Aesthetic arbor made of natural wood with their own hands: features of installation and choice of style

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A beautiful wooden gazebo with your own hands is a stylish and practical small architectural form that will help decorate the backyard area in any design direction. This is a comfortable holiday destination for outdoor recreation at any time of the year - the right choice of the type of structure will help you enjoy the functionality of the gazebo not only in summer.

Wood is the most practical material for creating a frame:

  • wood is easy to process using an affordable tool;
  • material allows you to embody almost any style and shape;
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  • wood - environmentally friendly material;
  • , subject to proper processing, perfectly tolerates external influences - moisture, temperature drops;
  • advantages of wood include high strength and durability.

Types of arbors

According to the criterion of the features of operation and functional load, they are distinguished:

  1. Stationary - structures designed for any weather conditions and all seasons are functional throughout the year.
  2. Portable or collapsible: used only in the warm season.

According to the criterion of design features:

  1. Closed: a gazebo, both its immediate functions and the role of a summer cottage are performed. There are: floor, roof, walls, windows and doors. Functional at any time of the year.
  2. Open: gazebo, used for its intended purpose only in the warm season. Consist of a frame, the floor is optional. The walls are curtained or open. As an ornament around planted vines.
  3. Semi-open: a gazebo with glazed walls, visually resembles a small house.

According to the criterion of location on the site:

  1. Separate: a gazebo made of wood with their own hands is placed on the site separately from the residential building itself.
  2. Attached: the construction adjoins one of the walls of a country house.

How to choose a gazebo style?

Depending on the style of landscape design and a residential house on the site, you can choose the appropriate option gazebos:

  1. Classic style: symmetry, proportionality, 4- or 6-angle shape, regular geometric lines. Roof, mainly 2-, 4- or 6-sloped with a covering of tiles. Harmoniously looks domed shape.
  2. Oriental style: the center accent of the structure is a domed or unusual roof. The second characteristic feature is unusual ornamental compositions as a decor. Interior decoration should match the exterior design. Variants of oriental constructions are a gazebo-pagoda or construction in Japanese style minimalism.
  3. Victorian Aesthetics: English-style gazebo combines the features of classical and country forms. Wood - the most popular material for Victorian construction, which is usually painted in white. Characterized by half-closed or open light structures, the perimeter is decorated with climbing plants. Features: symmetry, correct and clarity of forms, lattice walls, bright colors.
  4. The rustic style makes it possible to use rough, unprocessed wood - in this the beauty and uniqueness of the arbor itself. Such an unusual, "uncouth" design creates a feeling of comfort and homely warmth. The form and design - completely depend on your desire. Styling for a chalet, a forester’s house or a bird’s nest will look harmonious on the territory of the backyard.
  5. Country arbors connect the features of rustic and classic. Performed only from wood! As a decor it is recommended to use a carved ornament. Design options: styling for a log house, a fabulous hut on chicken legs and others - you can fully express your creativity. The design can be closed or open.
  6. Mediterranean arbor design and pergola - almost identical concepts. Light, open pergola, entwined with exquisite plants, is typical for areas with a subtropical, Mediterranean climate. In the creation of structures using wood in combination with stone, brick. Floors are laid out with ceramic tiles or trimmed with solid wood.

Pergolas for giving with their own hands are represented by two of their distant relatives:

  1. Belvedere is a light, open design, designed for installation on a hill. Provides excellent all-round visibility in the scenic area.
  2. Pergola or "canopy" - a light, open arbor used in the warm season. The designs are openwork, arched, used as a support for climbers. The most popular material for the construction of pergolas - natural wood: oak, spruce, pine.
Read also: Construction of an arbor in the "primeval" style of

Do-it-yourself gazebos: where to start?

If you chose the style and design option, you should choose a place for the location of the structure. Depending on the size and shape of the site, the dimensions of the small architectural structure depend. Consider the purpose for which you install the structure:

  • for a large family feast in summer and in winter or all year round;
  • decoration of the infield;
  • a convenient place for tea drinking in the summer;
  • holidays by large companies on holidays or weekends.

In the first case, it is worth choosing a secluded place, not very close to a residential house, so that not friendly gatherings do not interfere with rest in the house. Especially if there are several generations living in the house. As an ornament, a gazebo is installed so that it blends in harmoniously with the landscape design and emphasizes its features.

Arbor for feasts can be performed in a closed form, equipped inside a fireplace, lighting system, installing heaters. If you install it close to home, you can quickly transfer the products and dishes cooked in the kitchen.

How to make a gazebo for cottage or garden? It is worth paying attention to the recommendations.

Choose a place for construction by the following criteria: the

  • area should not be subjected to flooding;
  • preferably flat, open space;
  • should not install an arbor next to the outbuildings and a toilet.

Photos and drawings of wooden arbors with their own hands will help you choose the best option:

Foundation and walls for an arbor

Depending on the type of soil, the purpose of construction, its parameters, choose the type of foundation: slab, columnar, tape. Massive construction needs a solid and reliable foundation.

Wall options:

  • wooden beam;
  • boards;
  • solid logs;
  • slats.

If you are a professional, it is easy to build a structure of complex shape, round or 6-angle. For beginners, we recommend starting with a simple, square or rectangular pergola with lattice walls - it looks elegant and stylish.

Do-it-yourself construction of a gazebo from a bar - video

Do-it-yourself gazebo: drawings and dimensions of

Consider the features of building a small, open gazebo made of wood. The characteristics of the future design:

  • size: 3x3 meters;
  • construction height to the top - 3.5 meters;
  • 4-pitched roof;
  • column foundation.

Starting stage for the construction of an arbor

Site preparation for construction. It must be cleared, remove excess vegetation, level the surface. The size of the plot should be one and a half meters more on each side than the building itself. Arbor made of natural wood with their own hands should be protected from flooding.

We buy materials for an arbor

For a square construction of 3x3 meters it is necessary to purchase timber in several variants of the section:

  • 10x10 cm: 3-meter bars in the amount of 5 pieces for the base;4 pieces of 2.3 meters in length for supports, 5 pieces of meter length for the construction of the entrance, 3 pieces for reinforcement and rigidity of the structure, for the center of the other sides of the structure.
  • 10x4 cm: for the roof - 8 pieces of 2 meters, 7 bars of 3 meters for tying and railings, bars of 2 pieces in sizes 1 and 4.3 meters( cross of the roof and railings).

To create an arbor, except for the bar:

  • solid flooring: 4 cm thick, 9 square meters.m;
  • lining in the amount of 20 square meters.m;
  • wood slats;
  • inch for roof cladding;
  • roofing;
  • bricks and cement;
  • 5 kg nails and screws;
  • special processing means for wood( about 15-20 liters).

Installing the column foundation

How to build a gazebo with your own hands? It is very important to build the foundation correctly.

The optimal view of the foundation for a small, open construction - columnar. In this case, a brick has been chosen for it.

What is needed for the installation of a columnar foundation:

  • digging tool for columns: a drill or a regular shovel;
  • level for leveling;
  • Roulette;
  • material for posts;
  • cement;
  • steel reinforcement for structural reinforcement;
  • roofing felt for waterproofing the bottom of a wooden arbor.

Want to save? If you have a used brick, you can use it for the foundation.

A drawing is presented according to which it is necessary to mark the territory for the installation of an arbor.

The points at which the pillars will be installed, it is necessary to dig holes. The last row of bricks should be at ground level. Before laying bricks required to create a pillow that fits on the bottom of the pit. The pillow is made of rubble or sand.

With the use of hydro level it is necessary to level the plane of the brick pillars. To ensure the rigidity of the structure, reinforcement bars must be inserted into the corner posts.

Considering the size of the building, the result should be 9 columns: 4 corner, 4 intermediate between corner, 1 central.

Supports should be located under the side walls at 2 meters. Considering that a brick was chosen as the material for the supports, the holes should be digged with a shovel, they should be square. The recommended depth is 50 cm( not less).The hand drill is used if the posts are made, for example, from metal pipes.

It is recommended to provide waterproofing and protection of the bottom of the gazebo from moisture. For this, a double layer of ruberoid is used. Installation of an arbor for giving the hands is presented in drawings and on a photo.

Read also: The best solution for arranging a recreation area in the country at an affordable price - arbours made of polycarbonate

For the foundation, bars with a section of 10x10 cm were purchased in the amount of 5 pieces. The armature, which remains on the surface of the posts, is placed in a hole drilled in the corner bars.

In order to connect the bars at their intersection, you can use the technique of "half-timber".If everything is done according to the technology, the result will be a reliable, durable construction.

Installation of the floor in the gazebo

The design can be performed with or without a floor. Installation of the floor requires a foundation.

If there is no floor, you need to prepare a platform for a gazebo, decorated with paving slabs and paving stones. The option without creating a special area is also allowed for summer open-air constructions.

Now consider the option with the foundation and floors. Installation is performed after the foundation is fully completed and hardened. What you need for the floor:

  • timber;
  • edged board;
  • tools: hammer, drill, level, jigsaw;
  • nails.

The easiest way to create a square or rectangular gazebo. The first step is to install the timber around the base perimeter. Fastening is performed using reinforcement, which protrudes from the foundation.

The next step is to install logs every 30-40 cm. The floor should not be tilted, so you must use a level.

And the last thing - floor covering with the help of boards.

For processing wood, it is necessary to use special substances to protect against rotting, the negative influence of insects.

Installation of the framework

For the framework there are intended logs 2.3 meters long with a section of 10x10 cm:

  1. The surface of the bars should be smooth and an electric planer can be used for surface treatment.
  2. It is necessary to make cuts for mounting roof rafters. The thickness of the cut depends on the thickness of the slats.
  3. At the corners of the gazebo there are fittings that need to be mounted on the pillars-supports. To do this, it is necessary to make a small hole in the end of the post - about 1 cm in diameter.
  4. Poles must stand absolutely straight upright - to check the position of the pole, you must use a level.
  5. The position of the pillar is fixed with the aid of first roughing and then finishing struts from a bar.

In addition to wood, PVC or steel pipes are used for the framework. Polymeric materials do not require special protection from rotting.

Installation of the roof for arbors and cladding cladding

Construction process:

  1. For the roof is formed the cross of the wooden beams. For connection, you can use the "half-timbered" technique.
  2. At the edges of the boards, cuts are made for connection with similar cuts on the supports.
  3. A special bar is recommended to be used to increase the strength and durability of the joint.
  4. The design is mounted on supports.

After the frame is assembled, it is required to install the pillar trim and railing.

It is planned to create a 4-pitched roof and cover it with shingles.

To create the roof, we use a 10x10 cm timber - an 8-gaiter of about 80 cm is made from it. In the bar does propyl for the first 2 bars. This column, which will be fixed in the central part of the cross, will ensure the strength of the future roof.

2 rafters are connected by a half-tree method and fixed in slots. Inlay we continue to attach a second pair of rafters to the central pole. The whole structure is assembled on the ground.

When 2 pairs of rafters are fastened, we fasten 4 more strips so that their lower ends lie on a bunch of outer pillars.

If for winter in your area peculiar snowfall with heavy snow, you should take care of additional strengthening of the roof. It is required to add support columns between the corner supports, above the central columns of the foundation.

Now you can go to the lining of the gazebo lining and roofing.

For cladding of the gazebo, we chose clapboard and special fasteners for its simple and aesthetic fastening. The roof is made of wood - slats up to 3 cm thick. We gradually sew up all the roof slopes with these slats.

Be sure to take care of creating a drain - the bottom slats should protrude at least 10 cm beyond the rafter line.

In the future, the roof covering will be laid over the skin. The choice of roofing depends on the stylistic nuances and financial possibilities.

The open parts of the arbor, which are not covered with clapboard, can be decorated with thin wooden slats, fixed crosswise.

Since the work is done with a tree, care must be taken to protect the structure from the negative influence of external factors. Wood is treated with special substances to protect it from rotting.

Alternative: walls from logs

Arbor construction projects in the country house involve the use of logs to create side walls.

Read also: Five options for an arbor in your garden

If you choose logs for the arbor walls, please note that you will not need a frame. Immediately begins the immediate laying of logs in rows. The first row is mounted on the base, protected by waterproofing. Fixing the corners is done by creating grooves at the ends. Docking is carried out at the corners. The number of rows depends on the project - 3-4 rows will suffice for an open construction.

What material to choose for the roof?

The material that will close the roof of the gazebo must meet several requirements:

  • resistant to moisture and temperature extremes;
  • high level of strength with low weight;
  • durability;
  • protection against precipitation( especially if the gazebo is closed and will be used in the autumn-winter period);
  • stylistic conformity, if the house is covered with soft shingles, of course, it is better to use it for an arbor.

The calculation of the roof truss system depends on the choice of roofing material, therefore it is required to think over all the moments in advance. The weight of the future structure, which also takes into account the roof, affects the choice of foundation type.

When choosing, consider the type of arbor, its style and purpose.

What roofing options can be used for a wooden gazebo:

  1. Ethnic or natural varieties - reed, shingles, straw. It is stylish, inexpensive, but short-lived. Absolutely not compatible with barbecue, because the material is combustible, but it looks impressive.
  2. If the roof is planned to be flat, roll materials are used. For example, ruberoid. Laying it easy and fast, but aesthetically, it loses.
  3. Slate - inexpensive material that is suitable for an arbor made of wood, but reinforced. The material has considerable weight, so you can’t call it practical. Aesthetically - not the most advantageous, but inexpensive. If you plan to install an economy version of an arbor for summer cottage, this type of roofing is suitable.
  4. Decking and metal tiles are practical and beautiful roofing materials for a wooden gazebo. The advantages include: low weight, no special requirements for the roof system, easy to mount and not professional, aesthetics, color variability. On the shortcomings: noisy material during precipitation, it is very hot in the sun.
  5. Euroslate or Ondulin - lightweight, profiled material on a fabric base with bitumen impregnation and basalt dressing. The coating is beautiful, resistant to moisture, inexpensive. Cons: can overgrow with moss, burn out, not the most durable material.
  6. Polycarbonate is an inexpensive, lightweight, flexible material that is resistant to moisture and noiseless. This is an option for an outdoor gazebo for summer tea, and not a closed structure or a gazebo with barbecue facilities. Melting
  7. Shingles - the most preferred, functional and practical option. But not the most economical! Harmoniously and stylishly looks in pair with a tree. Please note: if you are not a professional, it is recommended to carefully study the installation features of such a roof. The remaining comments on the soft roof are only positive: it is durable, lightweight, resistant to moisture and UV radiation, rotting, frost, varied and silent. The material is combined with a barbecue - not combustible.

Variants of the foundations for the gazebo

This view combines practicality and ease of installation. In your arsenal there can be two more types of bases for a wooden gazebo:

  1. Slab: suitable for a small construction of a regular square or round shape. Installation begins with marking the territory. A small trench is created( up to 50 cm deep), the bottom is leveled and a cushion of sand about 15 cm thick is formed. Another 15 cm of rubble is poured over the sand. The reinforcing mesh is laid on the rubble. Performed waterproofing. Reinforcement segments should protrude approximately 15 cm above the foundation. The perimeter is outlined by formwork with reinforcement using spacers. Concrete is poured inside.
  2. The shallow foundation tape-type foundation is the best option for a closed gazebo. When territory marking is done, borders are marked with pegs. Calculate so that the tape was thicker than the walls - up to 30 cm. Depth - up to 70 cm. The depth may depend on the type and characteristics of the soil. At the bottom there is a sandbag, gravel is poured over it, reinforcement and low formwork are performed.

The high-quality execution of the arbor is the key to its durability and aesthetics.

Video about building a wooden gazebo with your own hands

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