Pet care in December

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video Hearing in the winter in the hive

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  • Hours ventilation in the hive in the winter - go to

    often covered with clouds - it means winter has come. At this time of the year, pets are especially in need of human care, and December is only the beginning of a difficult journey. Right now, gardeners are trying to do everything so that their pets can safely survive the cold.

    Chickens - Reliable Workers

    These cute homemade girlfriends try to supply summer residents with eggs all year round. Therefore, with the onset of winter, they need a warm room. Here they will have to be most of the time in order not to lose their egg production. In addition, there should be a stable temperature and lighting in the hen house. This is especially important if December was a cold enough entry into the winter.

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    For a start, it is important to seal all through holes and gaps in the hen house so that cold air does not penetrate it. Windows in the room should be tightly closed. To increase the temperature in the chicken coop, experienced gardeners use heating units. The main thing is to install them so as not to harm the birds or the device.

    Additional lighting in the hen house( at least 14 hours), makes it possible to collect more eggs than without it.

    It is important in the first month of winter to provide chickens with a balanced diet. Usually by this time the birds lose their own reserves and need feeding. The best option is to get good feed. This mixture contains a complete set of vitamins, minerals and various nutrients.

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    In order for the chickens to rush during the cold season, they need to be released to fresh air. December is the right month to prepare for the icy winter. Therefore, daily releasing birds for a walk, just for 15 minutes, will help to get used to the cold. If they walk in a small aviary, then wooden shields can be put on the ground. And to protect the birds from predators, it is desirable to cover the top of the enclosure with a net. A cheaper method is to walk with them in the open air.

    To prevent the chickens from freezing their feet, the walking area can be covered with straw or hay.

    Warming cages for rabbits

    Observations of farmers show that the optimum temperature for growing rabbits ranges from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius. However, if you try to help them, then even severe frosts are not a hindrance. When December comes, it is important to take care of protecting the rabbits from drafts and insulate the cages. There are several options for how to do this:

    1. Heated floors .For this, thick boards are used to make a pallet in which hay or straw is placed.
    2. Tight doors .In addition to the existing doors, plywood is nailed. Some use glazed constructions that retain heat well.
    3. Thermal insulation of the side and rear walls of the .Such materials as felt, foam or ordinary old blanket reliably protect the rabbits from severe frosts. They are recommended to be nailed outside, and on top covered with plywood, film, or roofing material.

    As soon as warming occurs, the additional insulation should be removed immediately. This will protect the cage from moisture that can harm animals.

    With the onset of December, summer residents are trying to supplement the rabbits ration with useful food. They prepare all sorts of warm feed mops, which contain a number of minerals and nutrients. Not bad in December to give animals needles. We can safely say that she is a real storehouse of vitamin. It is important that the cells constantly have a supply of water after each meal. A regular cleaning of the “rabbit houses” is the key to a successful wintering of fluffy animals.

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    Protect domestic bees in December

    The first month of winter for bees is a period of deep hibernation. Therefore, do not bother them once again. In December, beekeepers perform basic manipulations associated with hives, as well as control the sleep and ventilation of insects.

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    Control bee hibernation

    To make sure that the family is sleeping, there must be complete silence inside the hive. Only occasionally a weak buzz can be heard from it. If the bees are buzzing loudly, then there are problems. They may not have enough feed or it may be too cold. To help the hardworking insects in the winter, summer residents immediately eliminate the difficulties.

    Audition is done 2 or 3 times a month. To do this, use a thin rubber tube. One end of it is inserted into the notch, and the other is directed to the ear.

    Control of ventilation in the hive

    If the ventilation in the bee house is disturbed, dampness will appear in it. As a result, this can lead to loss of worker bees. Therefore, in December, it is important to regulate ventilation using the entrance area. It can be opened or closed to make the gap more or less.

    In winter, summer residents are recommended to repair or make new bee houses. Revise the necessary equipment and prepare for the next season.

    As you can see, in December at the dacha there is a lot of trouble associated with pets. But as a reward you can get fresh eggs from chickens, dietary rabbit meat and sweet honey from striped workers.

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