Walnut is considered one of the most popular plants. It is unpretentious in the care, and its fruits are extremely useful for the human body. Many centuries ago, he was brought to Europe from Greece, for which he received his name. After the harvest has ripened, its harvesting begins, after which it is then very difficult to wash your hands. How to properly collect the fruit and wash your hands after nuts, let's talk below.
Contentsas the appearance of indelible brown spots on the skin of the hands. Household chemicals do not always help with this problem.
So how can you wash your hands?
To date, there is a wide range of household chemicals that can help in cleansing hands.
But, not everyone can help in scrubbing the pigment from the walnut. However, at home, the popular recipes :
- Lemon is the safest and most effective means of to help wash your hands. It is necessary to make warm lemon water, pour into the basin and rub the hands with a soft washcloth. You can make it easier and rub your hands with an ordinary lemon. After that, it will be good to wipe the hands with a nourishing cream so that the skin does not dry out.
- Grapes have the same effect as citrus .The juice of the grapes should be rubbed into the skin of the hands for a long time until the dirt recedes.
- Make a mush from raw potatoes and dip into warm water .In this mixture, wash your hands and scrub dye stains. But this method may not help everyone.
- Sea Salt .You can make a bath out of it and do it every few hours until your hands get the same look.
- Hydrogen peroxide can only affect spots that have appeared. Pour peroxide on sponge and wash. If a brown stain has already appeared, then it is simply useless to fight it with this tool.
- Salatbinder can help off brown specks. To wipe with cotton wool the massing movements before full bleaching. The process should take place in the fresh air, so as not to have a headache.
As for household chemicals, they help well, but they can greatly harm the skin, so you need to be wary of them. These products include :
- household bleach;
- whitening agents;
- kerosene;
- gasoline.
In addition to these, there are also other household tools. However, they should not be strongly affected by the skin, because they may harden, and this will lead to the appearance of ulcers. After your hands have been treated with one or another remedy, you should rinse them with water as soon as possible and then spread your hands with nourishing cream or oil.
Peeling or shugaring will be an effective method, but after this procedure you need to moisturize them with a cream.
For a softer elimination of stains, you can make an mask like this: before going to bed, apply plenty of cream to your hands, wrap them with plastic bags and wear mittens. By morning, the spots will turn pale and begin to gradually disappear.
Why after cleaning walnut dirty hands
Hands become dirty by direct contact with unripe green walnuts, especially during the cleaning. To clean the skin of the hands after cleaning the husks of unripe fruits, is the challenge of .Why is this happening?
The walnuts contain the pigmented substance Yuglon, which is a dye that is extremely hard to wash. The most interesting, , if the dye got on the skin, then it does not immediately appear , only after some time, staining may occur.
Walnut ripening time
Walnuts are harvested only when they begin to ripen - the green pericarp splits and the fruits themselves fall out.
When they are mature, then they have little water in the core, are well cleaned and perfectly dried. Since fruits do not clear out at the same period, then the collection should be carried out several times .Harvesting is necessary only in view of its ripening. Mature nuts in Russia begin in late August - early September. It is necessary to finish the harvest in mid-September.
To facilitate the task, it is best to hire a few people so that the collection process goes faster, and the nuts retain their freshness and have been preserved longer.
Collection rules
Collecting nuts is not as easy as it seems. The main rules for the collection of walnuts :
- Fallen fruits must be collected no later than 24 hours , so that they do not deteriorate. Then clean them a little and dry.
- In no case should shoot down the fruits of that have not yet ripened with a stick. If this is done, then ripe and immature nuts fall.
- Those fruits that have not yet fully ripened should be put in a dark room until is fully ripe. It is desirable if there will be cool.
- If you knock down nuts with an stick, you can harvest the whole crop in a day. This will save you time and much of the harvest will be saved from being eaten by pests.
- Soft-shelled walnut nuts can easily damage or break on the ground when falls. For this there are specialized accessories. You can make such a device yourself: attach a small bag with a solid hole in the mountain to an oblong stick.
How to split a walnut
Splitting a fruit is not an easy task and you need to make a lot of effort to get the cherished kernels. . In order to open a nut, there are various ways of :
- . Open the nuts using the door. To do this, install a nut between the door frame and the door and slam it sharply. However, you should not overdo it, otherwise you will get crumbs instead of nuts.
- Split a whole nut with an knife. To do this, insert the knife edge into the gap between the two halves of the shell. Next, rotate the tip until a split occurs. However, there are also disadvantages of this method: only a small part can break away through which the nucleoli are hard to reach.
- Equally effective is the kitchen hammer .Walnut put on a chopping board and hit with a hammer. Again, here you have to be careful, because if you hit too hard, you can get porridge mixed with the shell.
- A special nut splitting tool, the nut cracker, is sold at hardware stores. It will help you easily get the precious cores. If there is no nut, then you can also use the gas key, pliers, pliers, garlic press.
How to chop walnuts so that there is a whole kernel? To do this, must take a specialized board with a groove , in which you can put a nut. To prevent the nut from scattering from scattering throughout the kitchen, you can put it in a bag or bag.
You can also remove the kernels of walnuts by softening with water. To do this, boil water and put fruit there. An hour later, get the nuts and gently split the shell.
Not less effective way is the split the walnuts using high temperatures .To do this, hold them in the oven at a temperature of 200C.This procedure will greatly facilitate the separation of the kernels from the nut shell.
Walnuts have long been a favorite delicacy of adults and children. Sharing, picking and peeling fruits from the rind with gloves is not the most interesting work of , but now washing your hands of brown spots will not make a trace. There are a lot of options to wash your hands of ripe nuts, the main thing is to choose the appropriate method, depending on your skin type. The main thing to remember is to apply a nourishing cream after each rubbing, becauseThe skin of the hands is quite tender and requires special careful care.
And so that the walnuts are well cracked they must be chosen correctly in the store. To do this, needs to take one two fruits and squeeze them as should. If they start to crack, then most likely you will not have any special problems with cleaning.