5 tips for using the arch in interior design + photo


  1. 1. Variety of forms
  2. 2. Ways of using in the interior
  3. 3. Arch material depending on the style of the room
  4. 4. Decorating and decoration
  5. 5. Non-standard forms of arches

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you mentionarch? Of course, the ancient castles of fairy tales, which fascinate their greatness and beauty. But why not give your apartment a special atmosphere,using the archatdesignherinterior.

1. Variety of forms

ArchIs an architectural element of a curved shape that serves as an overlapping of a through or blind opening in a wall or a span between two supports. She came to us from ancient Rome. Already in the III century BC. Archs were used as overlapping large spans of various structures, for example bridges. For some reason, at that time people thought it was much easier to builda semicircular span,This is more than the usual rectangular for us. There is a verymany formsarches, as simple, that and more complex.

  • Triangulararch. Its arch is made in the form of a triangle with an obtuse angle at the apex. This arch is often called a three-hinged arch.
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  • Roundor semicircular arch has the shape of a half-arc and is the most common and often used element of the modern interior. It is a classical form of arches, which is otherwise called Roman.
  • Round flator the British arch is formed by a circle with a large radius, its arch is more gently sloping than that of a semicircular one.
  • Lancetor the broken arch is equilateral, compressed and flat. The arch is formed by two arcs, which meet at a certain angle. The arched arches in the Gothic architecture were widely used.
  • Three-bladeThe arch represents itself three semicircles with an elevated central one, which, as it were, rests on symmetrically arranged lateral ones.
  • Horseshoeor the Moorish arch, is a characteristic feature of Islamic architecture.
  • The three-centerThe arch in a cut resembles a half-oval. It is formed by three circles, the centers of which are at different levels. The central circle is the highest and has the largest radius, its center coincides with the axis of the span, and the two lateral circles are slightly higher than the axis, but have a smaller radius.
  • EllipticalThe arch repeats the shape of the fragment of the ellipse. It is slightly flattened from above, which allows it to be used in rooms with a low ceiling height.
  • ConcaveThe arch is formed by two circles, the arcs of which are directed with the convex side inward.
  • The keeledarch was like a Russian architect, its shape in cross section resembles the overturned keel of the ship.
  • Arch «Tudor»or a four-centered arch, has a sloping shape with a pointed top. These shallow arches were very popular in the era of the Tudors, after whom they were named.

Despite the chosen form, the idea of ​​using the arch in the interior is actively used by modern designers inany premises.This is one of the most aesthetic and unobtrusive wayscombinetworoomsor to separate a secluded corner for rest.

2. Ways of using in the interior

Using the arch instead of standard doorways will help not onlysave usable spacepremises, but also visually expand the boundaries and createa sense of spaciousness.This method is best used in small apartments.Arches can perform as a full-fledged role of overlap, and serve as a decorative element and be barely noticeable. Therefore, before choosing the shape and size, you needdecide onwith itsthe role ofin the general interior of the room.

  • DecorationRoom with an arch or a fragment of it is a classic design solution. Very often this element is used in hallways. When you go into any room, the first room you enter into is the corridor. Given the features of many houses, not every apartment can boast of havingspacious hall,from which you can see the other rooms. To visuallyimpartdepth placement andspaciousness,instead of the doorway leading from the hallway, for example, into the living room, it is preferable to use a wide arch with a shallow arch. Such a design will allowfillcorridorlightand revive the boring and ordinary interior.
  • Create a smooth transition.This method is very relevant for the transition from the hallway to the dining room. In some apartments, this transition is made in the form of a rectangle, over which there is an additional storage space, that is, mezzanines. If you do not wish to sacrifice them for the sake of the general beauty and aesthetics of this plot of the apartment, then boldly apply the arches of various shapes. If the height of the ceiling is not very large, then you can usesemicircular slopingshape. Using an arch will helpimpartThis transition is moreharmoniousand airview.For greater effect, you can add an archsupportsatform of columnsOn the sides.
  • CombinationLoggia with a bedroom or living room with a dining room with the help of an arch will make your interior more modern and harmonious. In the case of combining the living room and the kitchen, you can use an arch, one end of whichends with a bar counter.Thus, at the same time,zoningpremises.
  • Arch-nichein the interior looks like a small depression in the wall. Very effective in this way you canto allocate a berth,having arranged at the head of the bed a shallow arch of non-standard form.RecommendedSelect the width of the opening to the width of the bed, and also equip the arch arch with a dim illumination. This will create a cozy atmosphere and will serve you as an additional source of light. But not only in the bedroom is this design element appropriate. ATbathroomalcove will make the place for adoption of water procedures not so boring, but indining roomeasy to separate the cooking area from the dining area or vice versa.
  • Masking the flaws.It often happens that after the dismantling of the interior partitions, under the very ceiling there is a wide wooden beam. It is a carrier element, which is not recommended to clean. You can hide it under a stretch ceiling, but then the height of the room will be significantly reduced, or you can use it as a frame for a small arch. You can leave the beam open, slightly ennoble it with a varnish or paint and already beneath it place a shallow arched arch. And you can mount the elements of the arch directly to it.
  • Window openings,made in the form of arches, will give the room a special charm, and remind you of the ancient epochs. Such windows in country houses or small country houses will look especially well. The windows can be made to full length and decorated with a pointed or horseshoe-shaped vault. The cost of such non-standard window frames will be higher than usual, but they will produce an impression that is unique. In ordinary apartments, a widewindow sillfromarch vault,will create an additional cozy corner. The window sill can be decorated with a large soft pillow, and on the side walls make small shelves.

When choosing a suitable shape, remember that the archmust matchthe generalstyleinterior and complement it, and not contradict and be the main object of attention. No less impressive are the small roundings of the doorways, which are only repeatedsmall fragmentarch. The wider the arched opening connecting the two rooms, the more harmonious among themselves these rooms should be. They should be made in one style and preferably in a similar color scheme.

3. Arch material depending on the style of the room

The material from which the arch will be made,is determined by the style of the room,in which it will be located. Its width and height also plays an important role, because large structures should be not only beautiful, but also durable. The most common materials are:

  • Drywall- a universal material that allows you to quickly erect an arched arch of any configuration. In addition, this is the mostcheapof the materials used for this purpose. The main thing is to perform the installation of the frame, and plasterboard plating does not take much time and effort. Modern manufacturers offer a specialbending materialfor such purposes. When the base is ready, you can finish with any materials that match the color and texture. This material is suitable for small arches, replacing door or window openings. Choosing as a decoration stone or wood panels, do not forgetconsidertheirthe weightand the load they will transfer to the design.
  • TreeDue to its versatility and attractive appearance, it is suitable for any style of interior. This material will perfectly fit both inclassical,and in moremodern interiorand only emphasize it with the most favorable side. Suitable for use in all rooms. With proper processing, this material does not need additional design, it is enough to open it with a transparent varnish.
  • Brickora rock,used for the erection or finishing of the arched arch, will advantageously complement the interior inScandinavianstyle,loft, country, eco.A brick arch can become a distinctive feature of an accent wall,and stone emphasizes the stability and solidity of the owners of the apartment.Stone symbolizes reliabilityand durability and it will be beneficial to look in combination with a stone fireplace area.

Color of materialmust necessarily correspond with the color of furniture in the rooms, which will be united by an archway. If you follow this rule, the arch will look harmonious and appropriate.

4. Decorating and decoration

Very often, to give the arches a special appearance and as close as possible to the desired style,usevariouselements of decor.It can bemoldingsand cornices, decorativestuccoand pointbacklight.The last element is very often used to decorate plasterboard, less often wooden, structures. Cleverly selected lighting will create the right atmosphere in the room andwill allocate a functional area.Elements stucco are the most suitable forclassicalstyle.They can decorate both the walls around the arch and its arch. From small elements you can make whole compositions, the main thing is to know the measure. The most popularmoldings,which look like a three-dimensional bar having a flat or more complex profile. Often, this element is adorned with walls around the arches, as it combines very well with both wallpaper and paint, plaster or wood. The material of manufacture can be different. This is plastic, and wood, and metal, but the most universal material ispolyurethane,which has a dense structure of white color andcan bend.This feature greatly simplifies the installation and allows you to accurately repeat the contour of the curved arch. A pleasant bonus will beaffordable costthis element of decorative finishes. Very rich looking arches, decorated with round or rectangularcolumns.But this type of decoration is obligatory and only suitable for the classical style. If you want your arch to make a more complete impression, pay special attention to itwall decorationaround her. With the help of artistic painting, you can create a whole composition, repeating the elements of medieval castles. Also very good looking walls, which are not simply pasted with wallpaper, but are lined with relief decorative plaster.

5. Non-standard forms of arches


In addition to the usual classic forms, many designers advise using more interesting archesunusual configurations.The most popularround arches.It does not sound real, but it looks amazing in practice. Much more interesting will look like a loggia, combined with the bedroom, it is with the help of such an element. Make this form is very simple, using as a material gypsum board. Metal profiles that are used as a frame, easily get the shape you need after cutting the edges. In addition, you can make shelves embedded in the side walls of the arch and equip them with lighting. There are varieties of arches of non-standard forms, one of the sides of which, after installation, is likecontinuation of the walland already has several side shelves.To arrange the doorway, you can use a figurativecarved arch,which will look more light and airy. Such an element will serve simultaneously as a light-permeable partition and a beautiful highlight of the interior. You can make such an arch yourself from wood or the same drywall, or you can buy a finished product.When buying ready-made archespaygreatattention to materials,of which they are made. If you prefer wood, be sure to specify which varnish was used for its processing. Many types of varnish, which have increased strength and resistance to direct sunlight, can not be used for domestic work. They contain in their composition harmful volatile components that constantly evaporate andharm the health.

Remember that sometimes it's better to show imagination and do something original than to use classical forms. This will not only helpmakeyourinteriorreallyunique,but also brings to him the characteristic features only of you.

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