Carrot diseases and control

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Improper care of the carrot beds and non-compliance with the rules of crop rotation can lead to the development of various diseases on carrot fruits. To start an active struggle and get out of it the winner, you need to know the cause of the disease, the name and ways to eliminate.

The most common diseases of

Fomoz, or dry rot

On the veins and petioles of growing plants appear oblong dirty-brown spots. In the future, the spots grow, blacken, the leaves dry. At the root, the initially brown stain turns black, turns into the dry black depressions of the destroyed tissue. Under the spots there are voids filled with hyphae of the mycelium.

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White rot or sclerotinia of carrots

White bloom from thin hyphae of the fungus forms on the surface of the root crops. The root crop retains its color, softens, and later black dots of sclerotia and droplets of liquid appear. The disease turns the root crop into a soft mass, goes to the neighboring vegetables. In addition to carrots, the fungus also infects other garden crops.

Gray rot( coagulant rot, botridiosis)

Affects root crops during storage. Root crops are covered with a gray bloom of fungus, droplets of yellowish liquid are visible. Vegetable tissue turns brown, softens, soaks. The disease is non-specific, affects many vegetables, fruits, berries, not only carrots.

Read also: Herbicides for potatoes: what drugs are used for treating plots after sproutingOn adult plants - brown spots on the leaves with a dark rim. In the future, the leaves are curled. On the roots, the disease appears small, up to 1.5 cm, light brown spots. Characterized by a sharp boundary between the affected and healthy tissue.

Black rot or Alternaria

On shoots, the carrot disease resembles a black leg - black constriction, and a strong defeat in the early stages often leads to death. The defeat of adult plants is manifested in the darkening and twisting of the tips of the leaves. In the future, yellowish spots appear, the leaves gradually fall and dry. On the roots is expressed dry black rot.

Mealy dew

Any part of the plant that the fungus has penetrated is affected, the leaves turn white, harden, crumble. The idea of ​​the appearance of this carrot disease gives the name, quite accurate. The fungus infects many garden crops. The plant does not die, but the root crop is formed small, wiry.

Bacteriosis, or wet rot

The leaves turn yellow, then turn brown. First, the extreme, lower parts of the sheet are affected. Between the browned and still green parts of the leaves is a transitional yellowed zone. Later the stalks are captured, the leaves dry out. The defeat of the root crops begins more often from the top or tip, as the places are easier to be injured. Spots grow, become wet, get an unpleasant smell. This disease is often tolerated by carrot fly larvae or other pests.

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Prevention of carrot diseases

  • Selection of healthy root crops for seed plants. To avoid getting initially infected seeds.
  • Proper fertilizer. Brute force with nitrogen, as well as neglect of trace elements, increases the incidence.
  • Proper watering. Abundant watering in the heat leads to cracking of root crops, further affected by disease. Water is desirable to warm up in advance( just let stand).The addition of a solution of mullein, microelements, bioactive components improves the nutrition of plants and increases resistance to diseases.
  • Processing storage before storing root crops for storage. Whitewashing, processing with sulfur blocks or formalin, other septic tanks destroys the pathogens in the repository and prevents infection.
  • Sowing. Overly thickened plants “flow down”, forming small roots. At the same time resistance to diseases decreases.
  • Pest Control. Some of the diseases are tolerated. In addition, damaged vegetables get sick more easily.
  • Agrotechnics. Any deviation from optimal growing conditions leads to weakening of the plants and, as a result, increased susceptibility to diseases.
  • Location Selection. Growing on unsuitable - too wet, heavy, acidic soil - weakens the plant. To reduce the acidity to the required 6.5-7 pH by the introduction of calcium-containing additives, preferably under the predecessor.
  • Injury Restriction. Root injuries are the gateway to infection.
  • Avoiding the introduction of nitrogen before cleaning. Reduces storage stability. With the simultaneous application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is not so critical.
  • Adhere to crop rotation. Eliminates the accumulation of specific pathogens of carrots in the soil.
  • Remove crop residues. The same goal.
  • Growing resistant varieties. Saves time and resources, as these varieties suffer less under the same growing conditions.
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Treatment of carrot disease.

Seed treatment. Used TMTD or other fungicides. Destroys pathogens and short-term, 10-minute, warming up in water with a temperature of 52 ˚C.

Germinated seeds can not be heated!

Treatment of crops with fungicides. At the moment, a lot of drugs are invented. And even come up with. This is connected both with the discovery of new active substances and with the marketing moves of manufacturers. To give all the norms and doses in this article is inappropriate and impossible. It is necessary to use the instructions for the drugs and their common sense. It is clear to process only after the diagnosis, that is, the type of the disease. Do not confuse an infectious disease from frost, heat, hyperdose, or lack of fertilizer.

Carrots are mainly affected by fungal diseases. The fact is that the skin of root crops is thin, so they are stored at high humidity - in order to avoid drying. But it is the increased humidity that favors the development of carrot fungal diseases. ..

It is advisable to pay more attention to the prevention, rather than to the abundant spraying of plants after the development of the disease. Easier and more efficient. And do not worry about the remnants of poisons in the products.

Reduced temperature helps in storage, slows the development of disease and loss of goods during storage. It makes sense to minimize the temperature in the storage as much as possible, but not below 0 ° C!

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