Easy-to-care tradescantia on your windowsill

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Unpretentious fast-growing tradescan uncovering for you. Simple home care for Tradescantia, decorative foliage and frequent flowering are three main reasons why for many decades these herbaceous perennials became habitues both in the premises and in the garden plots.

Medium-sized plants with mostly creeping stems in nature are found on the American continent, where they inhabit regions from temperate latitudes to tropics. Tradescantia well adapted to habitat conditions. In arid areas, you can see plants with dense leaves, the pile on which does not allow the precious moisture to evaporate. In wet places there are species with succulent stems and such bright glossy foliage.

The undemanding room tradescantia, a variety of ornamental species and varieties attract the attention of both beginners and experienced flower growers. And more recently, garden tradescantia has appeared in Russian gardens, which is no different from home relatives either by its attractiveness or responsiveness to care.

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Caring for Tradescantia at Home

Requirements for the conditions of tradescantia vary depending on their natural habitat. Hairy plants with dense and thick foliage are more hardy. They tolerate direct sunlight better and are less dependent on the frequency of irrigation.

Indoor Tradescantia with smooth thin leaves like penumbra and grow best in moderately moist soil. At the same time variegated varieties demanding lighting. Under the bright sun they turn pale, and in the shade they risk losing the pattern and become completely green.

Best for room tradescantia, as in the photo, to find a place on the east or west window. On the southern side, the plant will need shading, and on the north - there is a danger:

  • excessive stretching of the shoots;
  • leaf reduction;
  • lack of flowering;
  • rapid loss of decoration.
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using photos and descriptions Most species are thermophilic, but in the summer months it is useful to take out the tradescantia on the balcony, garden or loggia, after protecting the pot from the scorching sun and drafts.

A comfortable temperature for Tradescantia ranges from 20 to 25 ° C with summer time, and several degrees lower in winter. Although cold wintering is preferred, in many cases indoor tradescantia grows well without a seasonal change in conditions. Air becomes critically cold for plants at a temperature of 10–12 ° C.

Many Tradescantia, besides the indigenous inhabitants of semi-deserts, are excellent at keeping in wet ground and in the warm season require frequent and abundant watering, foliage irrigation, and shower. Earthen room after watering should be evenly wet. Since the next procedure usually dries up only the top layer, in the summer room tradescantia is watered at least every other day.

Culture is characterized by rapid growth, therefore, home care must be supplemented with top dressing. They are held in the summer months and in the spring with an interval of 10-14 days. Ready-made complex fertilizers for indoor crops are quite suitable for a plant, but a varied approach will have to be found for variegated forms. Due to the abundance of organic matter, such indoor tradescantia is actively increasing its foliage, although it may lose its decorative variegated green color.

Pruning, reproduction and transplantation of room tradescantia

The rapid growth and the formation of beautiful ampelous sprouts is an important advantage of tradescantia. But in order to keep the Tradescantia room, as in the photo, to retain its form and attractiveness, the stems and the central part of the plant do not look bare, the plant must be pinched and renewed often, forcing it to bush as actively as possible.

Pruning sprouts can be cut throughout the warm season. The apical cuttings used for vegetative propagation of the Tradescantia are well rooted in ordinary water, after which several pieces are planted in their own pots or used to rejuvenate the mother plant. If it is decided to use the stem segments as saplings, their length should be at least 5 cm.

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With proper care at home, tradescantia, as in the photo, is very quickly restored after trimming, and the seedlings are turnedin adult fluffy specimens blooming in the second or third year.

For planting new and transplanting existing tradescantia one should not take an overly nutritious, organic-rich soil in which plants quickly "grow fat" and refuse to bloom.

It is best for an ampelous "American" to purchase a ready substrate for indoor plants or to mix leaf and soddy soil in equal shares, adding sand and a little peat to looseness. At the bottom of the pot make a powerful drainage layer. The transplantation of the tradescantia during care at home is carried out in the spring as the bush grows old and the root system grows.

Cultivation and care of the garden tradescantia

In room conditions, ampelous species are most popular with gardeners. And garden Tradescantia are actively flowering perennials, forming dense green caps at the expense of erect shoots 20 to 50 cm long during growth.

The most common garden tradescanthias, as in the photo, are considered to be hybrid plants combined into a single species, “Virgin tradescantia”.They:

  • grow rapidly in a moderately warm European summer;
  • bloom profusely, giving a lot of white, purple, blue and bright blue flowers;
  • stand out against the background of other plants with a variegated foliage color from rich green and gray to purple and even yellow.
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Due to different growing conditions, caring for a garden tradescantia is different from the care that plants receive at home.

Flowers planted on flowerbeds and borders cannot be moved or moved to another place if their tender leaves are in deep shadow or in the July sun. Therefore, the site for the garden Tradescantia is chosen very carefully.

It is optimal if the plant has a place in the penumbra where the earth will be moist for a long time, but at the same time be ventilated. All Tradescantia very poorly tolerate drought. This is important to consider not only when planting garden tradescantia, in the photo, but also when leaving it.

Before planting the plant in the ground, the soil is fertilized, making a full dose of the complex mineral remedy. Then feeding is carried out already in liquid form every 10 days. The soil under the flowers is moistened in the morning or evening when there is no threat of sunburn for the leaves of the plant.

In the middle zone, the garden tradescantia survive even severe winters, for which they either cover or simply cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant. This is a fundamental difference compared to the care of Tradescantia at home, the difference in the cultivation of garden varieties. With the onset of spring and the awakening of dormant buds above the ground new fresh shoots are shown.

Spring is a very good time for the propagation of the garden tradescantia. This is done by dividing an adult bush. During the spring and the first half of summer, young plants can be obtained by grafting. Apical parts of shoots with 2-3 internodes are neatly cut and rooted in a greenhouse. The roots are formed in just 15–20 days, and the young Tradescantia can be planted in a permanent place.

Video about the care of tradescantia

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