Types of heating a country house: a comparison of heating systems by fuel type

All existing types of heating for a country house can be classified as on the fuel used, as well as for the heat transfer method. A single principle on which they are chosen, does not exist.

The efficiency of heating of housing depends on the climate in the region, the area of ​​the house, personal preferences and other factors.

The content of the article:

  • Wood burning stove for heating homes
    • Types of furnaces with wood
    • Improved oven heating characteristics
  • Heating homes with electricity
    • Electric boiler water heating system
    • The design features electric boilers
    • Features of electrode assemblies
    • Device induction equipment
    • Heating electric convectors
    • Flooring warm electric heating homes
    • Infrared heating of premises
  • Gas for heating homes
  • Useful videos on the topic

Wood burning stove for heating homes

The principle of operation on the wood stove is simple - fuel burning generates heat. The walls are heated and transfer heat to the air of the room. Stove heating, as well as any other, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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By appreciable advantages wood oven include:

  • special cozy atmosphere, which can not establish any other type of heating;
  • relatively small investments;
  • the opportunity to its original features;
  • environmental friendliness, availability of fuel.

However oven it selects a useful area and has a small efficiency. The larger the house, the Overall this is a source of heat. Before you heat the air in the room, you need to download the furnace firewood, and then repeat this procedure periodically.

brick oven
Such a small oven made of brick can heat a small room. can be prepared on the surface of the food and to heat water

It is necessary to wait until the fuel is burning well and warms the design. Only after this ritual will spread around the room warm welcome.

Types of furnaces with wood

Traditional wood oven spread of bricks. The presence in these serpentine Chimney allows a well to heat the air in the room and keep warm for a long time. It can be used as a fireplace and cook her food surface.
There are 3 categories of brick kiln:

  1. With the hob or heating and cooking. They can heat a few rooms at once, and they cook.
  2. Russian. As a rule, it is a massive structure with an appendage in the form of couches. On such a furnace is not only preparing different dishes, but also dried herbs, fruits, mushrooms.
  3. Stove. In addition to the heating function, this structure is designed to decorate the interior, bring a touch of romance to it, a special home-like atmosphere.

Manufactured from wood stoves and iron. They are compact and therefore fit into any corner of the house. Combustion products usually outputted through the chimney of the corrugations. Such stoves can quickly warm up the room.

Furnace of heat-resistant steel is also rapidly heated air in the house. But comfortable temperature is maintained for long. Sometimes, for the manufacture of metal wood stoves used stainless steel. It keeps the heat longer, but bad joints can withstand rapid heating and are often damaged.

Models of wood-burning stoves
There are many different models of wood stoves. Manufacturers mans them with special devices, improve operational efficiency, reduce the amount of toxins in the smoke

Heat a country house with wood is allowed without compulsory furnace facilities in the direct sense of the word. Pyrolysis boilers often set such as an oven or Butakova Buleryan. Although there are fuel wood, another principle of action - the same gas generator.

Heat enters the room during afterburner. To do this, lay the wood in large quantities. Establish a regime in which burns only part of the timber, and the other decays. The processing time depends on the volume of the space and power of heating equipment. Efficiency of pyrolysis furnaces rather high - from 75 to 85%.

By gasification furnaces and furnace Strupova relates Bubafonya and operating without downloads to 48 hours. Characteristic of these constructions is the presence of a tall column. It is almost to the edge of the wood and lay ignited like a fire from above.

Continuous burning furnace
Instead of a wood stove can lay sawdust, peat or other type of solid fuel. The denser it is laid, the longer the process (+)

Instead of a wood stove can lay sawdust, peat or other type of solid fuel. The denser it is laid, the longer it will continue the process

It supports combustion process air supplied through the telescopic pipe in the upper part of the furnace. Fuel is combusted and the combustion zone is gradually lowered together with the tube, air flow, the level of the grate.

As an alternative to heating cottage wood, there are other embodiments of the solid fuel such as pellets. they burn longer in comparison with the wood. Boilers in which it is burnt, safer because protected against overheating, fitted with flame control. In one loading boiler capable of operating 3 Hours as minimum. If the system is supplemented with accumulator tank, heat will accumulate and then enter the room.

For a small country house of one of the furnace in order to heat it up and cook a meal is enough. If the house is large, we need an elaborate heating system, when one of the furnace heated the whole building. To this end, arrange steam or water circuits. In a one-story house is connected to circuit common brick furnace or purchase iron. If the house has 2-3 floors, you need to get the furnace-boiler of cast iron.

Improved oven heating characteristics

Improves conventional furnace heating water circuit through a significant increase in the area of ​​heating and efficient heat distribution. The heating process is included as a furnace wall, and the flue channels, and the coolant itself. Heat is supplied to the radiators during the combustion of wood, but the heat is stored in them for some time to come.

water circuit
In the house, where no plan to stay constantly used antifreeze liquid instead of water as a coolant

Inclusion of a conventional wood-burning furnace system involves heating water heat exchanger presence. Its purpose - to ensure water heating and circulation of the coolant. Exchanger manufactured from sheet steel or metal pipes. The dimensions of his personality. Importantly, when installing leave a gap of 10 - 15 mm between the walls of the furnace and register with the enlargement.

In the presence of the second floor in the building in the system include an electric pump. It intensively chase coolant, accelerating the process of heating at igniting furnace. The system can also include the capacity to generate hot water supply.

Heating homes with electricity

Heating homes with electricity is based on two principles. First - heating of each room separately using the devices connected directly to the mains. Second - indirect heating with pumping coolant, heating radiators in each room.

An example of a direct heating method is the use of the oil cooler. Its ribbed shape it resembles the classic cast-iron battery. The device itself is heated to a high temperature environment and sends the heat in the form of thermal radiation.

heating with electricity
The advantage of electric boilers is its full automation, as well as the fact that it can be installed in any room

The surface of the heat sink cools down slowly due to the fact that the coolant has a good thermal inertia. The most frequently used devices such as additional. Include oil radiators in the basic system uneconomical.

Electric boiler water heating system

Connected to an electric boiler water system, it has its own characteristics. To consume energy efficiently, the circulation of the coolant in the system should only be compulsory. Natural circulation will increase the power consumption. Furthermore, this will entail a non-uniform heating of the room, reducing the heat exchange speed, power loss.

When using the electric boiler in the system is required to include an expansion tank, equipped management unit and the security elements. open system device does not make sense, because It leads to high operation costs.

To be able to heat your home country, you must have sufficient electricity power transmission lines. It is therefore necessary to perform simple calculations in front of the boiler purchase.

It is necessary to proceed from the fact that, according to experts, it is sufficient to 1 kW hour to heat a room of 10 square meters. If you have to heat a 200 m² require 20 kW. Since in addition to the boiler in the house, there are other electrical equipment to the calculated value is added for about 5 kW.

The design features electric boilers

In electric boilers, heating elements used in a working element, the electrodes, the magnetic induction. The most common form of the first. Water or another heat medium is heated by the boiler wall heaters, made in a leakproof enclosure, and then goes to the heating system.

The efficiency of such boilers is not very high - heat transfer process is accompanied by large losses. More effective is the boiler equipped with a multi-stage connection, electronic control. Upon reaching a set temperature, the boiler is deactivated.

TANS electric boiler
The modern electric boiler TENovye stylish design. Coolant can be not only water, but also anti-freeze

The main disadvantage of the electric boiler with heating elements is the formation of plaque on the spiral heating element. Because of this increased power consumption due to lower efficiency.

Features of electrode assemblies

The main feature of these boilers is that they have no element that heats coolant. Heating occurs by passing water through the electrical pulses transmitted a special electrode.

As a result of such exposure water molecules dissociate into ions carrying positive and negative charge. Because it uses the alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz per second, the same rate is a change of polarity of the electrodes in an aqueous medium.

Ions in such conditions begin to oscillate and change direction. All this is happening at a greater resistance to the aquatic environment in the process. This results in a thermal energy, which transmits the heating medium heating radiators. In this case, the electrodes do not have time to settle a hard plaque, which is a big plus in favor of this type of boilers.

There are one- and three-phase boiler model. The difference between them is only in the design and dimensions of the electrodes. The construction comprises a cylindrical metal body coated with polyamide. In the cylinder, there are pipes through which coolant enters and exits.

Ionic boiler efficiency high - from 95 to 98%. Their small size and they heat up very quickly, but cool at the same rate. Boilers are not "dry run", so if there is no water in the system, they simply will not run. Are not affected by voltage drops, as it falls just reduced power, but the complete shutdown of the unit does not occur.

The disadvantages of this type of boilers include their increased demands on the heat carrier. The water must have good conductivity, or starts falling capacity of the equipment. This boiler can not be operated on battery power, because requires only AC power source. Operation is necessary to exclude air from entering the boiler as This triggers enhanced corrosion process.

electrode boiler
One side of the cylinder is hermetically welded, to another electrode disposed block. As an insulator that separates the electrodes from the housing, a nut is used polyamide

Single-phase aggregates have a power of 2 - 6 kW, three-phase - 9 - 50 kW. For use in suburban homes suit first, the second is used for heating large industrial buildings. The average diameter of the boiler - 32 cm, the maximum length - 0,6 m. The lower the water temperature inside the boiler body, the less power it consumes.

Electrode boilers, depending on the principle of heat transfer medium are spread open and closed. In the first case a natural circulation is carried out, and in the second system includes an expansion tank and a pump. Most models have automatic control, start the unit and protection of unstability of power. Expensive models complement the controller, maintain the optimum temperature, and remote control.

By setting the electrode boiler is necessary to perform a proper grounding house mains. The heat exchanger of the boiler should be cleaned once every 12 months. It is also necessary to control the chemical composition of water and its correction, if necessary.

Device induction equipment

Work induction boiler is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The electromagnetic energy generated by the coil is transformed into heat. The core is heated by the electromagnetic field of the coil, and it gives the resulting heat fluid passing inside it. Boiler systems used in both open and closed, in which the coolant is circulated forcibly.

Induktiny boiler
The design of the boiler is not provided by the presence of elements, quickly breaking down. The material for the manufacture of stainless steel core is about 6 mm thick, so it can work for a long time - 35 - 40

Boilers of this type are characterized by massiveness. Their body is not in contact with the coolant coil primary winding. The secondary winding is the internal pipe system with flowing liquid on them. The energy in a very rapid heating is not lost, however, as assure manufacturers efficiency close to 100%.

As a result of self-induction boiler further generates reactive power of considerable magnitude. This increases the efficiency of the equipment. The system can download any coolant - both water and antifreeze, oil, glycerol. The cost of this type of boiler is quite large.

The heating system with induction boiler, except for the heater includes:

  • circulation pump;
  • Membrane tank;
  • radiators, and sometimes Heated floor;
  • security group;
  • remote control.

Mount boiler upright. The distance to the closest object - at least 0.3 m on each side and 0.8 m from the bottom and top. Run it only when filling the system and checking for airing. It is also necessary to ground the boiler itself and the components of the system: controller, pump, and other elements.

Heating electric convectors

Visually convector - the same battery is located under the window or on the wall. But inside there are heating elements. The design of the cold air ingress is provided below. Inside it is heated and exits through the upper grille.

The user sets the temperature. Thermostats embedded in the convector, the temperature control device on and off when it reaches the set value. The advantage of using the heating convectors is the lack of the system with its complex wiring and "bonus" as frost or leakage.

Protection classes convectors
There are models of convectors with protection class IP 24. They are designed for installation in wet areas. Class IP 21 suitable for rooms with the usual conditions

Since these heating units are not open elements, and the outer panel is heated slightly, they are completely safe. They operate silently, and the design makes it possible to use them without damage to the interior. Convectors produce mobile and stationary that you can create with the help of their comfort zones.

Flooring warm electric heating homes

Heat a private house from the mains can be and with the help of warm floors. They are produced in several different ways:

  1. One or two-core cable. They typically lay in a coupler, which then accumulates heat and gives it to the surrounding atmosphere.
  2. In the form of heating mats. In fact it is the same cable, but placed on a grid of fiberglass. For their installation screed it is not a requirement.

The design provides for a warm floor temperature sensors. heating mode is maintained automatically after pre-set temperature. The room is warmed evenly.

Infrared heating of premises

Create a comfortable environment wavelength range transmitted by an infrared heater. He first heats all that is in the room, and only then the excess of the heat into the air. Heat is stationed at floor level, not at the top, as a convector for heating. This mode is most favorable for all the inhabitants of the house, including plants.

There are 3 types of infrared heaters: Ceiling, floor, wall. The first may be part of the ceiling, as if placed on the IR window, it will cut off the cold air. emission direction is adjusted by means of special hangers.

Floor models are mobile. They can be moved to any desired position, take on nature. Wall IR participate in the creation of the interior. They may masquerade as a mural, painting, wall lamp.

The most convenient to use Plano or film heaters. They are strips of a heat-resistant transparent films of 0.4 mm thickness maximum sizes. Radiators are disposed between layers of plastic and interconnected by means of bus bars of copper.

film heaters
Film heaters FREH efficiency ranges from 95 to 98%. The film is placed on the ceiling, on the floor under a finish and even under the carpet

The film is sometimes used as floor heating without screed. She herself warming to an average of 50⁰, so it can not burn or cause a fire. The disadvantages of infrared heater include its constant glow.

Gas for heating homes

This type of heating is in the lead as the most popular and cost. It is particularly advantageous in this respect from the gas, but it is not always present at the location of suburban settlements. If we consider such a case, a good outlet for the gas heating of a country house is the use of gas tanks. This option is not the cheapest, but still cheaper than electricity.

For the installation of the heating system is needed project, after which the selected boiler approval. At the same time take into account several factors:

  1. Appointment. The boiler can be used exclusively for heating and then fit single-loop option. When it is necessary to ensure supply of hot water is selected double-boiler.
  2. installation method. Housing area not exceeding 200 m², suitable wall-mounted version. For more dimensional structures need outdoor boiler.
  3. Type of heat exchanger. It is made from steel, cast iron, copper. The wall-mounted boilers increasingly used copper, a floor - iron, steel. Recent stronger.
  4. Smoke free. As a rule, it goes through the chimney, creating a natural attraction.

If the heating system is connected to a container filled with propane-butane, you can use the same main boilers with a little modernization. Here you just need to change the burner, is often available in the kit. To select gas from the cylinder to the maximum, a smaller boiler with gas pressure indicator must purchase.

Heating bottled gas
Connecting the cylinder to the boiler is carried out by means of the gear, the calculated consumption of 1.8 to 2 mᶾ gas per hour. When using multiple cylinders connects them via a common or a separate gear unit for each

The best way out - to connect several cylinders. Thus it is possible to change the sources of gas less. The pressure in a pipeline always stable and this is a major advantage of autonomous gas supply.

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