Summer cottage calendar November: gardening

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processing of fruit trees in the garden

  • Processing of fruit trees in November -

fruit tree processing in November -

video of the feeders and protection from rodents in the gardenleaf fall, and the country garden is preparing for the onset of a long period of rest. So that next spring, fruit trees and shrubs come in well-rested, strong and healthy, in November, the summer resident will have to work hard.

November care for trees and shrubs in the garden

On bared crowns, more than ever, it is easy to see:

  • branches affected by lichens, pests;
  • broken or dried shoots;
  • are places where insects have gathered to comfortably spend the winter.
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In the late autumn, the summer resident has a great opportunity to improve the garden, removing everything that could cause many problems next year. Dry branches and sawn branches with traces of settled insects burn. In the garden, especially from under the crowns, carefully and carefully collect fallen leaves, becoming a refuge for disease-causing fungi and all sorts of pests. They are also sent to the fire.

Trunks of adult trees, if this work has not been done before, whiten. Pristvolnye circles under the trees thickly fall asleep with peat, needles, straw, sawdust.

Seedlings trapped in the garden only this year have very tender bark and may suffer from sunburn. Therefore, it is better not to whiten them, but to cover them with special covers, coniferous spruce branches or to wrap them in dense non-woven material, having previously tied up and pulled side shoots to the main conductor. This will prevent crown fractures during snowfalls, protect from frost, treacherous spring sun and rodents.

We can not forget about the bushes. In November, there is still an opportunity to lay in trenches and cover grapes, blackberries, some thermophilic raspberry varieties.

How to hold and use snow in the garden

First snow falling out in late autumn is short-lived. Most often, it quickly melts, but if they cover the tree trunks, even a small feather bed will help protect the base of the bushes, the grafting sites on the seedlings, mature trees from damage and cracking of the bark from soil frosts. The snow cover will add a layer of humus, peat, compost.

Read also: Preparing a garden for winter - how to feed fruit trees in the fall?

In November it is worth checking out the strawberry beds. After the rains, the earth is compacted, some foliage wilts. They become well visible, especially in plantations transplanted in autumn, raised above the soil, bare bases of plants. In order not to face the freezing of the berry crop next year, the beds are densely sprinkled with peat, straw, or regular soil mixed with rotten compost.

Over the entire area of ​​the garden, it is useful to place shields to hold the snow and protect young plants from damage. If such structures were not prepared in advance, do not despair. Stop binge cold air and accumulate as much snow as possible will help folded on the path of the wind branches. Even in mild, snowless winters, near the man-made barriers, drifts will grow. It is easy to throw snow from them under crowns to protect garden plantings.

Read also: Strawberry Gigantella at the cottage

Harvesting cuttings of garden crops

Autumn pruning is a convenient time for harvesting healthy annual shoots for future vaccination. Fruit trees accumulate a lot of nutrients by winter. They will help the cuttings to winter well and settle down in the spring in a new place.

In November, apples, pears, cherries and other types of stone fruit crops are planted. If the autumn is warm and the foliage has fallen recently, it is not too late to cut the grapes for spring planting.

Planting material is harvested on a dry, relatively warm day, when the cut shoots cannot freeze. Cuttings are divided into varieties, collected in bundles, tied and wrapped in film. In this form, the planting material will remain until spring in a usual basement or in special trenches about half a meter deep. The bottom is thickly lined with sand, and then laid bundles of cuttings are covered with soil, straw, foliage. Over make a cover of moisture-proof material.

Arrangement of feeders and protection from rodents in the garden.

The garden traditionally attracts many pests. In winter it is the favorite habitat of rodents. Country haunts are visited by hares, attracted by the succulent bark of fruit plants. Mice settle at the roots, using a layer of mulch, leaves, straw and snow as a warm home and an excellent source of nutrition.

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From the attacks of eared pests, landing will save a reliable fence. Mice are much harder to fight. In November, the garden is thoroughly cleaned from dead plants, foliage and other debris. Then go into the individual protection of the trees. Their trunks are wrapped tightly and slightly below the level of the ground, tied with newsprint, strips of roofing material, dense covering material or geotextiles. Then the base of the trunk sprinkled with earth, and under a layer of mulch, straw or other insulation, scattered poisoned bait for rodents.

Prevent the resettlement of insects in the spring can be in the autumn, hanging the bird feeders in the garden. For them, they choose quiet, protected from the wind corners and regularly replenish. Having become accustomed to delicious feeding during the winter, the birds will surely arrive here with the onset of heat in order to clear the trees of waking up beetles, aphids and other uninvited guests.

Processing fruit trees in November - video

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