Photo and description of potato varieties


Not everyone knows that a huge number of potato varieties are grown in the world. There are exotic species with an unusual taste. We can’t imagine any holiday and usual family dinner without a potato dish: mashed potatoes, fried, stewed, stuffed, with mushrooms. List all the dishes with this root is simply impossible. Let's move on to exploring the most popular species. We study the potato varieties, photos and descriptions.

Each name is distinguished by its flavor and method of preparation, which is hard to believe the man in the street. But experienced housewives are well versed in potatoes and know which one is suitable for mashed potatoes, and which is suitable for potatoes in "uniforms."So, we present on display the most "popular" varieties of potatoes, their photos and descriptions.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the persistence and resistance to temperature extremes, diseases!

Red Scarlett

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Dutch breeders did their best and brought an incredible variety of potatoes - Red Scarlett. Belongs to early ripe, low plant, flowers are red-violet. High yield, but often the size of the roots and their number depends on climatic conditions. Potato tubers are oblong, even, reach 150 grams. Cooks celebrate the resistance of the crop to damage, and after heat treatment, the tubers do not change their color. Gardeners love this variety for easy tolerance of drought, resistance to various fungi, diseases.

Sineglazka Potatoes

A favorite variety of gardeners and unpretentious in storage, Sineglazka potatoes firmly occupy a leading place in popularity among experienced gardeners. Early tuber formation( during flowering), gives gardeners the opportunity to try new potatoes after 40 days. In the section, the tubers are white, the name of the culture received due to the peepholes of blue color, which begin to sprout in spring. The harvest is always steadily rich, from one hundred to 500 kg. The flowers are light blue, large oval-shaped tubers. The variety is not stored for long, but has excellent taste. Resistant to scab, late blight, bacterial rot.

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Nevsky Potatoes

Nevsky potatoes are suitable for lovers of early young potatoes. Already on the 40th day after planting, the culture pleases with a wide-ranging and tasty product. Dense tops, white flowers. Tubers are oval, light yellow peel, cream shade of pulp. Good storage even at very low temperatures. When planting, it should be noted that the soil should be well warmed up, the tubers should be whole and without broken seedlings. The variety is resistant to diseases, viruses. With proper tillage with fertilizer, potatoes will produce a generous harvest.

Lasok Potatoes

The savory taste, resistance to diseases, temperature differences are distinguished by Lasok potato bred by Belarusian breeders. Productivity - 650 centners per hectare, excellent cooking quality. Housewives choose this variety for mashed potatoes, frying, stewing and other favorite dishes. Grown on an industrial scale, as it is easily stored and successfully transported over long distances. The peel is light yellow, tubers are oblong, in a white cut. When fertilizing soil, the main thing is not to overdo it with top dressing. The plant begins to germinate densely and “takes” forces from the roots, which leads to the appearance of small fruits. Periodic watering, hilling, pest and disease control will lead to one result - the gardener will receive a generous harvest.

Rocco potatoes

A beautifully outwardly and very tasty variety of culture, obtained by breeding Dutch specialists, “Rocco” potatoes gives fruit in early August. In Russia, they began to grow this unique variety 20 years ago. Culture got acclimatized in our climate zone. Only two decades and a delicious product can now be seen in any market. The color of flowers is red-violet. Root crop of an oval form, with a red peel. What is remarkable, the tubers of this variety are always the correct form without chipping and curvature. Maximum weight -120 grams. The plant is resistant to late blight, viruses, scab, drought. The advantages of "Rocco" can also be attributed to good keeping quality and environmental safety to the environment, which guarantees the preservation of the crop during long-term storage and transportation. Due to its resistance to transportation and keeping quality, the variety is grown on an industrial scale and “expects” a buyer on the shelves of all stores and markets.

Read also: "Prestige" for processing potatoes

Potato "Rosara"

This type has a unique taste, suitable for cooking various dishes. Potato variety "Rosara" bred by German breeders. From one bush 12-15 tubers, the weight of one fruit reaches 115 grams. For the formation of the harvest is enough 65-70 days. The variety is resistant to fungi, diseases, potato cancer, nematode, scab. Easily tolerates low temperatures, which allows you to give a rich harvest in a cool climate zone. Good storage makes it possible to grow Rosara potatoes on an industrial scale and to transport them to various countries. Fruits are red skinned, oblong, excellent taste. Raininess, drought, cold temperatures do not affect the variety, which is a guarantee of high yield.

Riviera Potatoes

The light yellow tubers of the oval-shaped Riviera potatoes are early varieties and yield on the 40th day after planting. Due to the abundant fruiting refers to table varieties. Always has a beautiful presentation and excellent taste. Well kept, but given that this is an early variety, gardeners do not grow crops for use in the winter. The culture is resistant to drought, low temperatures, rainy weather, diseases, viruses. Also high resistance to potato cancer, nematode, scab. The variety is grown in the southern regions, does not bloom. The plant has a high stem, the eyes of the tubers are small.

Early varieties treated with chemicals is not strictly recommended! !!

Picasso Potatoes

Mid-late variety, after planting, yields a crop of 125-140 days. Picasso potatoes are bred by Dutch breeders. Refers to a high-yielding appearance, the peel is yellow, the eyes are pink. Root crops are large, excellent taste. It is grown not only by gardeners, but also on an industrial scale. Well stored, easily tolerate high and low temperatures, drought, rain. Picasso potatoes are resistant to diseases, viruses, scab, late blight. The main places of cultivation are the Central Black Earth areas. Up to 570 centners of potatoes are harvested per hectare. This variety "prefers" frequent fertilizing with fertilizers.

Read also: Unusual design and maximum use of vertical beds at the cottage

The potato varieties listed above are the most popular. Each of them has

  • excellent taste,
  • variability,
  • resistant to viruses and diseases.
  • easily tolerates temperature extremes;
  • gets accustomed well in various climatic conditions of Russia;
  • resistant to long-term storage;
  • easily transfers long-distance transport.

Low temperature, drought, high humidity during cultivation does not affect the yield. Choose to your taste and plant your favorite potatoes in your garden beds. To date, to find an elite or rare variety is no problem. All that is needed from the gardener - to work hard and the harvest will be a success!

Video: "The best varieties of potatoes"

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