The pipeline for water supply - is not less important than the selection and connection of pumping equipment, construction of a water source. Improper wiring running water in a private home can lead to pressure spikes, malfunction of the system.
To avoid problems, you need to carefully examine all the details of the work. We can help you by providing valuable information for the study of the specifics of the device and assembly rules. The proposed consideration of information based on regulatory requirements.
The present contact for the inspection texte circuits, wiring options and supply circuit nuances completed visual illustrations and video.
The content of the article:
Wiremap aqueduct
- Driving # 1. Sequential (wye) connection
- Driving # 2. Parallel (collector) connection
- On the principle of separation of water supply
- How to make your own project?
- Installation water supply system components
- Installation type - hidden and open system
- General tips for installation
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Wiremap aqueduct
Water supply wiring can be carried out in two ways - with serial and parallel connections. Selection of water supply scheme It depends on the number of residents, periodic or permanent residence in the building or on the intensity of use of tap water.
There is also a mixed type of routing, in which the mixers are connected to the water supply system via collector, and the remaining point and the sanitary appliances are attached by successive connection.
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Water supply wiring in a private home schemes is different from residential options. The difference in the use of technical equipment necessary for the functional water supply

When connected to an independent source, well, or the well, the system includes a filter for coarse and fine purification

To supply water to the taps constructing both tee and collection system

If desired, to organize an automated system water circuit and complementary hydraulic tank pressure switch. For winter operation equipment in a heated room

For preparation of hot water or set flow water heater

Often, for each point in the draw normal complement system pressure boosting device such pumping station

Booster equipment required for normal operation of the aqueduct, if between the points and draw-water intake system or a large distance too ramified

The main condition for the organization of water supply in a private home is the presence of sewage, without which the construction of the water supply can not be

Version of water in a private house

System for rough and fine filtration

The collector version of the water supply

Accumulator in the water

Connect the water pipes to the heater

Pump station for increasing the pressure in the system

Solution branched and long circuit

The condition for the water supply in the private house
Driving # 1. Sequential (wye) connection
Represents the summing alternately from the riser pipe to the cylinder or sanitary devices. First, the overall pipe is withdrawn, and then use the tees are threads to places of consumption.
Such compounds more economical method for its implementation requires fewer pipes, fittings, it is easy to assemble. Wiring pipes at tee system more compact, it is more easily hidden under finishing materials.

In series connection of the pipeline to connect the hot water is especially noticeable discomfort - water temperature changes drastically, if running water are several people
But daisy more suitable for municipal flats to houses with periodic residence or a small number of residents. It can not provide a uniform pressure in the system when it is used simultaneously by multiple users - in the most remote point of the water pressure will change dramatically.
In addition, if necessary, repair or connection of plumbing fixtures will have to disable the whole house from the water. Therefore, for private homes with high water consumption and residence is best to choose a system with parallel wiring running water.
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Assembly of water supply in the private home of the collector or make tee scheme. Tee embodiment familiar and easier to device

In Scheme tee pipes are connected via tee and corner fittings, devices connected in series, the water flows through the perimeter contour of the draw-off from one point to another

The tee plumbing impossible to achieve equal pressure values at all points of demand. In the case of hot water supply will be the difference also in temperature

One way to eliminate the shortcomings of the system believe tee facilities for water as a ring. The water in this case is fed into the crane from both sides

Principle tee assembly aqueduct

Features of pipe joints

Less wiring pipe tee

Way to solve problems with pressure
Driving # 2. Parallel (collector) connection
Parallel connection is based on a summing up of individual tubes from the main reservoir to the water intake points. For cold and hot line set their collector nodes.
Such a method requires a large number of pipe laying and, accordingly, makes it difficult to disguise them. But every point of the draw will be stable water pressureAnd while simultaneously using multiple sanitary water pressure changes would be negligible devices.
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The water supply by the collector circuit allows equalize the pressure at all points in the water system

According to the collector system device specifics plumbing devices are connected in parallel

By cons collector wiring include increased flow tubes, the complexity of the system and almost mandatory use of booster pump

When the collecting device circuit at all points of the draw pressure is equal to or slightly different. Can simultaneously use two or more cranes without feeling pressure drop

Advantages of the collector wiring

The principle of construction of the collector circuit

Disadvantages collector solutions

Equal at all points of pressure
Collector - a device with one inlet for the water and several terminals, the number of which depends on the number of sanitary units, home appliances, employing for tap water.
The collector of the cold water is mounted closer to the entry pipe into the house, and for hot - at its exit from the heater. Before purification manifold mounted filter and pressure regulating reducer.

Each output of the collector is provided with a shut-off valve that allows to disable a specific point of water intake, and the other terminals will operate in a normal mode. Additionally, each of them can be equipped with a regulator to maintain a certain pressure for individual instruments
On the principle of separation of water supply
Setting the domestic hot water and cold-water can be carried out in two ways:
- With the "blind" wiring. water supply pipe water intake at the last point of a dead end. This is more advantageous for saving space and from an economic point of view, but can cause a nuisance when operating water supply. The water in the last node will be delayed, and only after it reaches the cap, it will flow into the valve.
- With closed circulation wiring. In this method, water is continuously moving in a circle, it has the same temperature at every point in the system and is supplied to the user after opening the faucet. The feature of this method of wiring appropriate to use it for hot water supply system - it is important to avoid sudden jumps in temperature.
In order not to complicate the tap the wiring in the house, Better use of combined version. The cold water supply is performed by a deaf wiring hot - via circulation.

In a simple scheme immediately visible differences of different schemes of water: 1 - standard "blind"; 2 - with forced circulation; 3 - "blind" using a manifold
How to make your own project?
To properly plan a water system, you first need to plan the house, spread it all plumbing fixtures, equipment that will be connected to the water supply.
All dimensions are indicated in the same scale, according to the real measurements of premises. The more precise plan will be drawn up, the better it will be possible to determine the required amount of materials and components.
Scheme plumbing should as closely as possible to reflect all the intake point, the length and location of pipes for transportation of water, sewage, and even, as these communications are often conducted next. Also takes into account the number of filters, the volume of the boiler, parameters of pumping equipment.

Circuit wiring must be as simple as possible, trying to avoid the crossing of pipes. Water pipes are located closer to the sewer to hide their common duct. When placing the tube under the floor withdrawal tees have a straight up
The project should take into account the requirements of building regulations, as well as rules for water supply and sanitationApproved and operating in the country.
Installation water supply system components
Typical wiring water system to the well or wells can be used for serial pipeline wiring.
It consists of the following components:
- Pump equipment. For deep well more than 8 meters, or well suited only submersible pump. For shallow sources can be used in pumping stations or assembly surface pumps.
- Reducing nipples. Need for compounds with the following elements of the system, which in most cases are different from the pump outlet diameter.
- check valve. It prevents leakage of water from the system at idle pump, water pressure drop.
- Trumpet. Used polypropylene pipes, steel, metal-plastic or other materials. The choice depends on the wiring (the outer or inner, hidden or open), the price of the material, ease of mounting. Pipe, water supply to the house is provided with a heat-insulating layer.
- Water fittings. It is used to connect pipes, water supply overlapping angled conduit assembly and t. D. To it are: fittings, valves, vodorozetki, tees, etc...
- Filter Group. It is intended to protect the equipment from getting hard and abrasive particles reduce the iron content in the water and soften it.
- accumulator tank. Required to create and maintain a stable water pressure, preventing frequent switching of the pump.
- Security group. Needed to control the system pressure - pressure switch, pressure gauge and switch dry run. automatic control devices help maintain a steady pressure in the system and extend the life of equipment.
All system components are connected in sequence. More sequence can be considered in the diagram. Next, installation of the system described with respect to the collector wiring is more complicated.

Simple water system diagram enables to see how the wiring should be performed from the source to the consumer at the point (+)
The collector node in a private house set in special rooms - boiler or boiler - specially designated rooms of an apartment house, in the basement and basement areas.
The floor houses the collectors are installed on each floor. In smaller houses the system can be placed in the cistern of the toilet or hiding in a cabinet. In order to economize water pipesCollector closer to a greater number of sanitary devices, about the same distance from them.
Installation of the collector assembly, if you follow the direction of the water, carried out in this order:
- On the site connecting the manifold to the main water supply pipe stopcock is set to disable if necessary the entire system.
- Next, assemble a sediment filter, which traps large mechanical suspension that could lead to equipment damage.
- Then carried out the installation of another filter which will withdraw water from a small inclusions (depending on the model - the particles of 10 to 150 microns).
- Next in the installation diagram - return valve. Overlapping the reverse flow of water at a pressure drop.
After installation of the above equipment to a water feed pipe is connected with the collector pin count, which corresponds to the number of water consumption points inside the house. If the home is not all sanitary appliances are connected to the manifold assembly foregone conclusions put caps.

Mounting water branches hot and cold water distribution system is identical with a central water supply. Slightly differently passes installation in the building, one of the fingers of cold water reservoir connected to the water heater, where the hot water is directed to a separate manifold assembly
Installation type - hidden and open system
Pipes in the water system may be laid open and closed manner. Selecting one of the methods does not affect the quality of the connections, or the functionality of the entire system depends on personal preference.
It would seem easy to determine and closed method is preferable as a more aesthetic and saves up to 10 cm of usable space. Why is it still an open line is used when installing the water system? Let's try to answer.
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Metal-plastic - a leader in the unit water systems are used in the organization of domestic hot water and cold-water circuits. Corrosion-resistant, inside is not delayed sediment on the walls, do not require painting

Reinforced PP pipes embodiments apply gaskets HVS lines used in reinforced WAN device. Water pipes are assembled using fittings

Still in the organization of water supply systems use steel pipes for water. Steel water pipes are connected by welding, the disadvantages include the tendency to rust, staining the need for external

The advantages of flexibility, resistance to temperature and corrosive environments have a tube made of copper and stainless steel. Are joined by soldering and crimping, are about 50 years old, but are expensive

Water from metal pipes

Water polypropylene System

water supply pipes apparatus AIV

Water pipes made of copper and stainless steel
Hidden wiring allows you to hide the pipe and not to spoil the aesthetic perception of the interior of the house or apartment. Concealed method is used during assembly plumbing pipes of PP. Hide circuit for decorative wall, for example of plasterboard, or Grooves wall pipes and the plant in a niche formed, closing up or plaster covering material on the mesh.
The pipeline may not tightly adjacent to the surface - always leave a small gap for possible repairs. When installing the pipeline in the monolith is recommended to place them in the housing, putting the tube into the tube.
The disadvantage of the method is shown when there is a need to repair or replace the hidden elements of the system - plaster or tiling has to be opened and then re-decorate.
Furthermore, in case of damage and leakage problem may show up at once and the first lead to the loss of operating specifications designs, then flooding Improvement.

It is better to start the installation of the water supply system with a pre-prepared scheme - otherwise errors in calculations or assembly will lead to what will have to Stroebe new grooves and re-mounted pipes
To avoid such difficulties when installing wiring secrete only whole portions of the pipe, placing the docking fixture in open areas. In places where the installation of valves make inconspicuous door. It provides service access to the pipe joints, which are the weakest parts of the system.
It should be noted also that the pipes are not all of the materials can be hidden under a layer of plaster - it is only appropriate for polypropylene products, metal and plastic or copper.
Gasket pipes open method is carried out after completion of finish. The method involves undisguised lining pipes and plumbing elements. Looks ugly, it reduces the useful area of the room, but this method is very convenient for maintenance, repair and dismantling of elements.
Replan and adjusting the plumbing in the building with this arrangement tap wiring also not cause difficulties.

The open layout makes it possible to quickly detect a leaking place and eliminate the cause of failure or damage to system components
General tips for installation
Prior to installation of the pipeline, you must install all fasteners, finish welding. Pipes that before laying stored or transported at temperatures below zero, is kept not less than a day at a temperature above 10 ° C. Before starting the installation it is necessary to align them in the future to prevent sagging.

Pipes to walls and pillars fastened with clamps or hooks. The distance from the fixture to the threaded connections must be greater than 5 cm
For plumbing risers using tubes with an external diameter less than 20 mm, a wiring cozy - with a diameter of 16 mm and 14 mm. It is better to use as little as possible gasketed joints. It is necessary that all the connecting elements of the compliant type (series) pipes and fittings as well as the audit and, in an accessible place.
Horizontal sections running water should be sloped toward the drain valves to be able to draining the water, rise towards making apparatus through which air will exit the system with filling water. When installing the vertical structures do not allow them to tilt more than 2 mm per meter.
Through the installation of a vertical pipe, hot water pipe disposed to the right of the cold-water pipe. With horizontal wiring cold water pipe placed below the hot avoid condensation.

Closed channels or pipe embedment performed only after a test run of the system and to verify its performance, leaks and damage
When operating the water pipe with hot water occurs the phenomenon of thermal expansion, which is especially true for polypropylene products. In this case the tube can be extended, this leads to damage and leakage.
Proper positioning of fixtures and self-compensation of pipeline sections like bends, twists, pads "snake" prevent deformation.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Clip # 1. Wiring Cold-water and hot-water systems in the two-story house:
Clip # 2. Features hot water and cold-water installation in the building:
Clip # 3. How to mount a compact manifold assembly:
Carry out installation wiring in your own home you can own, but in order to avoid unpleasant the consequences of unprofessional work performed, it is best to ask for professional help to design system.Professional advice can help you avoid mistakes, unnecessary spending and rework.
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