up to two weeks. However, doing so constantly is not recommended.
In order for to increase the resistance of the area to the drought, needs to take care of strengthening the root system. To do this, in the fall, regularly pierce the turf with a pitchfork - this will prevent the soil from condensing and become impassable for water and oxygen. You can fall asleep lawn mulch. Such simple recommendations will keep your lawn at its best and save you from drying out.