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- Calceolaria( Calceolaria)
- Streptocarpus мира мира од ppaht мира мира мира мира мира мира _ AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS Ред Ред Ред Ред Ред Ред Ред Ред ум ум ум ум ум ум ум ум ум ум ум ум ум ум К К лер лер лер лерIt is difficult to imagine how many names today include a complete list of such cultures, and it is completely impossible to name the most beautiful indoor plants. One likes the species with luxurious buds, the other is nicer than the foliage of unusual colors and shapes, and the third window sills are lined with pots with the most unpretentious plants, which they say "planted and forgotten."
Speaking of "the most-most", each grower implies his own personal circle of plants. And what if we tried to talk about 15 room cultures, which will cause surprise, admiration, and perhaps a desire to get acquainted with unusual home colors, and not just with their photos and names, for most of them.
Photos and names of rare houseplants of unusual shape
The flowers are not always the main decoration of the plant. More recently, decorative foliage plants with leaves of all shapes and colors of the rainbow became fashionable. But, it turns out, and besides them, there are incredibly many truly unique plants in the storerooms of nature.
Today, flower growers discover species that attract attention with an original form, which sometimes makes one wonder: “Is this an unusual houseplant or an invention of an abstract designer?”An extraordinary plant was discovered, still striking with its bizarre form. Aloe trachyand related to a familiar one is quite small. The length of convoluted green leaves resembling a plastic toy does not exceed 25–30 cm, and stellate-bearing white or pinkish rims the peduncle rises 30–40 cm above the ground.
Having gained fame thanks to the photo, an exotic room flower with a name still unfamiliar to the general public,rarely found in private collections today. However, the unpretentiousness of the plant, taking root in the western or eastern windows, in need of moderate watering and content at room temperature, indicates good prospects for this living "wonder of nature."
Euphorbia tirukalli( Euphorbia tirucalli )
Exotic lovers will not remain indifferent to this homemade exotic plant, the photo and name of which suggests that the culture comes from dry, hot places. At home, spurge tirukalli demonstrates a non-capricious temper, it grows in a soil mixture for succulents and, with minimal care, can reach a height of 2 meters.
A characteristic feature of the plant is fleshy shoots practically devoid of leaves, painted on tops in pink and orange tones. Milkweed flowers are very small, greenish, barely noticeable. The tiny lanceolate leaves are located on the tops of the branches and painted in the same bright colors.
The plant needs moderate watering, due to the lack of foliage, it tolerates exposure to the sun, and in the shade it regains its natural green color.
In winter, for milkweed, a rest period is arranged, giving rest at a temperature not higher than +15 ° C.
Fat Euphorbia( Euphorbia obesa)
At first glance, fat euphorbia resembles a cactus or a skillfully executed Japanese temari ball embroidered with silver-green threads. In fact, it is the closest relative of the plant described earlier. The modified stem has the form of a ribbed bluish ball with rows of small spines. Green or barely pink flowers of the plant are located in the form of a crown on top.
Read also: Everything about the hosts - decorative flowers for country beds( video)The gradually depicted name of a rare houseplant, in the photo, is becoming more and more famous among connoisseurs of succulents, and among ordinary flower growers. Today they have even more amazing ones at their disposal than fat euphorbia, its inter-specific hybrids, as well as various forms.
Pachipodium( Pachypodium)
Many houseplant connoisseurs like Milkweed Mil, popularly called the crown of thorns. Unpretentious plant with small white, pink, red flowers on a prickly stem is very similar to the spectacular pachypodium.
True, in the latter species, flowers cannot be called modest. Snow-white or, less commonly, yellow, quivering flowers, like a crown, crowned a rosette of hard leaves on a swollen, covered with long spines stem.
Arid plains plant loves bright light throughout the year, needs regular abundant watering in the summer, and retards development and rest in the winter. Like other succulents, pachipodium is picky.
When you care, you need to be careful because of the sharp spines and poisonous, irritating koi juice.
Crassula( Crassula)
The Tolstyankov family is famous for the extraordinary look of the plants it contains. Crassula is a vast genus, many of whose representatives have been interested in flower growers and have long been cultivated as ornamental houseplants.
Juicy, fleshy greens can accumulate enough moisture to make crassula dry. Plants do without the rich nutrition of the soil, do not have a pronounced period of rest, bloom, such as the popular money tree, rarely and at home reproduce vegetatively.
At the same time, they are unpretentious, are content with minimal care, easily coexist with succulents, and for a long time please owners with bright colors and fancy shapes.
Exotic domestic plants: the photo and names of
Man from time immemorial attracted to distant countries for unknown beauties and surprising discoveries. Today, to become a natural scientist, it is not necessary to go to the ends of the earth. Below we will talk about the names and photos of exotic indoor flowers, which will make any florist feel like a true adventurer, conqueror of the deep sea, a guest in a tribe of savages-cannibals, and even a landing party on someone else's unfriendly planet.
Stapelia variegated( Stapelia Variegata)
Stapelia are not new or rare crops, but even those gardeners who are familiar with the plant are not always aware of its unusual "highlight". These are large variegated flowers of purple-golden or purple-gray color. Flattened corollas are kept on extended rolling cuttings and produce the same unpleasant meat smell to attract pollinators.
One of the most unusual indoor flowers with the name of the stack can be known as Orbey. This homemade species of rhodes from South Africa is impregnable, easily tolerates moisture deficiency, excess light and is only afraid of damage to the root system.
A close relative of the plant is also grown in room culture. This is a giant stapelia with flowers with a diameter of more than 20 cm.
Pseudolithos( Pseudolithos)
Listing exotic home plants from the photo and name, one cannot help dwelling on the culture that recently began to develop window sills. This pseudolithos is one of the most unusual succulents, more like a sea stone, covered with algae and corals.
Read also: What do we know about planting and caring for garden callas?Today, less than a dozen varieties of this plant are open and studied, while all of them are extremely decorative and, although it is not easy to grow them, will become a bright star in any collection.
In nature, pseudolithos inhabit between stones on the South African dry plains, which explains the type of plants and their apparent adaptability to the lack of moisture. Due to the lack of traditional pollinators, pseudolithos have learned to use flies. In order to attract these insects, blooming small purple-green flowers spread around the specific smell of rotting meat.
Venus flytrap( Dionaea muscipula)
Above were given photos and names of exotic indoor flowers that lure insects for pollination. However, the Venus flytrap is significantly "smarter and more ruthless."This amazing houseplant, like an alien from horror films, uncovers small but numerous toothed traps to catch a miserable fly or spider alive. The midge falling into the tenacious trap causes the trap to close, so that the flower could digest and assimilate the prey.
The plant will be interesting not only in cultivation, but also in observation. For well-being, the flower requires high humidity of air and soil, as well as a bright place with a small transparent shadow.
In summer, the flycatcher grows at room temperature, but is afraid of a cold snap below 15 ° C.In winter, the pot is removed for the winter in the refrigerator.
The most beautiful indoor plants: photos and names of
Flowering plants traditionally cause universal admiration, demonstrate the skill and diligence of a grower, decorate the interior and raise the spirits. Today, a lover of indoor plants have the right to choose among tens and hundreds of worthy and very bright species. However, there are rare indoor flowers, whose photos and names are not yet very well known or undeservedly forgotten.
Lantana Camara( Lantana camara)
Lantana - a beautiful shrub plant native to Africa and South America comes from the Verben family. In the indoor floriculture culture is appreciated thanks to amazing multicolor inflorescences, combining the corollas of yellow, orange, purple, raspberry and other shades.
Small tubular flowers, collected in dense caps, change color, so the type of shrub up to one and a half meters is constantly changing. At the same time, flowering lasts from May until the autumn, the plant has bright, slightly rough toothed foliage and branchy shoots forming a sprawling broad crown. In the pot lanthanum can be grown in the form of a shrub or with the help of a hairstyle to form a small elegant tree.
In the middle zone, the native inhabitant of the tropics does not hibernate and is grown only in the house, the pot only for the summer, when there is no threat of frost and cold rain, can be taken out to the garden.
) The name of the tree-like houseplant in the photo is abutilon or indoor maple. The genus, which is closely related to mallow, hibiscus and laureate, is interesting for flower growers with a duration and incredible opulence of flowering, during which the shrub or small standard tree is covered with large bright bells.
Indoor flower with orange as in the photo, flowers or corollas in white, scarlet, pale apricot, raspberry, yellow and purple tones will not leave indifferent the most picky esthete. Plants are easy to form, have a high growth rate, are undemanding and protects the decorative throughout the year.
Abutilon was called home maple because of the characteristic five-fingered leaves, which some vets may have not just green, but with white, silver or golden edging, specks or whole light segments.
Read also: Unpretentious hybrid Cumbria orchidsLachenalia aloe( Lachenalia aloides)
The most beautiful indoor plants can be not only large shrubs, but also very modest species. A typical example is lashenalia, a bright bulbous plant blooming in winter.
A moisture-loving, distillation-friendly original plant grows well in well-lit areas, loves coolness and already at a temperature of 8–12 ° C begins to develop and ejects the peduncle with a brush of tubular flowers painted in yellow, greenish, orange and purple tones.
Calceolaria( Calceolaria)
The sill will be equally bright as small, luxuriantly blooming Calceolaria bushes, at first sight striking not only with an abundance of flowers, but also with their unique shape. Resembling puppet bags or shoes, the beaters are painted in a variety of colors and crowned with stems 15 to 20 cm high.
At home, this plant is grown as a biennial and be sure to shorten the crown when mass flowering ends. So that the flowers depicted in the photo, the most beautiful indoor plants with the name of calceolaria remain bright and fresh longer, put the pots away from direct sunlight, and moisten the soil regularly.
Streptocarpus( Streptocarpus)
The Gesneriev family generously endowed amateur flower growers with a variety of ornamental species, which today are deservedly considered the most beautiful indoor plants.
Streptocarpus arrived on Russian window sills from Madagascar and the coast of South Africa. It is capable of competing for the love of its fans with the famous Saint-Paul and gloxinia on equal footing.
Varietal streptocarpus blooms continuously for several months. They do not need a period of rest, they are easily propagated with the help of seeds, leaves and children. And in splendor, their flowering is not inferior to violets above a spectacular sheet rosette at the same time it can rise by several dozen tubular flowers of the widest range from white to densely violet or burgundy. A flower that claims to be the most beautiful indoor plant loves diffused light.
Rare ampelous indoor flowers: names and photosSuch species usually claim the title of the most beautiful indoor plants, and the photos and names of such crops are always heard. Columney
( Columnea)
This is an excellent ampelous plant, unfortunately, you will not find in every home. And it’s not about the complexity of care, but about the size of an adult. The rare room flower presented in the photo with the name Columnia, expands, produces thin one and a half meter shoots, densely covered with pointed foliage and bright red-yellow flowers. The whimsical beaters very much resemble the Chinese goldfish, which caused the appearance of the popular name of the flower “goldfish”.
A small-leaved variety is more common in culture, although the columney is glorious, distinguished by purple foliage, in no way inferior to its decorativeness. The plant loves penumbra and indirect, sunlight, needs to maintain high humidity and care for greenery.
Clerodendrum( Clerodendrum)
One of the most beautiful indoor plants can rightly be called the gentle and at the same time luxurious clerodendrum. In nature, numerous varieties of this tall, winding culture are found in the humid tropics of Africa, Asia and South America.
Powerful perennial plants are distinguished by bright greens and lush flowering, and the flowers of each species are not similar to each other, are incredibly beautiful and often fragrant. The dignity of the plant - long and abundant flowering, even when grown in a pot, as well as care available to everyone.