Learning to treat coccidiosis in chickens yourself

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Treatment of mastitis in a goat at home

Treatment of mastitis in a goat at homeFarm

The content of the article: Signs of the appearance of mastitis Prevention of mastitis in goats How to properly treat mastitis in goats Folk remedies used in the treatment of mastitisInteresting...

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Photo and description of turkey breeds

Photo and description of turkey breedsFarm

The content of the article: Bronze turkeys Bronze broad-chested turkeys North Caucasian bronze turkeys Moscow bronze turkeys White broad-chested turkeys North Caucasian white turkeys Photo and d...

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We make cages for quails with our own hands

We make cages for quails with our own handsFarm

The content of the article: Varieties and requirements for cells for quails Drawings of a cage for quails when making by own hands Cage for quails with their own hands: step by step instruction ...

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