Summer cottage calendar for July

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Although the days in the middle ofSummer - the longest practical in the year, for those who are passionate about breeding livestock and poultry, they fly by.

In July, there is a procurement of fodder and litter, as well as pastures, during which stalls, poultry houses and sheep-houses, goatlings and rabbit cages must be put in order. Beekeepers and owners of stocked ponds have a lot to do.

Harvesting of fodder in July

In the feed of the population of the state farm, generous garden beds will be a good help. In July, the early cabbage is ready for harvest. Its leaves - a treat for poultry, and for rabbits and for animals larger. After thinning, no less tasty and healthy carrot and beetroot plants remain.

Excess green onions can be given to the bird. It is good when planting fruitful, juicy sugar and fodder beets, chard, and lettuce is provided for in the garden.

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In addition to vegetables, in the July menu of all inhabitants of the compound include plants that are recognized as weeds in the garden and vegetable garden.

In the shady corners of the site or behind the fence there will definitely be nettle and moss beds. An excellent treat for the bird will be the seeds of quinoa and, as well as the pruned young raspberry shoots.

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Of course, you cannot feed the livestock alone with garden supplies. In July, haymaking is in full swing. At the same time, it is possible to prepare seed plants of the mouse pea, sweet clover, nettle. For the winter, they store brooms from young growth with still tender leaves. Do it better in the evening. Such branches dry better and contain more beneficial substances for animals and birds. Drying is carried out under sheds on the service yard, making sure that the feed does not burn and does not fall under direct sunlight.

Taking care of goats and sheep in July

Such blanks would be especially useful if July was hot and dry. Summer grazing can save time and effort. But burnt, yellowed grass, which does not give water after water, does not contribute to milk yield and weight gain.

From poor pastures in the middle of summer, animals are again sent to stalls, and the ration is formed on the basis of mowed grass and concentrates. Stall content combined with walking.

Receiving good green fodder, dairy goats provide the owners with excellent milk. July is the month of the biggest milk yields, but they can be supported only with healthy animals. Tender skin on the nipples in the summer can crack, so before milking the udder is not only washed, but also greased. Upon completion of milking, the nipples are washed again. If there are cracks, they are smeared with skin-friendly baby cream.

While the animals are on pasture or walking, they clean and repair the shed and goatlings.

July efforts of the rabbit breeders

In the middle of summer, the breeders are busy preparing the cages for winter, repairing and warming old ones, building new houses. Leaving the animals on the street or moving for the winter under a shed or in a barn depends on the purpose of cultivation, climatic and weather conditions.

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If rabbits are raised for meat, it is advisable to provide them with the content under the roof. To maintain heat in this case, the animals need less energy and food, which means that the cost of obtaining products will be lower. On the fur, on the contrary, animals are kept in the air, which contributes to improving the quality of the skins.

Cages for rabbits are strengthened and warmed, and the floor under them is arranged so that the litter cleaning is as quick and efficient as possible.

July: work on the house

Young poultry young people have been self-feeding for a long time, spend a lot of time outdoors and do not need hourly care.

Therefore, the poultry farmer has enough time to bring a new litter for chicken coops to the service yard. As it can be used peeled and chopped corn cobs, sunflower husks, coarse, washed and dried sand, dry leaves or fern. Store stocks should be under the roof, in a ventilated dry room.

July in the apiary

Flowering meadows and flower beds are expanses for bees, which in July are busy collecting the main bribe. If there are strong families, the beekeeper should regularly inspect their stocks. Excess honey, if it is ready, is immediately pumped out. In the middle of summer, healing pollen is obtained and dried.

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turkeys For taking care of collecting honey, do not forget about the health of the bee herd. In July there is a risk of varroa disease spread by parasitic mites. Although the disease is widespread, its danger cannot be minimized. Without proper treatment, not only is the volume of the bribe reduced, but there is also a massive death of the pupae.

In the last decade of July, measures are being taken to prepare for the worming of the uterus in the fall.

Fish care in July

Fish farming is increasingly attracting owners of large and small land plots. In July, the farmer has three main tasks to accomplish;

  • feeding pond dwellers;
  • aquatic vegetation control;
  • organization of the shadow on the surface of the reservoir.

In addition to specialized feed, the best delicacy for fish in summer days will be crank, as well as mushroom larvae, which are easy to find in pig or cow manure. In the hot sun, on a reservoir, especially of small volume, in July aquatic vegetation actively grows and grows up.

In order not to limit the living space of the fish, it is better to leave no more than one third of the mirror area under the grass.

On a sufficiently large pond, a shade is arranged with the help of a man-made island, for example, from fixed plastic bottles with screwed-on lids on the pelvis. Holes are made in the tank, drainage is arranged, soil is poured in, and unpretentious walkers or coastal plants that love moisture are planted. An island with a bank connects the cable.

Bees on the framework in July - video

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