Types and varieties of seedlings for growing at home

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Epipremnum - one of themost popular among flower growers, indoor vines. In order to understand how diverse and decorative this crop is, one should pay attention to the types and varieties of plants for growing at home.

Plants belonging to the huge Aroid family in nature inhabit the tropical forests of Malaysia, Java Island, French Polynesia, and many other parts of Southeast Asia. Starting from a moist, nutritious soil at the foot of the trees, feeders quickly climb the trunks, easily reaching a height of 8–10 meters. House copies are more modest in size, but thanks to the breeders who created varieties with bright multicolor foliage, much more original in appearance.

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Due to the huge number of species, the remoteness of their natural habitat and the ability to drastically change as they grow, most of the genera of the Aroids have not been studied enough. Therefore, many varieties of botany botanicals and potted plants are referred to as epipremnums, potosas, or rafidophores.

Scindapsus golden( Scindapsus aureus)

The name confusion most often refers to the seedling golden, most common in room culture. This plant, originally from the insular part of the Pacific Ocean, is often called the cirrus bunch or Scindapsus pinnatum, and is also considered to be among other genera of tropical vines of the Aroid family with similar leaves in shape and size.

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The popularity of gardeners engaged in indoor plants received a flower due to its unpretentiousness, rapid growth and unique foliage.

At home, a grassy vine with pointed-heart-shaped leaves grows to 2–4 meters, needs a strong support, or is grown as an ampelous plant. In nature, this kind of bird plant perfectly climbs steep trunks, mossy stones and other surfaces with the help of powerful, tenacious air roots. Bright flower decoration - leathery smooth leaves with a length of 10 to 20 cm.

The older the plant and the better the care, the larger the leaf plates. At the same time in the shade the leaves are darker and more evenly colored than those that are under the scattered rays of the sun.

Today, at the disposal of flower growers there are many dissimilar to each other, intended for growing at home varieties of this kind of plant.

Bleeding Neon does not belong to the variegated varieties; it cannot be confused with any other variety. The graceful, pointed leaves of the plant are painted in a bright lemon-greenish shade that does not change as they grow older.

The Real Golden Queen among the money trees is the Golden Queen variety with green leaves, generously covered with white and yellow or lemon stains and strokes. The variety for indoor cultivation does not have a single repeating pattern on the leaf plates. All truly bright and unique!

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The scyndus feathery variety N-joy is covered with large patches of white and silver-green hue. A great decoration for the house, in which for the flower there is a comfortable place in the penumbra. Here the plant will fully reveal its exotic beauty.

A special feature of the Marble Queen variety is the abundance of randomly scattered strokes, due to which it is difficult to say which leaf plates are initially white or green.

Painted Paints( Scindapsus pictus)

Paints painted or spotted - native of faraway Malaysia. In wet forests, vines, studded with variegated asymmetrical leaves, climb trees, using aerial roots, clinging to trunks and getting additional moisture from the air.

A characteristic feature of this species is the unusual shape of pointed-heart-shaped sheet plates, one side of which is smaller than the other. A bright white border runs along the edge of the sheet, and silver-white spots are scattered throughout the entire area.

Among the popular varieties for growing a house is a pile of painted Argyraeus, besides which, flower growers love and appreciate the silvery variety of the plant.

Siamese squirrels( Scindapsus siamensis)

Among the species suitable for indoor cultivation, there is another plant with variegated asymmetrical leaves. This is a Siamese plant, originally from Southeast Asia. The fundamental difference of culture is very large leafy plates, which appear brighter due to the abundance of silvery or light green confluent spots.

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. Scindapsus perakensis(

) A rare species of seedlings, whose pointed-arrow-shaped leaves are not variegated, but smooth-green. At the base of each leaf plate, there are appendages of a lionfish, fringing the petiole on both sides. The plant is originally from Thailand and the islands of the Pacific Ocean in height can reach five meters. In a pot culture, it is somewhat smaller, but as unpretentious as the other more common varieties and types of seedlings for growing at home.

Scindapsus Troyba( Scindapsus treubii)

Collection rarities include the Troyba tree, which is widespread in nature in Java, Borneo and Malaysia. A characteristic feature of the species is rather narrow, pointed leaves with a dense leaf plate and unhurried growth, as compared with other varieties.

Today at the disposal of flower growers there is an original variety with greenish-gray wax leaves, edged with a green stripe and the same central veins. Due to its uncompromising temper and slow growth, this kind of money plant is great for decorating a vivarium.

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