Features care kaladiumom and description of its varieties

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Add a collection of indoor mistress plants mustcaladiumIts spectacular heart-shaped or arrow-shaped leaves growing from the roots look elegant even in the most modest interior. The luxurious color of this member of the Aroid family brings pompousness to any room or greenhouse. The most distant from gardening person will admire this nature masterpiece. Read about: perennial primrose, its planting and care in the open field.

It is worth remembering that this exotic specimen is known for its “obstinate temper”, so you need to explore all the subtleties of home care for the Caladium. It is also not superfluous to consider the famous varieties of the species

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With this tropical bush you can safely decorate a flower bed or a lawn. In the shade of a tree with a not very thick crown, it will look presentable.

General characteristics of

The first thing that catches the eye of housewives is the look of the pot. They carefully consider its leaves as well as its inflorescences.

Leaf Shape

Depending on the variety, this perennial has a different leaf shape. The most famous are:

  1. In the shape of a heart. Familiar to many under his second name - "the heart of Christ."
  2. As thin as possible, almost triangular.
  3. Like an arrowhead or spear.
  4. Large and wide, like the ears of an elephant.

They do not have a pronounced stem. The leaves grow straight from the rhizome. In the natural environment, they reach 5 meters, and decorative specimens - only up to 30 cm.

Combat coloring

Appreciate this variety of Aroids for an amazing combination of bright colors. Although green is very small, it is still dominant. In this case, the leaves are both dark-marsh and greenish-white tone. They often depict “compositions” of:

  • patterns;
  • streak;
  • mosaic ornaments;
  • grid pattern;
  • abstract spots;
  • gradation of shades( smooth transition from one to another).

A distinctive feature of some species is a contrasting multicolor edging. In rare cases, the edge of the leaves may be slightly wavy. Among other things, Caladium seduces with its extraordinary combination of bright colors, such as:

  • purple;
  • pink;
  • silver;
  • Crimson;
  • yellow.
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This is not a complete list of color variations. The only thing that leaves never go with a bluish tinge.

The plant is poisonous. Contact with juice on the skin can cause an allergic reaction( rash, redness).Therefore, the pot should be kept away from kids.


They can be characterized in two words: miniature and inconspicuous. The flowering resembles an ashen hunk, enveloped in a pale palanquin. It seems as if he is in a cocoon. For lovers of exotic inflorescences will be associated with the wild tropics.

Collection of Varieties

At home there are up to 15 popular varieties of flower Kaladium. Each of them is different in appearance, tubers, as well as conditions of detention. Here are some of the famous varieties.

The soil should have a loose and coarse-fibrous structure, but sufficiently nutritious. The acidity of the soil is neutral.


The shape of the leaves faintly resembles a heart. The plate is 15 cm long and 12 cm wide. Their base is oval or elliptical.

The lower part of the leaf plate is colored in light tones: white or pink. On the edges there is a greenish border. Between the pink veins, patterns of silvery shade show through the flowery form. In another embodiment, the veins may be cream colored. The edge of the plant has a bright green color.


Popularly known as the two-color arum. The matchless combination of two contrasting shades of red and green makes the triangular leaves a highlight of the greenhouse. At the same time there are varieties with white pigmentation.

Pink spots on a dark background look sophisticated and romantic. For the bedroom, this will be an exceptional choice of decor.

Large leaves look elegant on thin stems. Their width is 10-19 cm, and the length is more than 30 cm. This decorative flower, the caladium, will perfectly fit into the empty corner of the living room. Humboldt's

As the name implies, the metallic shade of silver comes in an additional color to dark green. Patterned are shapeless spots of different caliber. The central and lateral veins are always made of green.

At the peak of growth, the length of the leaves of this species is 8 cm, and the width is 5 cm. They have an ovoid shape with a built-up edge. Since the foliage is small, from 10 to 25 units can fit in one pot.

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These are the most famous and popular varieties. In addition, rare, but at the same time more luxurious species were bred. Among them is Caladium, some of the photos are below:

  1. Florida "Sweetheart", "Sunrise" and "Red Ruffles".
  2. Caroline Worthon.
  3. "Pink Beauty".
  4. Fani Manson.
  5. "Candy land".
  6. Scarlet Pimpernel.
  7. Rosalia.

The Florida variety is distinguished by an oblong leaf shape. Scarlet streaks - a characteristic feature of the group. A unique type of the Aroid family - Rosalia. Due to the glossy surface of brown-red color with dark edging, this flower looks elegant.

As already noted, these exotic varieties are very picky. Thus, it is important to learn some of the features of planting, as well as care for the caladium.

Secrets of care: from planting to hibernation

Home care of this type must be carefully thought out and planned. It is always necessary to carefully monitor:

  • soil condition;
  • temperature;
  • lighting;
  • humidity.

Looking after it, you need to consider that the Amazon rainforest is the birthplace of this plant. Such an understanding will help create decent conditions for it.

Secrets of the content of

The main thing that needs to be done when caring for Caladium at home( photos of all the subtleties are given below) is to protect it from cold and direct sunlight.

Pot should be placed on the windows in the western or eastern part of the house. After all, this variety prefers shady habitat.

In order for a houseplant to thrive, it is important to constantly maintain the following parameters normally:

  1. Temperature. In the summer, the thermometer should not fall below 21-25 ° C, and in winter - 16 ° C.
  2. Humidity. Need to keep it as high as possible.
  3. Soil. The land should contain the following elements: peat, perennial humus, hardwood waste, sand.
  4. Spraying using an spray gun. This procedure should be carried out so that the dew gently settled on the leaves. Therefore, it is necessary to splash around or above it, then there will be no brown pigmentation on the leaves.
  5. Watering. To do this, you need to use settled water and, preferably, it was soft.
  6. Fertilizer .Mineral dressing needs kaladiumu spring and summer, two times a month. In the period of hibernation, it should be stopped.
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The resting season begins in August, so do not worry if the leaves begin to fall. New shoots will appear in March. But so that they begin to grow, you need to periodically( 1-2 times per month) to moisturize the tubers, so that they do not wrinkle. As a result, by the spring they will be ready for transplantation.

An ideal way to maintain soil moisture is a pallet. It can be filled with gravel, moss or expanded clay.

Reproduction of

. It can be done in two ways: using tubers and seeds. Of course, in the latter case this process will take longer. To do this, take a tank with a peat-sand substrate, and sow the seeds. The resulting mini plantation should be covered with a glass lid. If you water 2-3 times a week and air it, then in a month sprouts will ascend. By September, the tubers themselves are formed.

With an annual transplant should do prevention of late blight. To do this, you can use a new generation of fungicides.

The most rapid breeding method is tubers. They should be transplanted in late winter or early spring. It is necessary to observe all the details of the procedure:

  1. Carefully separate the tubers. Large specimens should be cut in half or into 4 pieces, depending on the number of buds.
  2. Charcoal can be used as a powder for slices.
  3. The soil should contain sand and peat.
  4. Replant them to the pot more than the former.
  5. It is important to place seedlings in a warm and well-lit place.
  6. Watering should be done as the soil dries.

In winter, the flower may start to rot. Damaged areas must be cut off by treating the surface with some kind of powder-type fungicide.

All this will allow an exotic plant to feel at home. However, it is important to remember that his main enemy is aphid. Finding this pest, it is important to thoroughly wash the leaves under running water. When they dry, they should be treated with insecticides.

With this care, this flower will delight its owners for many years. It will create comfort in the room, as well as a great view in the living room.

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