Growing parsley for sale

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video Demand for spicy vitamin 100% of freshly grown green tea on a piece of freshly cleaned on a healthy tea on a tableHowever, in the summer many people can grow parsley for sale and for their own consumption. Therefore, for commercial production, it is necessary to choose a year-round cycle. In the offseason, the demand and price for vitamin greens are much higher.

Particularities of parsley business

When composing a business plan for growing parsley, it is necessary to take into account, the costs will be paid off and will be profitable if a number of conditions are met:

  • summer area for parsley is no less than a hundred;
  • prepared in advance a place for the sale of fresh greens;
  • greenhouse built in the winter version with heating and lighting;
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  • allocated space in the apartment with the necessary arrangements;
  • seed material of its own production or purchased in bulk;
  • is a specialist in growing vegetables.

A stable supply of green mass can be ensured only with the knowledge of plant agrotechnology. In the mass cultivation of green leaves before cutting should be healthy and attractive to buyers. Parsley should come to the realization of fresh. It can be stored in a cool place for no more than a week, losing its flavor. In order to make a big profit, you need to achieve a high rate of cultivation of parsley in the greenhouse.

Business will be more efficient if at the same time with parsley engaged in forcing onions, growing early-growing lettuce and dill. Complex deliveries in sales centers are valued more.

Agrotechnika plants

Parsley is of two kinds, leaf and root. Greens from both species are equally useful, but the root parsley additionally has a valuable root crop. Leaf varieties have forms with smooth leaves and corrugated. In the off-season smooth parsley is in great demand, it is believed that it is more fragrant.

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Parsley seeds are tight. For quick germination, they need to be brought to the stage of the crooked and then sown in the prepared nutrient soil. In the future, under favorable conditions, the greens will grow up to the first removal of two months, and later the gradual harvesting from one bush can continue for a month. How quickly parsley grows for sale depends on the development conditions.

Seeds germinate at a temperature of 3-4, and seedlings withstand a drop to -9, but not for long. Comfortable temperature for plant development is 15 degrees. After 20 it develops worse, so in the summer parsley grows well in the shade. The soil should be moderately wet. The soil composition is prepared as a loose and fertile mixture with the addition of biohumus. At the same time, you should know that parsley does not tolerate fresh organic matter and nitrogen fertilizers should occupy a small part in top dressings.

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For early spring greenery will require the use of greenhouses, and in the fall - greenhouses. In such shelters it is better to grow leafy early varieties, since the root is not in great demand. The obtained roots in the fall should be stored in the sand and used for the next year as seed plants and for forcing green mass at home.

Water the plant moderately, but often. When grown in the winter, obligatory illumination with special lamps with the spectrum necessary for plants is required.

Growing parsley in the greenhouse

In order to make better use of expensive heating circuit and lighting, the best way is growing in several tiers on the shelves. It is important:

  • to accelerate seedlings by pre-germination;
  • sow to a depth of 1 cm and leave a distance between rows of 30 cm;
  • thinning with a distance of 5 cm bushes;
  • watering moderate;
  • top dressing twice during the growing season with complex fertilizers.

Favorable temperature for winter cultivation of parsley is 18 degrees.

Before cutting off the green mass for a day, the plants need to be watered well so that the greens are juicy. You can keep the plants for a longer time, if removed from the roots and put in a plastic bag.

How to grow parsley at home

For home cultivation of parsley, you need to stock up on a light substrate with nutrients. In addition, special containers and racks will be required. The best way will be the forcing of a leaf of parsley from root crops harvested from the fall.

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It is not necessary to use the entire rod. It is enough to take half the floor with the top. When planting, you need to take care of drainage, so that there is no stagnant water in the containers. Watering parsley, you can not pour water into the middle, and the root should rise slightly above the ground.

Obtaining parsley seeds independently

If you take the parsley roots of last year and plant them, then within 45 days, in addition to the leaves, a parsley flower umbrella resembling dill will appear. Within 120-130 days it will develop and ripen seeds. Parsley seeds are small and easily peel off. At the same time, they can only be removed in a state of complete ripeness. Photos of parsley seeds show how difficult they are to collect.

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