Original storage of toys: types, ideas, practical advice

Contents:Fabric Basket
  • Solid wooden container
  • Unusual construction from thick paper
  • Organization and storage of toys - video

  • When a new man appears in the family, parents arrange a room for him with wisdom and prudence. And, of course, they understand that the storage of toys is an important part of the interior of children's space. With them, he will be "friends" for many years, constantly replenishing the stock. Parents should think in advance where the child will add their values. Is it convenient for him to get them? Is it easy for him to tidy them up to keep the room tidy?

    To date, there are many ways to accommodate children's things, and some of them can be made independently. Having got acquainted closer with each of them, it is easier to estimate their advantages and to notice shortcomings. And over time, make a wise choice.

    Keeping toys:

    original ideas Teach your child to order reasonable parents try from infancy.“Each toy has its place,” they regularly remind. Obedient kids proudly put their values ​​in a safe place. Storing toys in the children's room involves a certain system that must be planned in advance.

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    As you know, the arsenal of items for games is quite wide. It includes:

    • soft toys;
    • plastic beater;
    • dolls;
    • typewriter;
    • balls;
    • balls;
    • educational games;
    • constructor;
    • coloring book.

    It is impossible to remember absolutely all the valuable items of young children. But take care of a place to store toys under the force of each parent.

    When choosing a suitable design, you should take into account the child's age, temperament, gender, and safety measures.

    Of course, it is much easier to install capacious storages in a huge room than in a small one. Fortunately, modern technologies help to equip convenient storage of toys in such rooms. Consider several designs.

    Spacious shelves

    Shelf racks are often used to save room space or zoning. They are built along a wall or as a partition of space. Compact containers for children's trophies are placed at the bottom of the structure. These can be:

    • boxes;
    • baskets;
    • retractable containers.

    A television or a stereo system is installed in the center of the structure, and lockers for rarely used items are placed on the top. Such furniture for toys in the nursery purchased in specialized stores.

    Stylish baskets

    Wicker containers that can be put on a low cabinet look original in the interior. Even if the baby does not reach them, they put toys there that are temporarily not interesting to him. These baskets also wonderfully fit into the bottom of the rack.

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    Some parents install shelves on the wall, which put the basket with toys. This design is a kind of decoration of the children's room, where toys are in the most prominent place. The only negative is that small objects will quickly gather dust if they are not covered with a beautiful cape.

    When installing shelves on a wall, you should use reliable methods of fasteners. Otherwise, they can harm the baby who will fold or take toys from baskets.

    Cute pockets

    Cute pockets stand out among all sorts of toy storage ideas. Often they make their own hands. To do this, use the materials at hand:

    • thick fabric;
    • polyethylene;
    • knitting thread;
    • rope for macrame.

    Depending on the size of the objects, toy pockets come in different sizes. Small options of polyethylene attached to the wall of a wooden structure. There stack:

    • small parts designer;
    • mosaic elements;
    • handicraft items;
    • paints, pencils;
    • scissors;
    • plasticine;
    • jump rope.

    Stuffed toys, cars, dolls and their accessories will fit into bulk fabric bags. Such storage of toys trying to put in the field of the child. As a result, he can easily get them out and put them in order to keep the room tidy.

    Homemade bag for a children's treasury

    For several years of life, a child accumulates many valuable items for leisure. Solve the issue helps homemade volumetric design. This is a picture bag for toys. To sew it will require:

    • a piece of cloth;
    • polyethylene of dense structure;
    • thread;
    • scissors;
    • sewing machine.

    The design consists of three elements: the base( bottom), lace and the main part. First, two round pieces are cut out of the piece of fabric. They are the dense bottom of the product. Then cut out the main part, given the selected width and height of the repository. Make a stitch at the top and draw a cord into it. With the help of a sewing machine connect the prepared parts. Bag for toys ready.

    The size of the structure should be chosen in accordance with the number of items to be stored.


    The first thing that comes to mind when you need to quickly hide something is to put it under the bed. Small children do just that. Therefore, reasonable parents solve this issue with a drawer for toys under the bed. Often, these designs are sold in furniture stores. But skillful guys make their own hands.

    Drawers can be installed in the lower tier of the crib, which is climbed the stairs. It is equipped with a playing area, where everything you need is at hand.

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    Box on wheels

    In order to implement this simple idea, you will need to take a wooden box and wheels from a skateboard. With the help of a special fastener, the parts connect and get the original mobile chest. Not only small toys can be put into it, but also three-dimensional constructors, cars, dolls. It will be convenient for the baby to use such storage at any time of the day.

    Bench with a Secret This original idea allows you to combine the interior of the children's room with a place for toys. The bench is placed under the window or wall, where it occupies a small area. And under it is mounted a roomy box. It can be on wheels, retractable or sliding along guides. The advantage of the design is that it is easy to get objects out of there and put them in their places.

    Ability to show skill - storage with their own hands

    Almost all parents are faced with a problem: if there are young children in the house, it is very difficult to achieve order. Wherever you look, toys are scattered everywhere. On the floor, under the cot, on the windowsills and even behind the TV.Fortunately, this issue is easily solved by enterprising people. Armed with tools, they create with their own hands a variety of toy storage systems for their favorite children.

    Each design should harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the room. Be spacious, safe and affordable for the baby.

    Wooden box

    For the manufacture of such storage will need simple tools and materials:

    • screwdriver;
    • screws;
    • scissors;
    • chipboard panel;
    • Roulette;
    • wooden blocks for legs;
    • wheels( optional);
    • decor for exterior trim( fabric, paint, color film).

    Of course, a man with at least some skills in carpentry can make a box for children's toys with his own hands. He easily connects the necessary parts with a screwdriver. Attach the legs or wheels to the base and the box is ready.

    Mom will be happy to design the design. It will glue the container with a colored film, and inside it will make a fabric covering. Reliable storage is ready.


    In appearance, this product resembles a box, but they are made of thick cardboard. The main advantage is that the baby will be able to turn the storage on his own and take any item from there. The box for toys with the hands depicted in the photo helps to present this product in action.

    For its manufacture you need:

    • large packing box;
    • scissors or sharp knife;
    • adhesive tape;
    • self-adhesive film with a beautiful pattern;
    • adhesive;
    • kids gift package.

    First of all, cut off the top of the box. The edges are glued with adhesive tape, and the sides, the inner surface and the bottom - with a self-adhesive film. From the colorful gift bag cut out flowers, animals and cartoon characters. Then gently glued to the side as a decorative ornament.

    For girls, the box can be decorated with various bows, ribbons or balls.

    Fabric Basket

    Such storage is made from any kind of fabric. The main thing is that the tones are not catchy and not annoying the baby. To sew a children's basket for toys with their own hands will need:

    • sewing machine;
    • scissors;
    • thread:
    • flizelin;
    • fabric.
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    When the material is at hand get down to business. First cut out a square billet. Then it is properly glued with interlining for density and shape. Handles are made of fabric and then sewn to the workpiece. Fast, easy and original.

    For the product it is desirable to use different types and colors of fabrics.

    Solid wooden container

    The most durable storage of toys - a product made from natural material. It will be able to rest the valuables of more than one generation of children and be handed over as a trophy. To make a wooden container for toys with your own hands, you need to take the following materials:

    • boards;
    • plywood;
    • additional details from old furniture.

    First of all, even experienced craftsmen make a sketch of the future product on paper. Then prepare the tools:

    • hammer;
    • drill;
    • screwdriver;
    • fasteners;
    • hinges;
    • saw;
    • wood glue.

    From the prepared materials make the side walls( 4 pieces), cover and bottom. Next, using fasteners( screws) are combined into a single structure. Hinges are mounted for the cover. The finished storage is painted with various patterns or painted in different colors.

    All wooden surfaces must be carefully polished to protect your baby from unexpected injuries.

    Unusual construction of thick paper

    Often, after buying a refrigerator or a TV, there remains the packaging, which is a shame to be thrown away. But for caring parents, this is a great find. Do-it-yourself making a rack for toys out of the boxes is not easy, but worth it. There are materials, it remains to buy paint, glue, decor, self-adhesive film, kraft paper and prepare the tool:

    • stationery knife;
    • jigsaw for durable cardboard;
    • construction or regular hair dryer;
    • remnants of unused wallpaper.

    Using cutting tools, first cut out the design and make deep shelves for toys. Then they are joined together, turning into a beautiful shelving. A few strokes of decoration and storage is ready.

    A similar structure can be constructed from several cardboard boxes. To do this, they are glued side by side, and then set on each other. The finished design is made with a special color film. This rack, though not very durable, but can serve for several years as a temporary repository of valuable things baby.

    Organization and storage of toys - video

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