Planting and caring for ornamental lungwort in the garden at the cottage

Content of the article:

  • Mulching
  • Pruning of plants
  • Propagation of a flower
    • Video about peculiarities of growing of a decorative jellyfish

  • and the surprise is very simple, and the plant itself is in particular demand among gardeners. The plant belongs to the popular family Burachnikovs. Due to its unusual appearance, the flower has received other names, such as medunka and pulmonaria. This plant has found its application in folk medicine. Various infusions are often prepared with leaves and flowers, which are used to treat many diseases.

    Description of the plant

    Medunitsa belongs to the group of low-growing flowers. Plant height does not exceed 30 centimeters. The trunk is dense, abundantly covered with fine fibers. The root system is well developed. Two types of leafy plates. The lower ones are green with light patches, and the upper ones are monochromatic. Plates are sessile. On both sides they are covered with villi. The flowers of the medunitsa are purple, crimson or blue. It all depends on the type of plant. At the end of flowering, in the place of buds, fruits form in the form of single seeds. Externally, the grain is very similar to beans.

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    This plant has a large amount of nectar. Such a feature attracts bees. It should also be noted that the medunitsu can be used to make salads. The leaves of this plant are especially famous in the UK.They gained immense popularity due to the presence of beneficial trace elements that are necessary for the proper development of the body.

    Medunitsa is a plant whose seeds are spread by ants. This is what causes the appearance of this type of flower in the most unexpected places.

    Plant rich in:

    • tannins;
    • saponins;
    • tanning components;
    • acids( silicic, ascorbic);
    • rutin;
    • wax;
    • flavonoids;
    • iron;
    • copper.

    The land of this species is the land of Western and Eastern Europe. Some of them can be found in Asia and Siberia. Medunitsa appears in early spring, almost immediately after the snow melts. The plant develops well in the shadows and partial shade. In order for a flower to please its flowering for a long time, it is enough to follow the basic rules of care.

    Description of the Sugary Sugar

    In nature, there are about 70 species of this plant species. But among such a large number, only a few grow in our area.

    One of the most popular varieties is Sugar Locket Sugar. The plant grows in the forests of Italy and France. It is a perennial that has large oval-shaped leaves. In an adult plant, they are able to grow up to 27 centimeters long and about 10 centimeters wide. The color of the leaves is dark green with silvery patches.

    Funnel-shaped flowers. All of them are collected in inflorescences. A feature of this species is the shade of the buds. The flowering period can last about 30 days. Plant care is very simple. For the flower to please everyone around, you do not need to have special skills.

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    • Mrs. Moon( graceful leaves and buds of purple-red hue);
    • Dora Barnsfield( this is the fastest growing variety that has light pink flowers);
    • Argenta Group( the leaves are almost completely covered with silvery spots, and the flowers are saturated-violet);
    • Silverado( feature are silvery leaves with a saturated green border);
    • Opal( a distinctive feature of the Opal mellipus is bluish leaves, on one stalk you can see the buds of different shades, but mostly they are white).

    There are also other varieties that are bred by western breeders. They differ not only in their appearance, but also in the rules of care.

    A feature of the Red and Majestic Medunitsa.

    The Red Medunitsa prefers to grow on higher ground. The main habitat is the land of Bulgaria, Hungary and Albania. Often a shrub is used as a groundcover herb. The flowering period falls on May and lasts for 30 days. The buds have a rich red color.

    Medunitsa Krasnaya has long rhizomes that can grow very quickly. Leaves of a light green shade. Their length can reach 15 centimeters. All plates are abundantly covered with small setae.

    The variegated varieties of lungfish have abundant blooms that can last for several months.

    Medunitsa Majestic is the most popular variety. The plant is very difficult to entangle with other species. Differs flower light green leaves, which closer to the summer acquire a golden hue. The flowers are pink at first, but eventually turn blue. The plant is resistant to various weather conditions. Bushes cope well with low temperatures and winter well.

    Majestic is the most unpretentious flower that can grow well even in the shade. With proper care, the flower is able to reach 30 centimeters tall, and in diameter up to half a meter. The first buds can be observed in May.

    Description of the leopard and Mrs. Kittl asun

    This is an attractive perennial plant, which is a subspecies of the Sugar loonite. The height of the flower can vary from 15 to 30 centimeters. The width of the bush reaches about 35 centimeters.

    Medunits Leopard is covered with two types of hardwood plates. Basal pretty big. They can grow up to 27 centimeters long. The bottom plates are 10 cm wide. Bottom plates are elliptical in shape. They are mounted on long petioles of a dark green shade. Stem leaves - sessile. They grow small in size. The color of the upper plates is bright green with bright spots.

    The flowers of the leopard jellyfish, like other varieties, are funnel-shaped. All of them are collected in racemes. On one plant can meet buds of different shades. Often they get from pink to purple hues.

    The period of flowering of this species in May. Fruits, in the form of seeds, ripen in late July. Ripe grains fall into 4 parts, from which young plants grow.

    Medunitsa Mrs. Kittle is a hybrid species. Height of an adult plant reaches 35 centimeters.

    Flowers can be from light pink to lavender. Hardwood plates are long. They become dark green with silvery specks.

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    Planting and caring for decorative flowers in open ground

    In order for this plant not only to look beautiful, but also to bloom profusely, it is necessary to plant it properly. This procedure involves the selection of time and place. The further development of the flower depends on these moments.

    Landing time

    The best month for this procedure is the beginning of April. It is during this period that the soil is most saturated with nutrients that are necessary for the proper development of the lungwort.

    This plant does not like wet soil, so planting should be carried out in the ground, which dries well after winter.

    Landing Place

    Compared to other outdoor plants, the lungwort is unpretentious to light. It feels good in the partial shade and in the shade. When planting and caring for flowers of the litter box should be remembered that the plant is very afraid of direct sunlight.

    The optimum place is considered to be a plot near trees. You can also plant a plant from the northern part of the building. Such placement will help to protect the delicate leaves from direct sunlight, which can lead to burns.

    When planting a plant, you need to remember that it does not like too moist soil. If the flower is located in the valley, then you should transplant the lungwort on the garden, which will be located at the very top of the site.

    Soil Preparation

    This type of flower develops well on any soil. But despite this, it is best to choose loamy land with low acidity indicators. Also a good option is sandy soil with a high percentage of humus. Before landing, do not forget about the drainage. At the bottom of the recess is necessary to lay a good layer of pebbles or crushed red brick.

    To plant bushes should be at a distance of about 25 centimeters from each other. Such indicators are due to the fact that the medunitsa is able to grow, thus filling all around with it.


    As for feeding, it should be done in July. It was during this period that the plant most needed fertilizer. It is best to use mineral products in liquid form. They need to be diluted at the rate of 20 grams of the drug per bucket of water.

    Each flower needs a certain care, and the medunitsa is no exception. Although the plant and not demanding, but still need to follow the rules.


    Too much moisture can adversely affect flower development. Therefore, the bush should be watered when absolutely necessary. Increase the number of procedures should be only in the hot season. This is especially true for the Red Lungwort. Due to lack of moisture, its leaves lose elasticity and rather quickly begin to wilt and dry. In order not to prune wilted shoots, it is necessary during the drought to water the plant every day.

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    An important procedure to be carried out in the spring. Fill in the mulch should be the soil around the bush. To do this, you need to use only natural materials.

    A good option is:

    • wood chips;
    • dry grass;
    • peat, sawdust.

    The thickness of the mulch should be about 15 centimeters. It is this amount that can protect the roots from overheating and drought. Also materials for mulching will serve as a good fertilizer and will not allow the weeds to spread.

    Pruning of plants.

    . Care and cultivation of the lungfish includes the removal of leaves. This procedure should be carried out immediately after the plant has faded. To remove the arrows on which the buds were located, should only be a sharp knife. It is necessary to cut in such a way that there is no hemp from the peduncle. It is also recommended to closely monitor the presence of dry leaves. When yellow plates appear, they should be immediately cut off. This will allow the bushes not only to have a neat appearance, but also will not allow the spread of fungal diseases.

    It is forbidden to tear off the yellow leaves, as this may harm the shoots.

    As for wintering, it is recommended to cover the plant with a special cloth before the onset of cold weather. This should be done in the first year of life of the nectar, as the young bush has not yet adapted to sudden temperature drops.

    Flower Propagation

    In order to grow a young plant, you do not need to have certain skills. There are a number of methods by which it is very easy and simple to reproduce lungwort.

    The best option is:

    • bush division;
    • rhizome segments;
    • seeds.

    The first method of breeding of the lungwort is used mainly for the sugar variety. To do this in the autumn you need to separate several parts from the bushIt is important to ensure that each of them had kidneys. Each plant should be placed in the soil to a depth of about 4 centimeters.

    Rhizome division is more efficient, since this method allows you to save all varietal qualities of a flower. Carry out a similar procedure in the spring. Each separated part should be trimmed and landed in the ground at a distance of about 30 centimeters.

    Seed propagation few people use. This is due to the fact that it will be extremely difficult to maintain the characteristics of the variety. If you want to experiment, then you can use this method and it may turn out to produce a unique variety that does not look like any of the existing species.

    Proper planting and caring for Lungwort in the open field is the key to a beautiful plant. If you follow the above rules, the flower will delight for a long time with colorful buds and a pleasant aroma.

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