A few tips for choosing a glue for gas blocks and foam blocks


  1. Mixture composition
  2. Kinds of glue
  • Summer composition:
  • Winter composition:
  • Proportions of solution preparation
  • Masonry process
  • Advantages of using glue
  • disadvantages
  • The best manufacturers of glutinous compounds
    • Ceresit
    • Knauf
    • IVSIL Block

    Over the past few years, the popularity of "porous" blocks made of cellular concrete, namely gas and foam blocks, currently actively used in construction of buildings and residential private houses, has grown very much due to their greater availability and practicality, if you, of course, know all the nuances and subtleties when working with them.

    And choosing them as the basis for the building material, the next actual and no less important issue for you may be how exactly the masonry will be made. The use of cement mortars in the construction of structures from this type of blocks is not only morally obsolete, but it will also be impractical, since the cost of cement will be quite high, given the considerable consumption of the mixture. This is mainly due to the fact that the blocks, having a "porous" structure, during the freezing of the solution, suck out most of the moisture from it, making the masonry less durable.

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    That is why today in the construction with the use of gas or foam blocks most masters of their business prefer special glue. It, naturally, happens different kinds, marks and structures, and also for this or that type of the block it is better to use certain glue.

    So, if you decide to start building a house and do not know which glue is best to choose, attention to this article, which presents several tips to help you with your choice.


    Mixture composition

    Naturally, the glue for laying the cellular blocks goes in the form of a dry mixture from which it is subsequently manufactured. At the heart of this mixture is always portland cement, which is essentially a very fine quartz sand, thanks to which the strength of the already hardened composition is achieved.

    Besides it, there are also various modifiers that hold moisture, allowing the glue to solidify properly, and also prevent the appearance of cracks, which is also absolutely undesirable. Plasticity of the mass, which allows the composition to fill all the cavities, increase the various polymer additives, which in turn increases the adhesion between the block and the solution, providing strength structure.

    Kinds of glue

    The construction process is almost year-round, and you never know in what weather it will be produced, whether it is a hot summer or a snowy winter. Of course, in most cases, many builders and construction companies are trying to plan their work, but if you do not want to, so that it stood in a certain season on the spot, the manufacturers of building materials and in particular of adhesive compounds provided the market with two type:summerandwinter.

    Summer composition:


    Features of this mixture is white cement, and it seizes within two hours after the addition of water, so you need to carefully monitor this. Naturally, this glue is used in construction in the warm season, and the operating temperature is usually considered from 5 to 30 degrees Celsius.

    Winter composition:

    Here it is possible to judge from the name that this mixture is used to work in colder weather, the temperature is from +5 to -10 degrees Celsius on average. In fact, this mixture has the same composition, but in addition to the main components, it also includes antifreeze compounds. Dilute the mixture with water, which according to the instructions should be heated to 60 degrees, and freezes The mixture is only 30-40 minutes, so it's best to mix the glue in small portions and work fast.

    Proportions of solution preparation

    In general, professional builders always know what proportions of constituents are needed for a certain amount of the mixture, but, if you suddenly start to be interested in this topic, you can always find a "recipe" for preparing a solution on a bag with composition. The rules for preparing the mixture will also be located there.

    But if for some reason they were not there, then it is worth noting that they are quite simple and will be available to absolutely everyone:

    • Pour the contents of the bag (approximately 25 kg) into a clean container;
    • pour about seven or eight liters of water;
    • Using a drill mixer, mix the mixture at a low rotation speed, bringing the solution to a uniform state;
    • after five minutes of "ripening" of the solution, it can be used.

    So it looks like the standard cooking instruction, and check the plasticity of the mixture will be simple enough, you just need to apply it with a spatula on the surface of the block and see not whether it spreads. When thickening, glue can always be stirred with a mixer, but still it is not necessary to keep the mixture unworked after more than 2 hours.

    It will also be important to note, as already mentioned above, that the technology of preparation of glue from the winter composition is quite different from the main one as follows:

    • water must be hot (at least 60 degrees Celsius);
    • The temperature of the finished working mixture should not fall below the mark at +10 degrees;
    • the duration of the "life" of such a solution at minus temperature is not more than half an hour;
    • Do not apply glue to blocks covered with frost, frost or snow.

    Masonry process

    First of all, it is worth noting that when working with foam blocks, the first row is always placed on the cement slurry, to avoid various (probably possible) unevenness of the foundation, and already from the second row is used glue.

    In the process of masonry, if you work with conventional, standard blocks, the glue must be applied not only to horizontal faces, but also to vertical ones. In the case of blocks with a groove-groove connection, it is not necessary to apply the adhesive solution to the vertical ends, or even not at all.

    Naturally, the blocks are also best prepared before laying, cleaning them from dust and possible fine dirt, so that the glue is applied to an absolutely clean surface.

    Advantages of using glue

    The use of glue for masonry blocks of cellular concrete has a number of positive features, which in its turn affect a lot of more or less important indicators, both in the construction phase and in the final account.

    Among the main advantages are the following:

    • the possibility of achieving a minimum thickness of seams, which in turn virtually eliminates the formation of "cold bridges which does not allow frost to enter the house;
    • Considering the same small thickness of the joints, the consumption of the adhesive mixture is much less than that of cement-sand;
    • saving time, achieved by reduced labor input and the preparation of a solution that is required in small quantities;
    • there is no need for any bulky mixer, everything is done by oneself with a construction mixer or a drill with a special nozzle;
    • the thermal and acoustic insulation properties of the walls of the foam block are also increased;
    • excellent moisture-proof qualities of the mixture exclude moisture absorption, and, consequently, fungus, mold, etc .;
    • production becomes much easier, and thanks to even walls, the cost of finishing works also decreases;
    • and, of course, all the components that make up the mixture do absolutely no harm to the human body;


    As for the shortcomings, there is no direct glue mixture. But the cost of these compounds is still relatively high, so at this stage they are mainly used for small buildings.

    However, in spite of the fact that cement mortar can cost much less, with the right geometry and precise calculations, you will most likely succeed save, as with the above advantages and great plasticity of the mixture, the glue on the masonry can go up to six times less than the cement solution. And here it is not necessary to be a mathematician to calculate the difference in costs, so this drawback is also very ambiguous.

    The best manufacturers of glutinous compounds

    So, you decided on using glue for laying your future house or other building and it's time choose the composition for which you will assign one of the most important missions, namely strength and integrity structure.

    To date, the market for building materials is full of various firms and brands, and the category of mixtures is not an exception at all, providing a fairly wide choice. So for a more optimal solution, it is worth considering the top three and the most popular options, from world leaders and simply proven brands.


    One of the most popular brands of building materials, mixtures and other is the brandCeresitand it deservedly occupies high positions, thanks to multiple recommendations and its exceptional quality.


    Performed on the basis of cement with mineral fillers and an organic modifier, an adhesive mixture Ceresit perfectly suited for thin-walled masonry of external and internal walls from gas or foam blocks.

    This glue composition is produced by bags weighing 25 kg each.


    Also a fairly popular solution among a variety of construction companies and professional builders themselves are compounds fromKnaufwhich, thanks to their gypsum base, provide a high and lasting bonding quality.

    Eco-friendly adhesive compositionKnauf Perlfixdoes not have any adverse effects on humans, and its plasticity allows you to quickly align the blocks.

    This glutinous composition is produced by bags weighing 30 kg each.

    IVSIL Block

    Excellent dry mixtures suitable for foam and gas blocks can also provideIVSIL Block. This adhesive is good for both grooving and conventional blocks, and in the composition of this glutinous mixture contain various imported polymer additives, which significantly increase the adhesion (adhesion between block and glue).

    A great advantage of this mixture is the possibility of adjusting the position of the blocks for up to 25 minutes, when in many other cases this time is only 3 minutes.

    This glue composition is produced by bags weighing 25 kg each.

    Tags:Penoblock and Gaslock
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