Unusual combination: zucchini jam with the addition of lemon and orange

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All those who are fed up with the standard jam tastes are provided with new, unusual recipes. Zucchini jam with lemon and orange resembles the taste of pineapple. It can be safely called a gourmet dish because of its originality. Such jam can be eaten with a cup of tea or just spread on bread. Fruit and vegetable stuffing will also look great in pies and buns.

Why citrus zucchini?

It would seem that the so-fortified fruits - lemon and orange, no longer need any addition. Oh, and no. Excellent zucchini, as nothing fits into this mix. Even baby food contains zucchini base. This is because its pulp is easily digested, does not hinder the work of the stomach, stimulates the intestinal function. Along with a bunch of vitamins in this vegetable( A, C, B1, B3), it also includes useful trace elements: iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium. These positive components affect the functioning of the brain, heart, liver, muscles. Thanks to dietary fiber, toxins, cholesterol and excess fluid are eliminated from the body. The use of zucchini is highly recommended for people suffering from obesity. And in combination with lemon and orange to go on a diet will be a pleasure. Only squash diet can not be observed in winter. For this modern cooking has prepared many recipes for canning zucchini, one of which is jam from zucchini with lemon and orange. In addition to jam, this set of ingredients can be used in the manufacture of compote.

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By consuming zucchini with fruit, you can get rid of such diseases: hepatitis, cholecystitis, gallstone diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension, colitis, nephritis, obesity.

Zucchini, the very rare vegetable that does not lose its beneficial properties during long storage and canning. Therefore, be sure to use the recipes zucchini jam with orange to maintain immunity at the proper level. After all, a natural product is always better than pills. A food without preservatives, self-made preparation, it is a doubly pleasant joy for the body.

See also: Homemade apricot jam with slices

What do you need for making jam?

Along with the main ingredients: zucchini, lemon, orange, you need sugar. .. a lot of sugar. Jams and jams require a lot of sugar. Typically, the ratio of components is 1: 1, but the recipes are different. To make jam, you still need a kitchen appliance, namely, an enamel pan, so that the raw materials do not burn. Instead of a pot or pelvis, you can use a slow cooker, it will greatly facilitate the process.

Zucchini jam with oranges without peel

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare 1 kg of zucchini: wash, cut into two parts and remove the stones, skip through a large grater. You can also cut into pieces.
  2. Move the grated zucchini into enameled dishes and cover with 3-4 cups of sugar. Set aside for 5 hours to highlight the juice.
  3. After the right time has elapsed, put the vegetable in a saucepan on the fire and cook for about 20 minutes. After the procedure, let cool 4 hours.
  4. During this time, we are preparing an orange. Pure 3 pieces of orange free from the skins and finely chop.
  5. We take out the cooled zucchini, stir in the orange and send it to the second cooking, which will last 15-20 minutes. Again set aside for 2-4 hours.
  6. We boil for the third time and enjoy the prepared jam of zucchini with oranges.
  7. Those who wish to preserve the jam for the winter, immediately place the hot mixture in sterilized containers. Empty jars are sterilized in advance using an oven, microwave or kettle. Cover the jam with jam, turn it over, wrap it and let it cool.
  8. The following paragraphs answered the question: “How to make zucchini jam with orange.”Enjoy your meal!

You need to make jam only in an enamel saucepan, in order to avoid burning the mixture. If, suddenly, this happened, then the burnt areas should be removed. When storing sweet provisions, the taste of the burnt will be felt.

Zucchini jam and orange with peel

Preparation steps:

  1. Cleaned thoroughly 1 kg of zucchini free from seeds and cut into small pieces.
  2. The same is done with 2 pieces of oranges.
  3. Two ingredients are mixed together and 800 grams of sugar or more are poured. Send in a cool place or in the fridge for a day.
  4. The next day, the obtained platter is placed in an enamel basin or pan, and put on the stove. Begin cooking for 35 minutes on low heat, stirring so that the mass is not burnt.
  5. Pour the ready-made jam in jars, pre-sterilized and roll up the lids.
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Zucchini jam with oranges in a crock-pot

If the standard recipes for making zucchini jam take more than a day, then cooking zucchini jams with orange zucchini will take about 10.

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Preparation steps:

  1. Wash 1 kg of zucchini under a running tap and dry it. Cut into cubes.
  2. Fill 1 kg of sugar and set aside to let the juice run for 30 minutes.
  3. Since citrus fruits will be cooked with the peel, they must be thoroughly washed with a brush. To dry
  4. Cut 1 orange into small pieces, removing the bones. In the assortment, you can add 1 lemon, it turns out jam from zucchini, orange, lemon slices. The taste will end up with a pleasant sourness.
  5. Sterilize the jars with lids( can also be done using a multicooker).
  6. Mix the ingredients and place in the multicooker bowl. Press the “Jam” button and set the timer to 2 hours.
  7. Fill the jars to the top and screw them on the same time. After complete cooling, the jam can be moved to the pantry.

Instead of lemon, you can use citric acid in an amount of ½ tsp per 1 kg of zucchini.

Zucchini jam with lemon and orange is an unusual dish for sweets. Easy process of cooking according to modern recipes will delight all family members. You can enjoy not only the taste, but also replenish the body with vital vitamins.

Zucchini Jam with Lemon - Video

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