White acacia jam - unusual for all delicacy

Very often useful is not always tasty. However, white acacia jam is capable of striking with its extraordinary aroma and flavor. Preparing a healing jam is quite easy. Sugar, water and fragrant flowers are taken in even parts. Nevertheless, there are some nuances that should be taken into account during heat treatment.

As you know, it is necessary to collect natural raw materials away from the city and highways. Only in this case, it will bring the maximum benefit. After all, the resulting honey is used in diseases of the urogenital system and women's ailments.

One hour is needed for white acacia jam

They start with the fact that flowers are plucked from the twigs. Wash them is not worth it. Leaves are chosen from the fragrant mass because they give bitterness. Ingredients are measured not by weight, but by volume. It should turn out 700 ml of dry raw materials. Then pour all the cold water - about 0.7 liters. Put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Then follow these recommendations:

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  • over low heat mixture bleats for up to 20-30 minutes;
  • as soon as the liquid evaporates, add another 350 ml( that is, half of the required, only 1 liter of water is required by prescription);
  • at the end add one teaspoon of citric acid to give a bright pink hue to the white acacia jam;
  • then leave for another 2-3 minutes, let it come on low heat.

It is worth noting that the acid not only gives the honey a delicate color, but also removes the smell of grass. As a result, the syrup becomes more fragrant.

The resulting broth is filtered through a sieve. Flower mass squeeze using masher. Next measure out with a measuring cup the amount of liquid. In the original add the same amount of sugar. However, it is better to put it a little more. So, if you get 500 ml of the drink, then 700 ml of refined sugar is put. The content is well stirred. After it boils, it is boiled on low heat for 3-5 minutes. At the same time trying to avoid strong gurgling.

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Last stage

Banks and lids must be sterilized. Some practice pouring water into a container - 1 tbsp.l., and then put it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. The remaining water is drained. While the jam is still hot, it is poured into dishes and tightly closed. Stores healing honey in a cool / dark place.

Among other things, individual branches of Robinia are dried to add them to teas or compotes in winter. This gives the drink an extraordinary flavor, and also makes its taste irresistible.

Use unusual white acacia jam in different ways. Some use it as a medicine, while others - spread it on a freshly baked bun. Nevertheless, many note that after such therapy they feel awake and healthy. Only beneficial trace elements contained in flowers have such a beneficial effect.

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