The best grapes for the market

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Grape growers who have experience selling their own crops know that the first thing the buyer pays attention to is the appearance of the grapes. Beautiful clusters, consisting of many large berries, are sure to be the first to attract the buyer, and the taste qualities are evaluated a little later. Claiming to be called the best grapes for the market, the variety must produce just such a crop. Shrubs must withstand stable and high yields, are subject to minimal risk of contamination of crop-threatening diseases and loss of ovaries from pests. Thanks to the constantly ongoing breeding work, the winegrowers receive all the new interesting varieties and forms, which after the test sometimes overshadow the recognized leaders in the ranking of the best grapes.

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Arcadia Grapes: Description and Photos of the Variety

Created by Ukrainian breeders from crossing Moldova and Cardinal Arkady is today recognized as one of the best grapes in many parts of the country where viticulture is developed. The variety belongs to the table and gives a crop in 115-120 days after the start of the growing season.

The plant forms a vigorous, early ripening vine with a strong root system and good survival. Arcadia shows an average result of disease resistance of grapes, in order to protect the vine from mildew, two preventive treatments are needed, protection from powdery mildew is required. The variety tolerates frosts down to –21 ° С.When the humidity drops the berries sometimes crack, which affects the quality of the crop.

As can be seen from the description and photo, Arkady's grapes form large, at most dense clusters weighing from 0.5 to 2 kg. The shape of the brushes is cylindrical or close to conical. With a weight of about 15 grams, berries of this market variety can grow larger than 2.8 cm. At the same time, the berries have a heart-shaped shape and a beautiful yellowish or white color. Since the variety is very high-yielding, the fruits cannot accumulate a lot of sugars, but with a slight acidity the taste of Arcadia will not disappoint. It is refreshing, pleasant and light, which is especially well felt when using fresh berries with a fleshy consistency.

Grapes Kishmish radiant

The seedless berries of the mid-early Kishmish Radiant grapes are well known to consumers. The variety bred in Moldova from the crossing of the Cardinal and Kishmish pink grapes ripens in 125–130 days and is distinguished by high yields ripening on medium- or high-growth bushes.

Read also: New and old grape varieties( part 3)

Kishmish Radiant does not have high frost resistance and is susceptible to infections of this crop. At the same time, the variety is demanding to the attention of the grower, and with proper care it compensates for the efforts, gives large and medium-sized berries of a golden and red-pink scale, up to 2.5 cm long and weighing up to 4 grams. I have ripe berries with a dense consistency and nutmeg taste and aroma. The brushes of one of the best grape varieties for the market reach 40 centimeters in length and can weigh over 600 grams. The crop is easily transported and stored for quite a long time.

Description and photo of grapes Codreanca

According to the photo and description of grapes, Codreanca can rightfully be considered one of the most interesting modern varieties. Before the ripening of the Kordyanka berries obtained from the parental varieties Marshal and Moldova, it takes from 110 to 118 days. The variety forms a strong-growing high-yielding vine that can withstand a mass of large brushes weighing from 400 to 1500 grams.

Among the shortcomings of shredding berries related to the best grapes, which can be overcome by applying gibberellin, which will make the berries grow and reduce the number of seeds in them. Usually, the fruits of grapes about 3 cm long and weighing about 7 grams are distinguished by a thick bluish-violet color, dense flesh and imperceptible skin. By the time of ripening, the berries accumulate quite a lot of sugar, but they get a pleasant taste even earlier. Brushes are subject to transportation, are well stored and do not lose their qualities for a long time if they remain on the bushes.

Grapes of the Hadji Murat variety.

The basis for the work of Tajik scientists in the cultivation of Hadji Murat grapes was the variety Zabalkansky and Muscat Hamburg. As a result, the variety became one of the contenders for the title of being called the best grape variety for the market, but the berries on high-growth bushes ripen in 125–135 days.

The grapes of Hadji Murat endure frosts down to –22 ° C, but they feel better in a greenhouse or under a winter shelter. Fruiting shoots of this variety ripen by 75% or more, withstanding extremely large brushes, weighing from 800 to 2500 grams and maintaining their properties well during storage and transportation. The variety is high-yielding, tending to form a large number of ovaries, therefore, to ensure the quality of the berries, it is necessary to rationalize the future harvest.

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The Hadji Murat grapes have smooth conical shape and average density. Ripe oval berries can weigh from 15 to 25 grams, have a thick almost black color, covered with a bluish wax coating and have a decent taste.

Grapes Beauty

For ripening dark pink with a dense-purple tip beautiful berries from the grape variety, the Beauty leaves from 110 to 110 days. At Krasotki bushes of medium growth, well-ripening fruitful shoots and even, weighing about 500-700 grams of the brush. The variety shows an average resistance to common infections and pests.

Bunches contain elongated, about 3 cm long and weighing up to 6 grams of berries with a good fresh taste, juicy and rather fleshy pulp and unobtrusive skin when cracking. Berry grapes Beauty with an overabundance of moisture at the stage of maturation can sometimes burst. The fruits of this variety are gaining sweetness well, but they cannot compete with the brightness of taste with varieties for personal use.

Monarch Grapes: Photos and Description of the

Variety When choosing the best varieties for the market, Monarch grapes can be given the attention of gardeners and specialists, as with medium ripening times it gives large, about 900 grams, high quality brushes. The grade shows high productivity. One vine produces at least 7 kg of fresh commercial quality berries.

According to the photo and description, Monarch grapes are distinguished by high growth power, good rooting of cuttings and ripening more than 65% of the shootsThe variety is frost resistant and demonstrates high and medium resistance to known diseases of this crop. A characteristic feature of this grape is the large, 20-gram oval berries of a beautiful yellow color. The pulp has a juicy, but not liquid consistency and a wonderful, rich taste. After ripening, being on a vine, the brush of Monarch grapes, as in the photo and in the description, almost do not lose quality, can be stored and transported for a long time.

Galahad Grapes

Extremely early hybrid Galahad grapes on the territory of the Kuban and in other areas of viticulture already yield 95–100 days after the start of the growing season. The plant received the title of the best grape variety for the market due to its high taste qualities, good growth power of the bushes, ability to winter at air temperature up to –25 ° С, as well as noteworthy resistance to harmful fungi and rot.

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Grapes provide beautiful, weighing up to 1.1 kg, medium density grapes of conical shape. The average length of oval, large amber berries is 2.6 cm. The fleshy weight with a pleasant consistency and sweet berry reaches 12 grams.

Photos and descriptions of grapes Super-extra

The hybrid of early maturity obtained by E. Pavlovsky yields a crop 100–110 days after the appearance of the first leaves. By the end of July one can see large, up to 1.5 kg in weight, clusters of medium friability on super-rich Super-Extra bushes. The variety is high-yielding, so the grower must deal with the valuation of the ovary and inflorescences.

According to the description and photo of grapes, Super-Extra brushes consist of oval or ovate large berries weighing 7–8 grams. The color of the berry is white or light amber. The berries very quickly gain sweetness, their flesh is pleasant, dense, with a sufficient amount of juice.

Grapes not bad against disease and winter frost. Brushes after harvesting can be transported and stored, the only drawback is the variety of berries inside the bunch.

Buffet Grapes

Bearing fruits 115–125 days after the start of the growing season The Buffet grapes are bred in Ukraine by the breeder V.V.Zagorulko from the Kuban variety and the Gift to Zaporizhia. According to the data obtained by the winegrowers, who have already managed to get acquainted with this grape, the Buffet table has an average resistance to fungal infection and successfully overwinter at a temperature of –22 ° C.Powerful bushes of this species actively form shoots, almost completely matured by autumn.

Brushes on the bushes are formed dense, in shape closer to the cylindrical. The weight of a bunch consisting of oval berries weighing up to 16 grams, from 600 to 800 grams. The length of an individual berry is about 3.5 cm, the color is dark, reddish-purple with a pronounced wax bloom. One of the best grapes has a great taste with notes of raisins and ripe mulberries.

On the description of the grape variety, the reception meeting with the best varieties for the market does not end there. Read the article about the best grapes for sale. We hope that our selection will help you make your choice and start growing grapes for sale.

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