Thoughtful care for a violet at homesuitable for mass cultivation. Flower growers are attracted by sturdy flower stalks of tulips and flowers that perfectly keep their shape, resembling graceful wine glasses in shape. Flowering begins in the last decade of April and lasts 7-12 days.
Due to their size, stable flowering and the presence of not only red, but also yellow, pink tulips, plants with white, dense purple and even two-color corolla, medium-early varieties are recognized by landscape designers, ordinary flower growers and those who are not indifferent to tulips in bouquets. The interest of summer residents to the group is supported by:
- by the unpretentiousness of varieties;
- destination versatility;
- abundance of colors;
- large flowers, long guarding the shape and freshness;
- light vegetative reproduction;
- opportunity to use for forcing in the middle and late dates.
Tall, resistant to viral diseases and highly volatile due to the propensity for mutations Darwin hybrids compete on a par with tulips Triumph and form a Class 4, as extensive as the previous one.
These plants owe their popularity to the tulip variety depicted in the photo called Apeldoorn, which fully demonstrated the ability to produce offspring when vegetatively propagated, unlike parent plants.
Another variety, widely known in the former Soviet Union - Parade tulip, obtained in the 50s and still adorning the streets of Russian cities and flower beds of summer residents.
The yellow tulip closely related to the previous variety presented in the photo is called the Golden Parade and is rightly considered one of the largest middle-early sorts in the family.
For all Darwin hybrids, red or two-color coloration is large, about 10 cm in height. Flowers in sunny weather can fully open, which accelerates their fall.
Late-flowering tulips: peony, simple and other classes.
This group is the most extensive and variegated, both in color and in the form of corolla, the colors combined in it. Tulips form seven independent classes, some of which are actively developing, and some will soon become history.
Class 5 includes varieties of late simple tulips or Tulipa Single Late with peduncles up to 75 cm high and egg-like corolla. The petals of these tulips are rounded, and the bottom of the flower forms an almost regular square. This class is incredibly diverse. Any colors and their combinations are possible here.
Read also: Graceful multi-colored anemones - planting and competent care
White and black tulips look very impressive, which are represented in the photo by the Queen of Night variety. The varieties blooming in mid-May are beautiful in the flower bed and in the cut-off, but they are not very suitable for forcing as they hibernate for too long.
Unusually graceful lily tulips Tulipa Lilyflowering formed Class 6.
These plants come from Turkey, due to their low stamina, have spread relatively recently in Europe. The main feature of the representatives of the class - pointed petals, forming a subtle, lily-like corolla. Peduncle height is 50 - 60 cm.
In the palette of Lily tulips tulips white, as in the photo, pink, lilac, yellow and red tones, as well as their numerous combinations.
In Class 7, you can see flowers of all shapes, from simple to lightly colored or terry.
However, all varieties will have one common feature - the presence of needle-like fringe at the edges of the petals. The first flowers of this variety were seen in the first half of the last century, and since then unusual varieties for cutting and landscape decoration appear more and more often.
One of the newest sections of the garden classification - Class 8 is formed by Tulipa Viridiflora green-color tulips, derived from a fixed mutation of simple plants.
It is possible to distinguish it from its fellows on a broad green stripe running along the central lily of each petal. Because of her, the buds of tulips look green for a long time, and their true color appears only at the stage of dissolution. The most popular in the class is presented in the photo white tulip varieties Spring Green.
The medium and large height of the peduncle made tulips of this class accessible both for decorating the plot and for cutting.
If the eighth grade is new, then Class 9, designed for variegated Rembrandt tulips, has no prospects for development. This commonality of varieties, well known from the paintings of Dutch and Flemish painters of the XVII – XVIII centuries, is now virtually eliminated, and the varieties left after the renovation of the class have been transferred to other groups.
The reason for this is the fixation in the plant of a dangerous virus of variegation, causing the appearance of stripes and strokes of contrasting shades on the petals.
Parrot tulips with fancy petals resembling the feathers of exotic birds form Class 10. Plants of this variety are distinguished not only by the fanciful shape of the rims, but also by their size.
The diameter of a flower can reach up to 20 cm, which imposes its own requirements on the strength of peduncles. The stems of parrot tulips are really strong, but not too tall, growing to 40–60 cm. To prevent flowers from being lost due to wind or heavy rain, plants are provided with reliable protection and sometimes support.
Read also: Photo and names of varieties of room violets( part 1)
Terry late tulips forming Class 11, by analogy with early ones, is called Tulipa Double Late. However, this group has another name, caused by the beautiful form of a large flower - peony tulips.
Compared with the terry flowers that open in the last days of April, later varieties have much thicker and thicker rims, such as the descendant of Apeldoorn, double Double Of Of Apeldoorn terry.
Like parrot tulips, late terry varieties with heavy heads need to be supported and planted in a place protected from the wind. With regular care and attention, these plants with stems up to 60 cm will create a carpet in a bed of incredible beauty and brightness.
The flower growers have recently received special attention from the Ice Cream tulip with superficial petals of a juicy berry color and a snow-white heart, resembling a horn with a favorite summer delicacy. Although the variety is relatively new, the photo of the Tulip Ice Cream today is adorned not only with the catalogs of bulb producers, but also with areas of Russian summer residents.
Species tulips: the fourth group in the garden classification
The fourth group is the species tulips used in the cultivation of cultivars and grown as independent ornamental plants.
Class 12 given to tulips Kaufman, which bloom in March, can reach a height of 30 cm, and their flowers with pointed petals of different colors are always organic on low curbs and rocky hills.
Foster tulips, the tallest of the species plants, are distinguished not only by this, but also by large flowers, which made it possible to use the plants to produce many modern varieties that belong to other groups and classes. The buds of Foster's tulips open in April and immediately attract attention with the unusual petals bent at the top.
Species of Greig’s tulips and their hybrids forming Class 14 are easily distinguished by patterned leaves covered with colored stripes and strokes. Although the plants of this species are not distinguished by high growth, due to the high ornamental and long flowering they are always welcome guests on the site.
Class 15 contains wild species tulips. Compared with their garden descendants and relatives, these species, often called botanical, are more stunted, better adapted to harsh conditions. In addition, the full charm of medium-sized flowers are less affected by diseases or are completely resistant to them.
Video about the varieties of tulips