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video Growth has already become an old guest in our homes pachistahis -
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Pachistahis is a plant of the Acanta family, its name literally translates as “thick ear”.The native land of this unusual and very bright evergreen perennial shrub is the tropical forests of America, the coast in the east of Australia and the rain forests in the east of India.
The genus Pachistachis includes approximately 7-17 plant species. But the most popular and suitable for growing at home are the following types of it:
- pachistachis yellow;
- red pachistachis;
- spikelet pachistachis;
- pachistachis caliptrokalis.
The rest of the species can be found only in the natural habitats of the pachistachis, they are not cultivated by humans.
Pachistachis yellow
This type of plant growers most often purchase to decorate their home. It is an evergreen upright shrub, whose height can reach 100-120 cm. The stems in the upper part of the plant are covered with thin bark of dark green color, and in the lower part - woody. The emerald shiny leaves of the pachistachis have an oval shape, elongated and narrowed to the base. Their width is about 5-6 cm, and the length varies from 15 to 20 cm. The leaves are arranged crosswise, opposite.
During the flowering period, namely, from the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn, large flowers, 10-15 cm long, resembling an ear, bloom on the pachistachis yellow. Over time, white, cream, or slightly yellowish tubular flowers bloom from each bract located on the ear. Their diameter is only 5 cm.
This is a rather unpretentious type of plant. However, requires abundant watering and frequent spraying in the hot season. If aphids, mealybugs or whiteflies appear on the stem and leaves of a plant, pachistachis should be treated with a common protective agent.
Red Pachistachis
The tropical forests of South America are the homeland of this species. Pachistachis red, unlike the yellow species, has dark green bracts. From them beautiful and unusual bright red corollas are blooming later.
The height of the red pahistachis can reach two meters. That is why this type of plant is practically not cultivated at home, but is great for growing in large greenhouses. On the shiny surface of oval dark green leaves, burgundy streaks and streaks can sometimes appear. The beginning of flowering occurs in the middle of spring.
Pachistachis velvet
This is perhaps the most demanding type of pachistachis. That is why it is almost never grown at home, it can be found in greenhouses and botanical gardens.
In appearance, the spike pachistachis resemble red pachistachis. In height, it can reach one meter and form a fairly thick and lush bush. Bract of a completely nondescript dark green color, but in the period of flowering on it in large numbers formed bright red corollas. A brilliant emerald green leaf can reach 25 cm in length.
Pachistachis caliptrokalis
This species can reach 2 meters in height, which is why it is rarely seen in a house or apartment, most often grown in greenhouses. The trunk of the pachistachis of calyptrokalis is significantly narrower than in other species. The leaves are feathery, oval in shape, arranged oppositely, slightly elongated towards the ends. Young leaf blades are painted in maroon color, which is later replaced by emerald.
Features of care
Despite the relative unpretentiousness of the shrub, it still has some of the requirements for care:
- high humidity;
- sufficient illumination;
- temperature is above + 16-20 ° C;
- acid soil reaction;
- good drainage.
The cultivation of pachistachis at home, the types of which have been described above, requires certain compliance with the conditions. The plant belongs to the heat-loving and light-loving tropical species that prefer quite bright, but diffused light. It is recommended to grow shrubs on the windows of the east or north-east part of the house.
To create conditions as close to natural as possible, the temperature in the room should be at least + 16 ° C. Lower temperatures will entail an abundant dropping of leaves and a long recovery of the plant. In summer, the plant is recommended to make a balcony.
It is preferable to choose the soil for a tropical shrub with acidic reactions and with good air permeability. A drainage layer of expanded clay with a thickness of 2.5–3 cm is also required. For the most comfortable growth, pahistachis require a flower pot of at least 2.5–3 liters.
To get a high and sprawling culture, it is worth growing one plant in one flower pot. In order for pachistachis to have the appearance of a lush bush with a large number of inflorescences, it is recommended to plant 3-4 plants in one small flower pot of large diameter
. Since pahistahis belongs to tropical plants, it is particularly demanding of the high soil moisture. You must regularly water the plant with settled water at room temperature. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum. And in the hot season the shrub requires additional spraying.
From the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn, the shrub can be fed with complex fertilizer twice a month. It will allow to receive brighter and plentiful blossoming.
It is necessary to transplant a plant once a year, in the spring. If the plant has been growing for quite a long time, then once every two to three years is enough. For the formation of a thick and lush bush, you can prune the pachistachis. Due to this, it will be possible to hide the bare trunk of the plant.
Shrub is produced by the apical petioles in spring or summer.
As you can see, pachistachis belongs to quite unpretentious, but, nevertheless, requiring special conditions for plants. Proper care and compliance with all the recommendations will allow you to grow at home an exotic plant of extraordinary beauty!