Hazel and hazelnut - what's the difference?

Nuts have always been valued by the people of for the benefits they bring to the body. Hazelnuts and hazel( hazelnut) are widely popular.

Often hazelnuts and hazel are considered the same .But it is not so.


  • How do they differ from each other? Biological features of
    • Hazel, or hazelnut
    • Hazelnut
  • How to plant hazel?
  • How to plant hazelnuts?
  • Fighting weeds, pests and diseases
  • Causes of low yields and its increase
  • The difference in the collection and transportation of

How do they differ from each other? Biological features of the

Hazel, like hazelnuts, belongs to the birch shrubs. Leshchina is considered to be a wild-growing plant .

Filbert is also hazel. Hazelnuts call selected varieties of hazelnut , yielding high yields. More to the hazelnuts include hybrid varieties obtained by crossing with hazelnut Pontus and other species.

Hazelnut is a more thermophilic plant. Hazel fruits are more round in shape. The hazelnut fruits are larger, they are more elongated in shape, they are distinguished by the best commercial quality and higher yield. Not all varieties of hazelnuts are suitable for growing in the middle lane.

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Hazel is a wild-growing plant, hazelnuts are hybrid high-yielding varieties of hazel

The content of vitamins and beneficial substances is almost the same for hazel and hazelnuts. Hazel fruits are considered to be more beneficial due to their growth under natural conditions.

Hazelnut is more nutritious. Hazelnut has a more subtle flavor and less tart taste.

The kernels of these nuts are a valuable source of protein. They contain vitamins B, E, carotene, biotin. The content of iron, potassium and magnesium is also appreciated.

A high content of vegetable fat can be considered the main harm of the nut. Like any nuts, hazelnuts and hazel can cause severe allergic reactions.

In folk medicine, leaves, bark and wood of shrubs are used. In official medicine, hazel has not received much use.

Hazel possesses such healing characteristics as:

  • immunity strengthening;
  • vasodilator;
  • cholesterol lowering;
  • healing and bactericidal;
  • remedy for gastrointestinal disorders;
  • increase and saturation of breast milk.

Hazelnut or Hazel - which is tastier?

Hazel, or hazelnut

Hazel - wild deciduous shrubs , rarely trees. Height of about 3-7 meters. Monoecious cross-pollinated plants.

On one plant are male and female flowers. Blossom in April - May. Flowers are opposite-sex. Fruit ripening begins at the beginning of autumn.

Distinctive features:

  • fruit annually;
  • differ not high yields, which greatly varies from year to year;
  • are more often susceptible to various diseases and pests;
  • hazel is not demanding on growing conditions;
  • they bear fruit even in the absence of care.
Hazel - wild deciduous shrubs, bear fruit annually, not demanding to the growing conditions


Hazelnut - a cultivated form of hazelnut.

Distinctive features:

  • is more high-yielding;
  • is distinguished by larger fruits;
  • hazelnut yields are more stable;
  • resistant to weather and pests;
  • has a more developed root system;
  • pleases with a large selection of varieties, the size of the fruit;
  • is a choice in the size and height of shrubs;
  • is a more thermophilic plant.

For cultivation at the dacha is best to choose varieties that are resistant to frost. Suitable also for climatic conditions.

Hazelnut and its features:

How to plant hazel?

It is considered that it is quite difficult to grow hazel on its own plot. This will require considerable time and effort.

Under natural conditions, hazel grows in the undergrowth and normally refers to shading. Does not require fertile soil. In garden conditions it is better to plant in bright places.

Before planting, apply organic fertilizer( compost) .Loves watering. Requires pruning( better to leave no more than 15 - 20 stems).Selected shoots for pruning cut as close as possible to the ground.

Place for hazel is better to take along the edge of the site, along the fence or structure.

Hazel blossoms very early , there may still be snow. Very cold and hardy.

Features of the cultivation of hazel:

  • lighting : shade-loving;
  • soil : wet, fertile, loose;
  • watering : plentiful;
  • maximum tree height : 10 m.
Hazel likes shade, abundant watering, loose fertile soil

Hazel can be propagated in several ways:

  1. The removal of lateral growth is done without separating the escape from the mother plant. A pit is dug about 10–15 cm deep and about 50 cm long. Lay the layers, fill with earth with humus. Liberally pour. Tie the top to the peg.
  2. Digging 3-4 shrubs in the forest.
  3. Reproduction by seeds. This planting is best done in the fall. In the grooves with fertilizer lay the seeds at a distance of 15-20 cm.
  4. Growing from the nut.

How to plant hazelnuts?

In the care of hazelnuts quite picky .It is recommended for planting to choose a well-lit places. Does not like thickening. The soil around the shrub is periodically loosened. To loosen shallowly. Do not touch the root system.

Hazelnut prefers fertile soil. Requires a large landing area. After loosening, water abundantly.

Do not plant one plant. Ideally, 2-3 bushes of different varieties!

Hazelnuts should be planted either in early spring or in the fall( early October).For a good harvest every year to feed.

Hazelnut growing characteristics:

  • lighting : light-requiring, but not landing on the south side;
  • soil : wet, fertile, loose;
  • watering : plentiful, with obligatory loosening of the soil after each watering;
  • maximum tree height : 7 m.

How to sow hazelnuts:

You can propagate hazelnuts in various ways:

  1. Vertical layering.
  2. Vaccination.
  3. Planting seeds.
  4. Division of the bush.

All properties of the hazelnut variety will be preserved only during vegetative propagation. Hazelnuts will grow well both on level areas and on slopes.

Fighting Weeds, Pests, and Diseases

Unlike hazel, hazelnut prefers the absence of weeds in the near-stem circle. For an adult plant, mulching can be used.

Early shedding of fruits, their worminess, dry shoots indicate the presence of pests.

These include:

  • walnut weevil;
  • aphid;
  • shield;
  • acorn moth.
To get rid of pests, in the autumn they clean the fallen leaves, clean them of bark in the spring, and treat them with toxic chemicals.

The following diseases are characteristic of the disease:

  • powdery mildew;
  • brown leaf spot.

When watering, over-wetting and waterlogging should be avoided. This can cause fungal diseases.

In natural conditions, rodents( hares, mice), wild boars and squirrels are dangerous to hazelnut.

Causes of low yields and its increase

Frost will primarily affect yields. Because of this, the number of ovaries may be small.

Avoid single landings .When planting use plants of different varieties for cross-pollination.

Varietal seedlings planted in the fall, are able to bear fruit in the spring. Seedlings obtained from seeds do not possess varietal characteristics. Bring fruit about the second ten years.

In order to increase the amount of crop, should be pollinated by the plant. You can do this manually by spraying it.

Yields are affected by frost, single planting and lack of pollination.

Difference in collecting and transportingIt is better to collect, taking into account the climatic conditions of the place of growth. The main fee is in July – September. .Unripe fruits will be poorly stored.

Well ripened nuts have a brown or yellowish rind. It is not customary to pick nuts right off the bushes. They are shaking to the ground. Apply manual collection after dropping completely.

From a material point of view, the collection and transportation of hazelnut is more expensive and unprofitable. Collection sites may be difficult.

When collecting hazel is a huge minus - it is shedding fruits. This will significantly affect the amount of the crop. Part of it will be lost. Also take into account the collection of fruits by birds and rodents.

When collecting hazelnuts, you can prepare .To clear a place under a bush. The soil is compacted. Lay a cloth or tarpaulin. Then shake off the shrubs.

The harvested crop is dried in a bright, well-ventilated area. Store in fabric bags or boxes.

With proper collection and drying, the nuts are sufficiently transportable, which allows them to be transported over long distances.

There is no big difference between hazelnuts and hazel .Although it is easier to buy a hazelnut sapling for growing on the garden.

There is not much difference between hazelnuts and hazel, although the economic benefits of hazelnuts are higher than those of hazel

The economic benefits of hazelnuts are higher than those of hazel. This is due to the high yielding of hazelnuts, its resistance to pests, as well as a larger nut. The ease of planting and growing hazelnuts has made it popular for garden plots.

In addition to their usefulness, hazelnut and hazelnuts also have the decorative properties of .

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