We make a swing for giving with our own hands: materials, necessary varieties, the assembly process

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SuspensionDacha just needed. It is quite simple to make a country swing with your own hands, you just need desire and time. As well as carpentry tools and materials in the required quantity.

Types of swings for giving

Many wonder: how to make a swing at the cottage? First of all, you need to decide what type of swing will be required. And after that you should start planning your actions. To date, the following varieties are the most common and easy to manufacture:

  • stand alone;
  • suspended.

The easiest way to understand what is the difference between a swing for giving on a photo: it becomes clearly visible what they are.

Suspended swing can be of various shapes. They can also be made from various materials. Their main feature is that they are suspended from a tree or another structure located at a sufficient height.

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Swings, free-standing, work on the same principle as regular outboards. But they are distinguished by the presence of a specially designed structure for hanging the seat itself.

Making different types of swings differs in that for those who are standing alone, it is necessary to additionally assemble the structure for hanging.

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Free-standing wooden swing: the necessary materials and tools

It’s quite simple to make your own hands from wooden bars and boards. It is only necessary to stock up in advance with the necessary materials:

  • boards( thickness - 20 mm, length - 500 mm, width - 100 mm);
  • parallel bars( width - 50 × 50 mm);
  • hardware accessories( nails or screws);
  • pillars( diameter - 200 mm, length - 3000 mm).

The swing chair will be made directly from the planks and boards. The bars will be required when assembling the frame, the boards will act as a seat, armrests. Wooden poles will be needed as a suspended structure. Four of them are held together in such a way as to form the letter "X".

In addition to materials, you will need a number of tools for processing wood. Such tools include:

  • circular or regular saw;
  • grinder, plane;
  • hammer;
  • drill.

All this can usually be found in any garage. This minimal set of tools will be quite enough to build a summer children's swing with your own hands.

Seat fabrication

When making a country swing with your own hands, you should always begin to do this by assembling the seat frame and its subsequent upholstery. There is nothing difficult in this, it is only important to correctly observe the angles between the individual bars - they should all be equal to 90. This will allow to achieve the stability of the structure.

If the seat is long enough, then the rectangle obtained by drilling the bars must be reinforced with a crossbar or even two. The same individual parts can be connected both with the help of long nails and with the help of bolt nuts with washers. The use of the latter is somewhat more laborious, since it is necessary to drill holes and then insert bolts into them. But this fastener is optimal, as it allows to achieve maximum strength.

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When the framework is ready, it is necessary to upholster it with wooden boards. As a fastener, you can use nails and screws, as the board will go to the minimum load. Also, special attention should be paid to the armrests - they should be fastened as tightly as possible, since the suspension system will be attached to them later.

Suspensions for swings

An equally important part of this design are suspensions. They are the ones who make swings.

The following materials and objects are necessary for their manufacture:

  • two pieces of a long chain:
  • bolts, nuts and washers of sufficient size;
  • drill.

With a drill, you need to drill holes( 4 pcs.) In the armrests - two in each. You can also drill one of the holes in the armrest, and the other in the back. After that, bolts are passed through the holes and the chains are attached to the swing itself. Further, with their direct installation, you should adjust the length of the chains so that the seat is level. Drawings of swing for summer houses made of wood materials, which can be easily found on the Internet, usually contain detailed instructions for assembling suspensions.

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The final step in manufacturing a swing for the garden is to build a suspended structure. It is usually made from several wooden boards or simply logs.

For assembly, you will need:

  • logs( 5 pcs.);
  • long nails, bolts, screws;
  • carbines( 2 pcs.).

When everything is prepared, it is necessary to connect the logs in pairs crosswise so that the crossing point is at a sufficient height from the ground.

Such a height is the length at which the chain attached to the crossmember will not reach the ground approximately one meter. The logs themselves must be interconnected as firmly as possible.

After the made crossings are fastened with a crossbar, it is necessary to dig them into the ground. This is necessary for the best possible fixation. It is advisable to first check whether the fabricated structure can withstand a weight in the range of 150 kg - most often this value is sufficient.

In order for the swings to last for a long time, it is necessary to cover them with an anticorrosive compound. And also to paint - it will not only make them less susceptible to moisture, but also create a presentable look.

Last but not least, the swing seat itself should be fixed - this is done with the help of pre-mounted carbines.

After performing all the above operations and drying the paint, you can start using the swing for its intended purpose.

How to make a swing for children with their own hands( video)

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