Bonsai pine - the art of unique trees

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Japanese culture is expressed in the improvement and transformation of the world around you. Bonsai pine is the result of human creation, expressed in the art of growing miniature trees. The practice of bonsai first appeared in China more than a thousand years ago. Then this method came to Japan, where it was widely developed and spread throughout the world. Graceful trees grown by the method of bonsai, are exact replicas of real trees grown in nature. Unpretentious and evergreen pine is ideal for creating bonsai. Bonsai-style trees came to Russian gardens already in the 20th century. Gardeners gladly form bonsai of pine, giving it original and unique forms.

What you need to know about pine bonsai

For the Japanese, growing bonsai is a whole philosophy that unites the spiritual and physical side of the process. An ordinary person to achieve success must treat this matter with love and patience. You need to have some knowledge of how to make bonsai of pine. To grow your own bonsai will take a lot of time and labor. As a result, an amazing plant will give joy and beauty for many years.

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Traditional bonsai must meet the following characteristics:

  1. Barrel. It should be powerful and strong, with a pronounced base and protruding to the surface of the roots.
  2. Branches. There are few branches, their lines should be harmonious and clearly visible. The trunk and branches of bonsai give the tree the same unique fancy image.
  3. Form. Japanese pine bonsai must comply with one of the 15 classifications. To help a novice or experienced gardener drawings, diagrams, photographs or their own fantasies and wishes.
  4. Pine in miniature should look like a tree growing in natural conditions.

The main task when creating bonsai is to achieve slow growth of the plant. This is achieved in several ways: frequent pruning of tree roots and shoots, artificial growth restraint, the use of special types of soil, special methods of care and watering of trees.

How to grow pine bonsai in the open field

In landscape design, bonsai pine takes pride of place. Its obvious advantages are the original form, unpretentiousness to the growing conditions, resistance to low temperatures, a high level of adaptation. Observing certain conditions, you can grow this miracle tree right in the ground:

  1. Choosing a seedling. For bonsai fit any pine that grows and hibernates in the ground in an open area. A special Japanese flavor of the garden can give a miniature pine. The easiest way to work on the restoration of bonsai pine mountain because of the shrub height and small size of the branches.
  2. landing technology. The living conditions of the garden bonsai should be as close as possible to the living conditions of the tree in the container. To do this, the seedling itself is shortened so that it acquires the required dwarf size, and the central part of the rhizome is truncated. In order to limit the roots of the tree in height, a concrete slab or a wide stone is laid at the bottom of the planting pit. For the growth of pine bonsai used scanty soil from the store or infertile light natural soil. In subsequent years, quarters and side roots are cut off around the trunk with a spade.
  3. Formation of the crown. Pruning and nip are the most important steps in growing a bonsai tree. They allow the gardener to achieve the desired shape and shape. Trimming is carried out once a year at the end of winter. This removes all large branches that do not fit into the desired appearance of bonsai. Pinching can be done several times over the summer. Her goal - to achieve the emergence of new young and thin shoots.

Real bonsai is a visually old tree. The effect of aging is achieved by artificial bending and landing of the branches with the help of weights and wires. For the impression of a long-growing pine bark, they are specially cut in several places with a knife edge.

Forming a pine pine bonsai

Pine can be an excellent basis for self-growing bonsai. Conifers differ from deciduous trees by two stages of growth per year, which should be considered when creating pine trees as bonsai. The first wave of growth occurs in late spring and is expressed in the elongation of the branches. The second wave occurs at the end of August and is characterized by a thickening of the branches. For several years, you can grow bonsai of pine ordinary with your own hands in a pot:

  1. The first year. For bonsai fit any seedlings of pine - with short or long needles, brought from the forest, grown independently or bought in the nursery. The best time of year for transplanting is autumn, when there is an intensive development of the root system of the tree. For the next growing season, pine seedlings are transplanted into pots 12–15 cm high. In the first year pruning is not done, the soil surface is mulched with sawdust, the place should be well lit and without drafts.
  2. Second year. At the end of March, pine seedlings are cut with sharp scissors at an angle of 45 ° to 7-12 cm to activate the growth of lateral shoots and stem thickening. At the same time make the imposition of a wire frame, which will give the trunk and branches of the desired shape. Pots are placed in a sunny place at a height of 30-40 cm from the floor. By the end of the second year should get a small and thick pines.
  3. Third year. In April, bonsai pine harvesting is transplanted into larger pots. For this purpose, a special soil is prepared in the proportion of 2: 2: 1 from sand, perlite and humus; you can take the soil for bonsai from the store. Pruning this year is reduced to a minimum. Adequate watering and dosed top dressing are the necessary conditions for good survival and further strengthening of plants. Before wintering, the top is completely trimmed at the level of the branch nearest to the trunk.
  4. Fourth year. Pots with pines should be located close to the light, and mulching will help the soil to quickly pass moisture to the roots. From the cropped crown will go new branches, which this year must give full freedom to grow. Tracing the lines of the branches naturally suggests the desired shape of the crown. At the end of the summer season, all bonsai trees will look different, they will form an individual silhouette and size.
  5. Further years of work will be to correct the lines and shapes of trees. At this point, you can feel like a real artist, whose fantasies have no limits. It should be noted that many years will be spent on achieving the ideal of bonsai pine from ready-made drawings, personal sketches, photographs, or directly from the head of the gardener.

Pine bonsai must have a strong and developed surface root structure( Nebari).Growth of roots is achieved by several growth seasons, as a result, the tree must firmly and firmly hold the ground.

If you plant young trees from pots in open ground, then you can get a garden bonsai of pine. This is done in the fifth or sixth year of the life of the plant. The pros of growing in the garden is a rapid build-up of the power of the trunk and a sufficient height of the tree. Before the transplant, the crown and trunk of the bonsai must be fully decorated, that is, its proportions by this point are fully consistent with the desired.

Read also: Do-It-Yourself Bonsai for the Poor or Kokedam

The formation of pine bonsai is the balance between the creation of nature and man. In order not to disturb harmony, you can plant several bonsai from different types of trees in the garden, surrounding them with objects and plants that are similar in style and mood. Transformation of a usual tree into a beautiful dwarf analogue is a fascinating and interesting occupation. Bonsai pine will be a real decoration of the garden with its own unique outlines and lines.

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