How to make a pond for breeding fish with their own hands

An artificial pond at a private site can be a source of not only aesthetic, but also gastronomic pleasure. With some effort to breed fish, you can get a good help in providing yourself and your loved ones with valuable fresh product. And if you approach the case on a grand scale, then earn. After all, to do everything at home in the country at home is not so difficult.


  • Suitable fish species for breeding in the pond
  • Advantages and disadvantages of home fish farming
  • Types pools for
  • breeding How to make a pond with his hands
    • How to choose a plot
    • Required tools and materials
    • technology to create an artificial reservoir on

cottage Suitable species of fish forbreeding in the pond

Fish species are selected in accordance with the conditions of breeding. The determining factors are air temperature and water composition. Essential is the type of pond - flow or standing. When selecting species, consideration should be given to the joint survival of the breeds and competition for food. The most unpretentious and productive are:

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  • Carp or carp - heat-loving, but resistant to temperature fluctuations. Diet - plant food and feed. In puberty comes in 1-3 years depending on the ambient temperature. Varieties - scaly, mirrored and leathery.
  • The grass carp is a large relative of the carp. It reaches a weight of 50 kg and more. Homeland - the Far East. Eats a large amount of plant food, is used to clean overgrown reservoirs.
  • The Black Amur is similar to white, but feeds on mollusks. Scales of dark color. Well sanitizes ponds from pests of other species.
  • White and silver carp - very similar up to 3 years of age. Then mottled spots appear on the scales. Reach 50 kg. Silver carp feeds only on plants. Motley is more unpretentious.
  • Buffalo - similar to the carp, the birthplace of America. According to the growing conditions, it is similar to carp, but the meat is much more valuable in taste.
  • Channel catfish - omnivorous, large, heat-loving. Homeland America. With proper feeding, it has a very pleasant taste of meat.

Less productive, but well breeding in a man-made pond, are:

Gold and silver carp - unpretentious, fast-growing. May interbreed with other fish species. Gaining weight up to 5 kg. Feels good even with an unfavorable composition of water.

Trout, pike, tench, and sturgeon are also bred in artificial ponds.

Amur is one of the types of freshwater fish suitable for breeding in the pond

. Advantages and disadvantages of home-grown fish

An important advantage of breeding in the backyard is the opportunity to receive for personal consumption or to sell products that are in great demand all year round.

Fish meat contains a lot of valuable substances and vitamins. Fresh catch has excellent taste.

The investment required to start fish farming is not very large. The complexity of the cultivation - from 3 to 5 hours a day. Weather conditions when using an artificial reservoir slightly affect the growth of individuals.

The main investments occur at the initial stage. Need to build a pool or dig a pond.

Basic dilution expenses - at the initial stage in the manufacture of the pond

Their type and size are determined by the financial capabilities of the owner and the area of ​​the plot. The minimum depth of an artificial reservoir is 1-1.5 m. The volume is calculated from the estimated number of individuals settled in the pond. One fish with a length of 10-15 cm should have at least 50 liters of water, one cubic meterthe reservoir can coexist peacefully no more than 20 copies.

Recommended water surface area is 25-50 sq.m. Usually, 1.5-2 years is enough for a fish to gain weight.

Types of breeding pools

The quality of water in a mini pond, its chemical composition depends on the source of the filling of the pond. It also determines the temperature, the availability of food and the oxygen supply of the aquatic environment.

What kind of filling does a reservoir exist:

  • A stream or river. Water enters the reservoir from natural sources through the inlet channel. The excess is removed by the diversion channel. The content of oxygen and plankton in the pond with this filling is favorable for breeding, becauseclosest to natural conditions.
  • Springtime. Clean water with high oxygen content is most favorable for breeding fish of different breeds. For the source of food in the area adjacent to the reservoir, daphnia pits are arranged - small, small depressions for reproduction of plankton. They communicate with the main body of water. Daphnia move to the pond and serve as fish food.
  • Atmospheric. In the absence of rivers, streams and springs, the source of moisture is rain and melt water. Well heated water is favorable for the development of vegetation and living organisms.
  • Closed water supply. The use of ponds without external water sources was made possible by the use of special equipment: pumps, filters, UV sterilizers, etc. When constructing a reservoir, special attention should be paid to bottom waterproofing.
A reservoir for fish with a brook filling

How to make a reservoir with your own hands

Having decided to build a pond for breeding fish, you need to determine its location, area and method of construction. If there are no natural sources of filling, the reservoir is built using a closed water supply.

How to choose the right part of the

Place for the pond must meet the conditions:

  • be far from noisy places and highways,
  • be shaded by trees, but not under them, becausefalling foliage pollutes the water,
  • is not located in the valley, becausethere is a danger of contamination by flowing rainwater,
  • to have a source of electricity for the equipment with filters for water purification and installations for enrichment with oxygen.

fish breeding pool design scheme Required tools and materials

The most durable is a pond with a concrete bottom. His device requires significant material and labor costs, which will pay off with interest in the process of long operation.

To build a pond, you will need:

  • crushed stone,
  • sand,
  • cement,
  • mesh of 3-4 mm diameter and 30x30 cm cell,
  • plank formwork,
  • roofing material or other material for waterproofing, and in the course, I will not have to apply and apply for waterproofing.drain hole,
  • waterproofing additive for plastering the bottom and walls.

The technology of creating an artificial reservoir at the cottage

  1. Mark the size of the pond on the ground. To do this, use the pegs and cord. For fish farming, the shape of the pond is irrelevant.
  2. Dig a pit manually or with an excavator. The optimum depth is 1.5-1.8 m., The angles of inclination of the walls are 20 °.
  3. Before concreting, sand and rubble preparation with bottom tamping is arranged.
  4. Lay waterproofing from roofing material or a film with its conclusion to the surface of the earth.
  5. Fill the first concrete layer on the bottom with a thickness of 10 cm, tamp down and reinforce the reinforcing mesh across the bottom.
  6. Fill the second layer of concrete.
  7. Install the formwork for the walls of the pond. In finished form, they should be 10-12 cm thick.
  8. Reinforce and pour concrete pond walls.
  9. Concrete surfaces coated with plaster with waterproofing additive or liquid glass. Material for processing walls should be safe for the life of fish.
  10. Install the necessary equipment: pumps, filters, oxygen enrichment water.
The schematic structure of the fish pond
A wintering well should be provided for a successful wintering of the fish. It is made of asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 80 cm or conventional reinforced concrete rings. In a well recessed to a mark of 2.7 m, covered with a wooden shield, the fish will not freeze and will not die from lack of oxygen.

Build a pond with your own hands, even a novice can. Fish farming does not take much time if the process of stocking, feeding and catching is adjusted. Even if the goal of fish farming is not income, this occupation will be beneficial and enjoyable.

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