Ways to make pots of cement do it yourself

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The design of the garden plot is an important step that allows you to transform the fabric and cement pots

The design of the garden plot is an important step that allows you to transform the fabric and cement pots

The design of the garden plot is an important step that allows you to transform the fabric and cement pots Asd910the whole work of art. It is not difficult to make pots of cement with your own hands - a master class will allow you to master the technique of making various options. This kind of flowerpots for growing flowers. They make the vegetation brighter and more unusual, add sophistication and style to the overall design.

Garden pots for cement

If you want to make a pot of cement with your own hands for the garden, then you should first consider the important rules and features of the process of its manufacture. It is quite simple, but still there are some principles that must be followed.

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For the manufacture of pots or a large pot, you will need to prepare the following components:

  • is a plastic base form, the size of the diameter should be 53 cm, and the height - 23 cm;
  • for the solution will require white cement, perlite( agroperlite), high peat;
  • oilcloth or cellophane, it is required to take a bag or a cut that will cover the entire surface of the plastic container;
  • metal wire frame or reinforcement;
  • brush for stripping.

To make a pot of cement with your own hands, it is worth considering a master class that takes place in several stages:

  1. First you need to make a solution. It will require 2 parts of white cement, one part of perlite( agroperlite) and two parts of top peat. For measurements it is better to use a bucket with a volume of one and a half liters.
  2. Next, the dry components are filled with water and stirred until a homogeneous consistency is formed with a thick structure.
  3. At the bottom and walls of a plastic flowerpot we line cellophane or film. It should completely cover the tank to the very top.
  4. When spreading cellophane, it is important to straighten it, it must be even, otherwise incomplete folds and bumps will remain on the finished product.
  5. First of all, lay out the solution on the bottom of the pot, level it well. The thickness of the layer should be 4 cm, you can control it with a match or a toothpick.
  6. To make the structure strong, it is required to install a metal wire frame or reinforcement.
  7. Since the product should be large, the solution will need to be kneaded fractionally, in parts. In general, it will take about 4-5 batches.
  8. Be sure to plan a drain hole. To make it you need to put a cork on the bottom, which is pre-wrapped in a film.
  9. After the entire surface of the container is lined with cement, everyone is covered with a film and left to stand for about 10 days. During this period, the cement mixture will harden and pick up strength.
  10. If the surface dries out, it should be moistened a little.
  11. After about 8 days, you will need to check availability. To do this, the surface of the cement needs to be tapped slightly, if the sound is not deaf, then the pots are removed from the container along with the film;
  12. Next, the surface of the product is brushed with a metal brush.

If you want to make a color flowerpots, then this will require the purchase of special dyes. To do this, each part of the cement is painted in a certain color and laid out in parts.

How to make a pot of cement and fabric

For decorating the site, you can use a variety of elements - pots, vases, pots. They can be done by hand, the more homemade products are bright and original. For this reason, you need to know how to make a pot of cement and cloth. This will allow you to perform a real work of art from scrap materials.

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To make a pot of cloth and cement with your own hands you will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. The basis for the preparation of the solution. It is better to use the budget option - Portland cement M400.
  2. Procurement. As it can be used tulle, terry towel, burlap. It is desirable to use a relief fabric, it will allow you to make a brighter and more unusual pots.
  3. Any paint for concrete surfaces. As it can be used acrylic, water-epoxy, polymer, vinyl, acrylic-silicone or lime paint mixture.
  4. Paint brushes.
  5. Wrap film made of polyethylene with a fine structure. As this component, you can use a simple stretch film.
  6. The form in which pots of rags and cement will be made with their own hands. For this perfect conical bucket or any other container that has a conical and pyramidal shape.
  7. Capacity in which cement will be mixed.
  8. For mixing the solution, you can use an electric drill with a mixer nozzle.
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The process of making cement pots with your own hands does not have any particular difficulties, this will help a detailed master class. It consists of several stages:

  1. Pre-form for pots, it is recommended to wrap the film completely. This is required for the convenience and ability to remove the finished product from cement.
  2. A cement solution is made in the tank. First of all, water is poured, cement is poured into it. By means of a drill with a nozzle mixer the solution is mixed.
  3. The finished solution should not be too thick, the consistency of it should resemble something between milk and sour cream.
  4. A cloth is dipped into the mortar; it must be completely immersed in the cement base.
  5. It is better to leave the fabric in cement for a while so that it is well soaked.
  6. Next, the workpiece is removed from the solution and is piled on the bucket. The edges should be straightened, folds can be created to make the pots more vivid and original.
  7. After about 3 days, the pots can be removed from the tank.
  8. The surface of the product is painted with any paint that is intended for concrete.

Flower pots in the form of shoe

Worth noting! On the site will look beautiful and unusual pots in the form of shoes. It will give the vegetation elegance and grace, and the garden transformed beyond recognition. Of course, manufacturing will take time and effort, but the result is worth it.

To make a shoe-shaped cache, it is worth preparing the required elements and materials:

  • plastic canisters;
  • thread with a thick structure;
  • screws;
  • wide adhesive tape or tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • several packs of newspapers;
  • base for mortar - cement and sand;
  • water;
  • egg trays.
Read also: Useful decoration of the cottage and home - flower pots

If you do not know how to make a shoe pots of cement, the master class will be able to provide a quick and easy mastering of manufacturing techniques. Especially on the Internet you can find a detailed video describing the process.

So, the whole work consists of several stages:

  • for work will need two canisters for 10 liters and one for 1 liter;
  • along the lines that are drawn on the canister, cut off, and leave one intact;
  • we install on the side of one canister another and fasten it with screws, and then we wrap it up with tape;
  • further down the construction, several holes need to be made, this is necessary to ensure drainage;
  • with the help of small pieces of newspapers, PVA glue and papier-mâché equipment, we give the product the shape of a shoe;
  • then the solution is made, it is made of 1 part of the mixture, 3 parts of sand and water, mix well;
  • after the form of the newspapers is ready, we screw the screws along the entire bottom surface from two sides and tighten them with threads, this will ensure the best stability of the cement mortar on the surface of the form;
  • pre-form can be treated with a primer;
  • then apply the cement on all surfaces and smooth it well, leave the product until it is completely dry;
  • after the shoe dries and becomes durable, it must be sanded;
  • at the end we cover with a special paint for concrete.

Ready shoe pots in the form of a shoe can be used as a decoration of the garden plot. He will give it brightness and positive notes. The vegetation in it will look stylish, elegant.

Making pots made from cement and rags is an exciting experience that will entice many. This product will be able to do everything, even those who have never done designs of this type before. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions and basic rules of manufacture.

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