Description of the plantknown for its many bright ornamental plants. Among them, the pharmacy or medicinal chamomile, whose medicinal properties and contraindications to consuming, was also cared for by Asclepius and Avicenna, looks like a modest Cinderella. However, the value of this culture is not in catchy beauty, but in a rich biochemical composition, confirmed by modern research. Description of a pharmaceutical or medicinal chamomile plant
Chamomile or pharmacist, officially called Matricaria chamomilla, is a common annual plant found along roads and in wastelands, between grain crops and meadows, almost everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Chamomile retains common features for the family:
- erect hollow stems;
- elongated dissected leaf plates;
- thin taproot;
- inflorescences of a basket with a yellow center and a white fringe of petals.
But at the same time, the inflorescences covering the plant from 20 cm to half a meter in height are quite small. Recently opened baskets have petals horizontally. Gradually they fall, and the yellow, hollow inside the core becomes more and more convex.
Inflorescences, or rather, their composition determines the benefits and medicinal properties of pharmacy chamomile. Plant materials are collected and dried in the period of mass flowering, when the content of bioactive components is maximum.
Biochemical composition of chamomile medicinal
Chamomile flowers are used in recipes of traditional and traditional medicine. The plant is valued by cosmetologists, used in the manufacture of creams, masks, balms and decorative cosmetics, as well as all kinds of hair care products and sensitive children's skin.
So what does chamomile herb contain? Studying collected chamomile heads, biochemists discovered:
- coumarins;
- bioflavonoids;
- organic acids, including salicylic acid, which is widely used to treat skin and inflammatory diseases;
- phytosterols;
- polysaccharides;
- ascorbic and nicotinic acids, carotene, and other essential vitamins;
- proteins;
- tanning agents;
- gum;
- natural bitterness.
Dried inflorescences are used to obtain valuable essential oil, rich in chamomile azulene - chamazulene, which has antibacterial, anesthetic and other properties. No less appreciated other components of the oil, for example, bisabolol, indispensable in cosmetology.
Medicinal properties of pharmaceutical chamomile
The first references to the therapeutic properties and contraindications of chamomile herb date from the time of Pliny the Elder, Avicenna and other scholars of antiquity. Then, prescribing a particular drug, the doctor focused on his experience, observations and rare written sources. He did not have accurate data on the composition of the plant, so they could recommend chamomile for headache, fever, and the bite of a dangerous snake.
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Medicinal products based on plants, decoction or chamomile infusion, essential oil, home-made preparations should have a clearly defined coverage area, be really useful and have a minimum of side effects.
Currently in the list of medicinal properties of pharmacy chamomile:
- active disinfecting effect of decoction and oil based on the flower heads of the plant;
- has a mild analgesic effect, helping to cope with migraine pain, discomfort during menstruation, painful bowel spasms and other problems;
- anti-inflammatory effect;
- antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effects;
- the ability to gently soothe, relax, relieve signs of fatigue and stress;
- hemostatic effect;
- carminative and astringent;
- cleansing effect to help cope with the manifestations of allergy, toxicosis, poisoning.
If there are no contraindications, the healing properties of chamomile are in demand for a variety of diseases, starting with juvenile acne and other skin problems, ending with diseases of the respiratory organs, nervous system and digestion.
In all cases, chamomile acts gently, safely and extremely rarely causes negative reactions of the body.
Unlike other plants that should be taken short-term, the instructions for using pharmacy chamomile do not contain strict recommendations on the duration of the course. Plant materials do not contain active allergens and, soothing, do not have a depressing effect on the psyche.
Indications for use of medicinal chamomile
In medicine, chamomile essential oil, decoctions and infusions of flowers are widely used, and also means for external and internal use are made on their basis.
Skin diseases accompanied by inflammation and the appearance of purulent foci, eczema, dermatitis, complicated acne require a systematic approach and the use of the most effective therapy. In this case, chamomile is used on the skin of the hands, body and face as a sedative, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing external agent, but only with other drugs and herbs.
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Chamomile Infusion is an indispensable remedy for rinsing the mouth and throat during sore throats, colds, stomatitis, gingivitis and toothache. Knitting, painkillers, soothing and antibacterial properties of the medicinal herb will be useful this time too! Among other things, a modest flower helps to cope with the annoying cough, it relieves spasms, eliminates puffiness and irritation.
Chamomile gargling is recommended for both adults and children. Broth with a neutral taste and a pleasant herbal smell is well perceived by the youngest patients and quickly alleviates the condition of the patient.
When diseases of the liver, the digestive system, such as gastritis, colitis, or gallbladder dysfunction, chamomile decoction is taken inside, the benefits and harms of the drink fully depend on the doctor’s recommendations, as well as on a comprehensive approach to treatment.
Chamomile at home:
- relieves spasmodic pains and gas discharge during flatulence;
- creates a fixative effect on diarrhea.
A popular and affordable home remedy, chamomile tea helps with headache, chills and heat, with inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, with anxiety, fatigue, stress, insomnia.
Chamomile herb infusion improves appetite, gently tones, but does not have a clear stimulating effect.
Chamomile douching and tampons impregnated with medicinal herbal infusions are prescribed to women suffering from gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature, erosion, thrush and other mucosal lesions. Microclysters with decoction help relieve pain, swelling and improve the condition of the integument with hemorrhoids.
Dryness, fatigue and discomfort after prolonged exertion, itching, redness and signs of conjunctivitis are indications for the use of compresses and rinsing with chamomile decoction. Externally, medicinal chamomile is also used for bruises, as well as rinsing with excessive sweating.
Medicinal Chamomile-based Medicines
In the home practice most often used decoction or infusion of chamomile flowers. Based on it, chamomile tea is prepared, lotions, compresses, cosmetics and hair care products are made.
To prepare a decoction of medicinal chamomile flowers, dried plant raw materials in proportion to one tablespoon per glass of water:
- is poured with liquid;
- put on a small fire;
- after half an hour of languor is removed from the stove to insist;
- use the infusion in the form of heat, after removing unnecessary inflorescences.
If chamomile infusion is prepared in a thermos, the flowers poured in boiling water are left in a closed vessel for 3 hours, and then the liquid is filtered and cooled.
An incredibly useful chamomile decoction for hair and scalp. Aromatic light yellow liquid may be included in the composition of homemade masks, shampoos, wraps with increased dryness and dandruff. Pharmacy chamomile is a well-known tool for tinting blond hair, which, thanks to the plant, becomes not only attractively golden, but also smooth, strong, not losing freshness and volume for a long time.
Chamomile decoction ice perfectly soothes the skin, tones and softens, simultaneously removing irritation and dryness.
Chamomile tea, which has a relaxing property, is prepared like a decoction. For greater effect in the composition of dry plant materials are added:
- soothing valerian root;
- refreshing mint or lemon melissa;
- tonic warming thyme;
- analgesic sage.
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Sweeten a warm drink can be honey. Chamomile tea with benefit and without harm to the body of the child will remove colic, improve it, allow you to quickly calm down after active games. Babies are advised to give this remedy after consulting a doctor, while strictly following the recommendations given in the instructions for pharmacy chamomile.
Contraindications to the use of medicinal chamomile
With a lot of healing properties, chamomile has practically no contraindications. This is one of the rare plants that do not cause allergies and very rarely provoke the development of undesirable side effects. However, in the presence of chronic diseases before drinking broth or chamomile tea, it is better to get a doctor's recommendation, and then not to exceed the prescribed doses. This repent and adults, and especially children.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, if there is no doctor’s prohibition, you can use chamomile:
- to relieve toxemia;
- for relieving headaches;
- to soothe and improve sleep.
However, it must be remembered that chamomile douching during pregnancy and for older women is not acceptable. The same fully applies to the use of tampons for the treatment of gynecological problems.
Interesting facts about chamomile - video