Housekeeping care at home

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video Zamiya is a family of vegan housemath, all of a family of Christmas tree. Under natural conditions, this flower grows in tropical and subtropical regions of America, it can also be grown at home in a pot. It does not grow very large, but requires special conditions of detention. Even with good care at home, Zamia almost never blooms, but it looks original.

Characteristics and plant varieties

The species of this plant differ from each other in appearance. However, they all have a short barrel-shaped trunk, from which grow long feathery leaves of various shapes. This is a dioecious flower, there are male and female specimens. In pots, zamiya's representatives grow slowly:

  1. Zamiya, a false parasitic tree, is a large tree that naturally grows up to 3 m in height. The leaves reach 2 m, there are elongated leaves on them up to 30-40 cm each.
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  2. Zamiya powdered got its name because of the unusual color of the leaves. They are oblong, and on their surface are light scales. The trunk is almost completely hidden under the ground, it can be seen only in adult flowers.
  3. Zamiya broadleaf - is a low plant with an underground or aboveground stem. The leaves are large, rounded leaflets.
  4. Zamia Dwarf - a variety that is perfect for growing at home. The trunk is underground, reaching 25 cm in length in adult plants. The leaves are collected in the socket, can grow up to 50 cm.

All varieties of this plant are poisonous to humans and animals. In cats and dogs, they cause allergic reactions and dermatitis.

Rules for home care

You should choose the appropriate type not only by the photo of the zamie flowers, but also by their conditions of detention. They can be grown at home in pots, but it is important to create comfortable conditions for them, as close as possible to the natural. At home, the flower will not multiply, as the only method of its reproduction is with the help of seeds.

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Temperature and illumination

Zamiya used to grow in well-lit areas, so she needs to organize such conditions at home. Pots should be put on the windowsills on the sunny side. However, in too hot days it is better to rearrange the plant in the shade. The leaves of this flower grow in the form of a rosette, so it is important to expand the pot on opposite sides to the sun. So they will be the same size and color.

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All types of plants are heat-loving plants. The most comfortable temperature for them is 25-28 degrees, and in winter it should not fall below 15 ° C.The room must be ventilated, but the container with the flower should not stand in a draft. Periodically, the leaves can be cleaned from dust with a sponge.

An overabundance of sunlight can cause a burn on the leaves, if the plant is not prepared for such conditions gradually.

Soil and Irrigation Requirements

Taking care of a potted plant is not difficult. It grows well on any type of soil, for its landing at home, the usual store substrate is suitable. It can also be prepared independently from the following components:

  • clay as a base - 4 parts;
  • peat - 2 parts;
  • humus - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

In the summer, the flower should be watered constantly, to prevent the topsoil from drying out. Water should be at room temperature or slightly warmer, but not hot. In the autumn, watering is gradually reduced, and in winter it is enough to water the flower every 3-4 weeks. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the plant. If its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, it means that there is not enough moisture.

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Diseases and pests

With proper care, the flower grows healthy. For prevention, it does not need to be processed. If the plant feels not comfortable enough, this can be understood by the following symptoms:

  • , when watering too much in combination with nitrogen fertilizers, can begin to rot the root;
  • in conditions of too wet soil with a decrease in air temperature, the flower may die;
  • sunburn looks like a violation of leaf pigmentation;
  • can also appear parasites( spider mite, aphid and shchitovka) feed on the sap of the flower and can lead to its death.

At home, it is easy to grow a zame and take care of her, it is enough to keep her warm and to water regularly. It grows slowly, so the adult plant is transplanted no more than once in 5 years. However, pet owners are advised not to plant this flower because it is poisonous. The poison is found in the leaves and stems, and cats can poison them. It causes a general allergic reaction, which is manifested by a skin rash, irritation, itching and hair loss.

Growing zameyu - video

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