The composition and characteristics of the selection of feed for chickens

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Properly selected from the first days of life, the diet for chickens is the key to rapid growth, good health and steady weight gain. That is why a balanced, meeting the needs of poultry feed for chickens is confidently gaining popularity among owners of large and small household farms.

By becoming the basis of the menu, literally from the first days of the chick's life, with minimal effort, mixed feed allows to achieve:

  • to strengthen the immunity of the population, improve its overall health and reduce the risk of common infections;
  • simplify care by saving time on cooking mash and wet food;
  • reduction of non-eaten and soured food gone on time;
  • accelerating growth and weight gain;
  • facilitate feed rationing.
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In addition, the composition of compound feed for chickens is designed for the fastest and most complete absorption. In this case, not only the components responsible for the nutritional value of the feed are usually included in the finished mixture, but also its vitamin content, as well as mineral supplements calculated for a certain age.

When choosing feed for chickens, you need to remember that with age, the needs of the birds change. Therefore, for feeding chicks and young stock, the nutritional value of the mixture of different composition and size of granules has been developed.

When transferring poultry to dry feed, they most often turn to a two- or three-stage system that includes feed for chickens Start, Growth and Finish. Initial or starter mixes are most important for chicks, as they are the ones that contribute to future health and growth. The most popular ready-made products of this kind include feed for chickens PC 5 and full-feed mix Sun.

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Compound feed for chickens Sun

Complete feed contains all the necessary for the full development of young poultry. The sunshine with a harmonious nutritional composition can be used to feed not only chickens, but also other small pets, such as turkey poults, goslings and ducklings, from a very early age.

. Despite the fact that the price of the compound feed Sun for chickens is higher than the cost of the components of the traditional “wet” diet, the results favor the use of complex balanced mixtures.

Not only do chicks grow more actively, compound feed is easily and fully absorbed, without causing any intestinal discomfort even in very young chicks. There are no artificial colors or preservatives, antibiotics and other components in the mixture, which often cause complaints to poultry farmers.

Compound feed for chickens PK 5

One of the most well-known ready-made feeds is compound feed for chickens PC 5, designed for the first days of poultry growth. This is a complete diet, allowing for the shortest possible time to raise the livestock on its feet and create a reserve for future growth.

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Like Sun, PC 5 is used not only for feeding chickens. This feed can be given to quails, turkey poults and other types of poultry, and used as a component of a two- or three-phase feeding system:

  1. From 1 to 30 days the chicks receive PC 5, and then the transition to the finishing feed occurs.
  2. From 1 to 14 days chickens are given PK 5, then the bird is transferred to animal feed for growth, and from one month of age the livestock is fed with the finishing mixture.

The Start feed for meat breeding chickens included:

  • corn - about 37%;
  • soybean meal - up to 30%;
  • wheat - up to 20%;
  • vegetable oil and rapeseed cake - 6%;
  • beet molasses - about 2%;
  • chalk, amino acids, salt, phosphate, soda, vitamin premix - 2–5%.

Compound feed for chickens PK 6

As the final composition, you can use compound feed for chickens, which consists of components aimed at the earliest weight gain. Proper feeding of this mixture can give a gain of up to 52 grams per day, while the particle size is somewhat larger than in the feed for chickens.

The composition of feed for chickens PK-6 includes:

  • corn - 23%;
  • wheat - 46%;
  • soybean meal - 15%;
  • fish or meat and bone meal –5%;
  • cake from sunflower seeds - 6%;
  • vegetable oil - 2.5%;
  • chalk, sodium chloride, vitamin premix - 2.5%.
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How to give feed for chickens?

The use of ready-made feeds at the basis of the diet suggests that:

  • in the first five days of life the bird receives feed 6 to 8 times a day;
  • up to two weeks of age; feeding is carried out 4 times a day;
  • from the third week of chickens transferred to two meals a day.

The daily consumption rate of feed for chicken depends on the age and condition of the poultry.

In the fifth week, the younger youngsters already receive 110–120 grams per day, and in one and a half months nestlings of meat breeds eat 170 grams daily.

Finished feed for chickens can be used as the sole component of the diet, as well as supplemented with wet mash, grass and other products.

We must not forget that the bird must be given gravel and fresh water. For chickens up to five days of age, potassium permanganate is added to the drink. The remaining 40 minutes after the distribution of food is removed.

Compound feed for chickens with your own hands

If the poultry farmer is frightened by the price of ready-made feed, or similar products are difficult to get in the countryside, you can get an equally impressive result with the help of home-made feed.

You can do feed for chickens with your own hands, using the recipe of an industrial design or selecting the mixture according to your own understanding. The main thing is that it satisfies all the needs of the growing bird.

Cooking feed for chickens - video

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