Construction of arbors to give their own hands

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Cottage in people is often associated with caring for garden beds and gardens. But in the country you can have a good rest. For this you need to build an arbor with your own hands.

A summerhouse in the country is a place where every person after a day’s work or on holidays can have a rest either alone or with family, relatives, friends. Communication plays a significant role in our life. Arbor is the place that will allow to carry out the process of exchanging information and get moral satisfaction from it.

Pergolas for giving can be built in several versions:

  • Classic arbors;
  • Original gazebos;
  • Designer arbors.

Classic arbors are created according to a pre-drawn drawing, using high-quality, sanded wood and other decorative elements( wood grids for openings, overlays on the side parts of the arbor, internal elements).They are square, rectangular, hexagonal, round.

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Original arbors for giving are created ideologically and especially from improvised means. Usually such creations are built spontaneously. Already during work, decisions are made on the shape and size of the gazebo. The only accurate parameter is the limited area allocated for this purpose.

Trees, plastic and glass bottles, curly shrubs, old boards, metal elements are used as a building material. The cement-sand mortar, glue, ropes can act as a reinforcing material.

Design gazebos are works of art that the creative masters build with their own hands. By building a gazebo in the country, you can create unusual shapes and original elements. Materials for these types of pavilions can be very different, and for some special options, additional details are purchased.

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How to build a gazebo to give with your own hands?

Modern approaches to construction in general, contribute to the development and country building. Due to this, more and more landlords are interested in how to build a gazebo to give their own hands.

The case is quite affordable. If you also have some skills and know the basic techniques of construction, it will not be difficult to make a rest facility.

The main stages of the classic construction of a gazebo in the country:

  1. First you need to find a suitable place for the gazebo. If the yard is small, you can place it near the fence, opposite the back or front of the house. This refers to the classic arbors. Designer and original gazebos can be built anywhere, just to fit the place, the gazebo fit into the common exterior of the yard and emphasize its landscape. In the case of a large courtyard with a garden, an arbor can be placed near the garden, not far from the house. It should be positioned so that it opens with an aesthetic view of a flower bed with flowers, a piece of pond, a beautiful path.
  2. Site preparation for an arbor. It is necessary to remove excess shrubs and vegetation, level the surface, dig out the pits for laying the foundation columns.
  3. Bookmark the foundation. This is the most important stage. From its strength will depend on the stability of the entire arbor. The best solution is a column foundation. It is not difficult to build. A photo of an arbor for summer cottage, with the use of this type of foundation, clearly shows how to do this. It is necessary to install a support at each corner of the arbor, and insert a metal rod into the middle. For the construction of the supports used brick and cement mortar.
  4. Mounting frame. Most often the material for the frame is a wooden bar. Ease of operation and ease of processing allows you to quickly mount the foundation, bearing vertical beams and logs on the roof. Between themselves, all the wooden elements of the frame are connected to the grooves and fastened with long screws on the tree. Also used as a bearing frame metal profile. It is fixed by welding. But this method already requires additional skills of the owner.
  5. Roof mounting on the roof. To mount the roof gazebos to give their own hands, you must apply the prepared beams and logs. They must be the same size. Lags are attached to the central beam and side guide beams on the main frame. The strength of the roof is provided perpendicular to the located jumpers from the boards. The thickness of the boards should not be less than 30 mm. As the roofing material, you can use metal tile, profiled sheets, shingles.
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Gazebo for giving with barbecue

Very often the rest in the country is held to the accompaniment of the smell of fresh barbecue. Some owners install remote braziers near their gazebos. After the celebration and outdoor activities, the brazier needs to be constantly cooled and stored in the storage room. In order not to do this each time, the brazier is installed directly in the gazebo. In addition, you do not need to worry about the sudden deterioration of the weather.

This method is widely used in Europe. The arbor for giving with a brazier becomes more popular and in our country. It is possible to build such an arbor with a brazier at your villa. Guided by certain rules and recommendations, it will not be difficult to build such a gazebo.

Most often, the gazebo itself is made of wood, as this is the most budget option, less often it is made of metal and stone. Sometimes combined options are used, but they are, accordingly, more costly.

There are several ways to install the barbecue in the gazebo:

  • Stationary. As a rule, such braziers are planned before construction. In one of the corners of the gazebo a brick furnace is built and a chimney is discharged through the roof. The fire chamber is carried out in the form of deepening which serves as a brazier. Above the firebox, metal devices are installed for frying kebabs;
  • Seasonal. Such barbecues are installed in wooden gazebos for summer cottage from stacked metal sections: a brazier, a stand, a visor with a hood, a chimney. They are exhibited for the period spring / autumn. For the winter - understand and hide in the storage room.
  • Mobile. The advantage of these braziers in their transportability. It is placed where it is convenient at the time of rest. You can put in the gazebo for the entire stay in the country, then clean the storeroom. Usually it is a metal grill on wheels, which is easy to roll from place to place.
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Pergolas for giving can be easily erected with your own hands. To do this, you just need to familiarize yourself with some of the rules and instructions of building codes. After the preliminary plan of the arbor has matured, and the material has been prepared, you can begin. In such an arbor it will be especially pleasant to spend your time.

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