Rabbit cabbage is a plant from the Kislick family. Foliage resembles with its heart shape on elongated stems. Their shade may be green or brown-red, with interesting patterns.
Flowering plant begins in April, pleasing the eye until the middle of the autumn season. The flower looks simple, but it has a lot of unusual features. For example, in bad weather or on a hot day, leaves gather in a fold and fall. If you touch them with your hand, the plant will fold the leaves after a few minutes.
- What is orpin
- composition and useful properties
- Medicinal properties
- Recipes with cleft cabbage used in folk medicine
- № 1
- № 2
- № 3
- № 4
- № 5
- Broth
- juice
- Contraindications for use
What is a hare cabbage
This perennial has tuber-like thickened roots, ending in thin processes. The stem part has a cylindrical shape, stands straight, grows up to forty centimeters .The leaves are oval or round, the edges look jagged.
Flowers are rather small, they are pink, yellow-green or pale yellow. They are located on the upper parts of the stems in the form of corymbose inflorescences.

A plant is found in Belarus, European regions of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.
Composition and useful properties
Grass contains a huge amount of rutin, carotene, ascorbic acid . is also present in it; oxalic acid helps to stimulate peristalsis in the body. In addition, it takes part in blood formation, it supplies the body with iron, magnesium, has a useful property to improve gastric secretion.
In addition, the plant contains tannins, glycosides, starch, organic acids, vitamins from group B, calcium.
Medicinal properties
In the recipes of traditional medicine, the is used in the form of the medicine and the above-ground and underground parts of the plant.

Cabbage harvested during the flowering period, in sunny weather. The roots are best collected in the fall. To dry a hare cabbage is necessary in spacious rooms with good ventilation. The dug out roots are cleared from the soil, not small pieces are cut, dried with a thin layer.
With foliage you can clear the skin of acne, juice helps the heart muscle to work, soothes the nervous system.
Drugs activate breathing, constrict blood vessels. They are used during gastrointestinal diseases as a laxative and tonic. It is recommended to drink the infusion of hare cabbage with malaria or dropsy.
Made from dried cabbage powder perfectly helps for epilepsy .In addition, the plant copes with warts and corns .Fresh cabbage is recommended for cancer .
- Plant roots should be taken from impotence and other diseases that affect the male genital area.
- Useful extract for eye diseases, periodontal disease, fractures and trophic ulcers.
- Leaves are used for burns, cuts, rashes, skin inflammations.
- Arthritis is treated with poultices, brewed cabbage in the form of tea for renal diseases, stomach pain, diathesis.

Recipes with hare cabbage used in traditional medicine
Here are some simple recipes for making tinctures from this plant.
No. 1
- leaves - 20 g;
- boiled water - 200 ml.
The composition is taken in 50 ml before meals, three to four times a day.
Excellently helps in gastritis, kidney diseases, diarrhea, infertility, relieves fatigue and eliminates the ability to fatigue.
No. 2
- plant( aboveground and underground parts) - 50 g;
- boiled water - 600 ml.
Cabbage must be chopped and brewed with boiling water, keeping in a thermos for four hours. The tincture prepared in this way is used for external use of in case of stomatitis, sore throat, burn, ulcer or cuts. It is also recommended to remove calluses and warts.
No. 3
- dried plant - 1 tsp;
- boiled water - 500 ml.
Infuse should be two hours, separate the thick, drink four times a day, 15 ml. It helps for diarrhea .

No. 4
- fresh foliage - 15 g;
- boiling water - 500 ml.
Infused grass filtered. Drink several days should be twice.
No. 5
- foliage - 7-8 g;
- boiled water - 250 ml.
It is necessary to insist five minutes, then separate the thick. It helps in diseases of the digestive system .
For its preparation you will need:
- foliage - 20 g;
- hot water - 200 ml.
Leaves covered with boiling water are placed in a water bath, aged for ten minutes. As soon as the broth is cold, it should be drained. Reception is carried out on 25 - 30 ml three times a day of in case of kidney diseases .
The grass must be thoroughly rinsed, dusted with boiling water, skipped in a meat grinder and pressed. The resulting juice is diluted with clean water in a "one to one" ratio. Then it should be boiled for several minutes.
Reception is carried out three times a day with meals, the dosage is 5 ml. In addition, the juice is used as a means of for outdoor applications .
Contraindications for use
The plant is dangerous to the body if there is an individual intolerance. Since cabbage has a large amount of oxalic acid, it should not be used by people suffering from gout.

May be irritated during outdoor use. To avoid adverse events, it is recommended to take this herb, , after consulting with doctors in advance, observing the prescribed dosages and treatment terms of .
Rabbit cabbage is quite possible to grow at home. It is little exposed to harmful parasites. And if you suddenly find an aphid or mite, treat the grass with the necessary compositions purchased from the store.