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Almost every experienced gardener knows how raspberries reproduce, they are grown by reproduction of raspberriesFor them, this article will be a real find, and experienced amateurs will learn something new.
To date, there are several ways to multiply raspberries. Here are the most common ones:
- Green, as well as root cuttings;
- Root Scions;
- Seeds.
Reproduction of raspberry cuttings
This method is most common among gardeners. It does not take much time and is quite easy to learn. You can multiply raspberries with green, as well as root cuttings. The methods are slightly different from each other, so we give a description of each of them.
- Reproduction of raspberries with green cuttings. The essence of the method is that the reproduction of raspberries occurs when using root shoots of the shrub. It is noteworthy that they appear( usually between the rows) after several years of planting. Such sprouts have no root system, therefore they are not used as seedlings, but as cuttings that can later give roots.
So, to start the implementation of this method, you will need a knife or pruner. With these tools, you need to carefully cut( preferably near the root) green branches. After that, the cuttings obtained should be lowered( for 15-17 hours) into a prepared solution that contains various growth stimulants( heteroauxin, indolyl butyric acid, etc.) and placed in a cool place. The average water temperature should be 18 degrees. If this requirement is not met, then processing efficiency is reduced to zero.
After the time the cuttings can be planted under the film. So that they start well, you need to monitor the humidity( it should be high), under the so-called shelter, and temperature conditions( 22-25 degrees).
IMPORTANT!This method is used when green cuttings already have 2 or 3 true leaves. If you do this operation earlier, it is likely that the young raspberries will not take root.
- Reproduction of raspberries using root cuttings. This method is less popular because it has some drawbacks. In particular, when digging up roots( this is a prerequisite for reproduction by this method), the raspberry bush itself is often damaged. After that, he is ill for a long time, and in some cases may die. Despite this, this method has the right to exist, and therefore we will talk about it in more detail.
Digging up the roots is done mainly between the rows, this minimizes damage to a number of growing shrubs. The roots( or root cuttings) are selected the strongest, their length should vary within 10-15 cm. The best specimens( those on which there are side branches) are laid out in small grooves( 5 mm deep), sprinkled with earth and, as it driessoil watered. After some time, new raspberry bushes will break through to the surface.
Reproduction of raspberries by root shoots
This method is the most versatile and is widely used among experienced gardeners. Root scion is a more mature green cutting that has its own root system, but is dependent on the maternal shrub. In the autumn they are dug up and transferred to a new place. In order for the future shrub to get acclimatized, it must be systematically watered and at first the sun rays should not fall on the leaves of the plant. To do this, you can stretch a rag over the root suckers.
Reproduction of raspberries with
seedsThis method is practically not common among gardeners, as it requires a lot of labor and time. Usually this method is used by breeders.
Take the fruits of raspberry and pound through a strainer. Seeds together with pulp are placed in a glass of water and thoroughly washed. Emerging seeds are not suitable for planting, it is believed that they are still underdeveloped and will not be able to give offspring. The remaining specimens are well dried. After the done action, they can immediately be sown in boxes, but experts recommend not to hurry with this.
For better seed germination, special treatment is needed. In particular, the seed for a day is placed in water. After the time, the liquid is drained and the seeds are mixed with wet river sand. The prepared consistency is laid out in nylon sacks( if you don’t have them at hand, you can use regular tights) and place them in a suitable container( ordinary boxes can play its role).Then bags of seeds are covered with wet moss or pre-steamed sawdust. All this should be removed preferably in a cool place, for example, in the underground or, if space permits, in the refrigerator.
Containers with all contents must stand for three months, then the seeds along with the sand are removed and sown in boxes.
IMPORTANT!In order for raspberry seeds to ascend more quickly, it is necessary to sow them into grooves, the depth of which should be about 5 mm. Top seedlings sprinkled with a layer of peat or sand. After this, the box must be covered with glass or polyethylene and put on a bright place where the direct rays of the sun will not penetrate.
When all of the above actions are done, you need to be patient and wait. Just say that the seeds do not germinate. A successful outcome is 50%.Seedlings are ready for diving( transplanting into separate plastic cups) when their height is 10 cm. The future seedlings are in containers until relatively warm weather occurs outside. When this happens, seedlings need to be planted in open ground. It is advisable to choose a sunny place, protected from the winds. After 2 years of seedlings grow full seedlings.
Caution! Even if you want to use this method, remember that varietal qualities are not preserved.
In fact, today there are still a couple of three ways to multiply raspberries, for example, tops. However, these methods are not widely spread. The ideal option for many gardeners are cuttings.