How is the incubation of guinea fowls in domestic and farm breeding

Contents of the article:

video files Asdeers for the parent flock

  • Incubation of guinea fowl -

video files Aspeners for incubation - The

  • incubator for incubation of guinea fowl -

video files Asters for the parent flock. The female's parental instinct is poorly developed; incubating guinea fowls or laying a hen allow for progeny. Lifestyle guinea fowl is not much different from chicken. They need the same diet, chicken coop with perches. Do not tolerate guinea fowl dampness and crampedness. Adult bird weighs about 2 kg.

Read article: temperature during incubation of chicken eggs!

Requirements for eggs for incubation

The guinea fowl carries medium-sized eggs weighing 38-50 g. A bird can grow if it is natural for 6 months a year. If you keep guinea fowl at a constant temperature and daylight, egg production increases to 9 months. For receiving fertilized eggs form families, for each rooster there are 4 chickens. With the onset of stable heat, in April, the Caesar proceeds to fertilization. At this time, up to 80% of eggs can produce offspring. Incubation of guinea fowl gives offspring 70 -75% of the tab.

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Clean eggs collected before 11 o'clock in the morning are stored for no more than 8 days at a temperature of 8-12 ° C and a humidity of about 80%.Keep the material in a dark place with a blunt end up. In the incubator eggs lay warmed to room temperature. Before filling the chamber, the eggs are cooked.

By the weight of guinea fowl eggs are divided into groups:

  • small - 38-40 g;
  • average - 41-44 g;
  • large - 45-50 g.
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caviar The brood must be from one group by weight, according to this indicator the mode is selected. The hatching egg of the guinea fowl is irradiated with quartz dumps for 5 minutes, killing the microbes on the surface of the shell. At the factory in the preparatory chamber serves a pair of formaldehyde. At home, eggs are treated with a solution of iodine or potassium permanganate. After all operations on the ovoskop, the integrity of the shell and the presence of the embryo are checked.

Often the domestic fowl of guinea fowls have an uneven "marble" color. It is noticed, productivity from such material low. Experts say marbling is a sign that the embryo will not form.

The prepared material should have a standard form, this affects the amount of air in the pug. It should be sufficient for the entire period of development of the embryo.

Incubator Requirements

Thermostat for incubating guinea fowl eggs at home provides temperature and humidity conditions for 28 days. In this case, the slightest deviation from the schedule can freeze the embryo. The network device in the kit must have a battery to which it switches automatically when there is no voltage in the line.

The humidity in the chamber is maintained by the evaporator and automatic equipment; the readings of the wet and dry thermometer should be monitored. The incubator must be protected from overheating. Increasing the temperature in one minute can ruin the brood.

Regular air exchange in the thermostat is mandatory, it has holes for air circulation. During the incubation of hens, each egg releases 3.5 liters of carbon dioxide and absorbs 4 liters of oxygen.

When automatically turning, the egg trays must be adapted to set the eggs with the blunt end up. For manual inversion of eggs laid sideways, labeled for orientation. The best incubator is a natural - guinea fowl.

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Incubation mode table for hatching in the

incubatorFor guinea fowls the same device will do, but the mode of hatching is different. Embryos are demanding to the microclimate in the chamber. Incubation of guinea fowl eggs at home are on schedule:

Period of incubation5 50 10 minutes 26-28 37.0-37.2 68-70

Turn eggs 2-3 times a day. From day 26 until hatching eggs do not disturb. The process must take place in silence. From a sharp sound or blow, the embryo can stand still.

In the process of embryo development, a lunge occurs, not all eggs develop. In a frozen vessel with a protein mass, microorganisms multiply, the process of decay takes place, as a result the shell will not withstand the pressure and the camera will be flooded with the infected mass. Remove on time to stop the development of eggs - a necessity. During the incubation period of guinea fowls, the development of the embryo is checked 4 times.

Ovoskop shines through the eggs and the observer sees the stages of development of the embryo. According to the standard, it is necessary to remove unfertilized eggs that fell into the incubator for 8 days. On day 15, eggs are removed that have a blood ring on a dull orange background. The third revision is carried out after 24 days, removing the frozen embryos. The term of incubation of guinea fowl is 28 days.

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At 4 stages, the chicks feed themselves, absorbing the required amount of protein and yolk. But for this, the chamber should be kept high humidity. From the beginning of sticking, the humidity in the hatch tray is increased by spraying the shells from the spray gun. Turning the eggs and stop the baby, squeaking, he pecks the shell. The next day, he curses the bezel, breaking the shell in two. If the regime is not violated, the czars will be released from captivity together, some will immediately stand on their feet, others will gain strength by lying.

Experts and experienced poultry breeders explain in detail how to produce guinea fowl in an incubator. It is better to use the standard recommendation for the first time, but keep a regime diary. Over time, develop your own schedule.

Guinea fowl eggs are well stored. The submarine food stock includes guinea eggs as a curative natural nutritious product.

How to select a duck for the parent flock

During the incubation period, the heifer loses 14% of the initial egg weight. The larger laid the party of eggs, the stronger the posterity. For the cultivation, babies are taken from the brooder after resting for 8-12 hours. A standard chick is already well standing on its feet, reacting to tapping on the box. The eyes of the baby are shining, the tummy is tucked up, the fluff is shining. The strongest chicken fowl will be distributed to families and continue the race. When breeding guinea fowl in an incubator of healthy chicks from the initial tab is up to 60%, this is considered to be a good performance.

Features of the Incubation of Guinea Fowls - Video

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