Croton reproduction: an overview of two different ways The leaf-covered tip of the shoot, along with part of the stem, is cut with a sharp knife. It is optimal if the clean cut perpendicular to the trunk is 15–18 cm from the last sheet. From the stalk remove all remnants of leaves and old foliage. After that, the future seedling dracaena is dried for 2-3 hours under room conditions.
You can root the home-grown draftsa for reproduction at home:
- in ordinary water with a small addition of a root stimulator and charcoal;
- in a mixture of crushed coal, sand and peat;
- in vermiculite or perlite at the choice of a grower;
- in steamed soil for dracaena or decorative types of palm trees.
Rooting cuttings should be in a greenhouse or under a film cover, the humidity inside which can be regulated by ventilation. To do this, the shelter is opened twice a day for 15–20 minutes.
We must remember that the dracaena, propagated at home by cuttings, does not like excessive soil moisture.
To prevent the root buds from rotting or drying out, regular but very careful watering and maintaining the temperature in the range of 20–22 ° C is needed. Seedlings are good for spraying. Only water is better to take warm and surely defended. In the same way, with the help of a sprayer, plants can receive the first feeding in life.
A detailed study of the process and get answers to your questions will help the video, how to multiply dracaena at home.
Read also: Propagation of hyacinths in an efficient industrial way
The stem with the root system left after cutting should not be thrown away! If you cover the upper cut with a bag, and put the potted plant in a warm and moderately watered way, then about a month later the side shoots will be visible on the stem. They will give the future life of a renewed, already multi-sided dragon flower.
Reproduction of dracaena cuttings from the stem
If the stem is too long even after pruning and it is a pity to throw it away, it is possible at home to reproduce dracaena cuttings obtained not from the top, but from the middle of the shoot. The same technique will be useful if, with healthy roots, the upper part of the plant is dried or rotted.
To obtain cuttings, a healthy stem is cut into fragments of 10–15 cm each so that the cut passes exactly at the place of the former spotting of the leaf. The cut points should be smooth and clean, without cracks or peeling of the tissue.
Rooting is carried out similarly to the first method of breeding dracaena cuttings. But in this case, the pieces of shoots can be positioned not only vertically, deepening a couple of centimeters, but also horizontally, slightly pressing in a moist soil mixture.
If only the roots are formed during the rooting of the apical cutting, when growing dracaena from the stem cutting, except for the roots, the buds still sprout from the dormant buds. Usually, the root system develops in 1–1.5 months, and the first shoots on the cuttings are shown even after 2–4 weeks.
Propagation of dragon trees with aerial layering of
When the plant is small and cuttings are made to multiply the dragon plant at home, it is not possible yet, use another method:
- On the trunk of the plant, under the former leaf, mark the place of formation of future roots and make a small transverse incision approximately to the middle of the trunk.
- To prevent it from overgrowing, a match or a toothpick is inserted into the slot.
- Around the incision, the trunk is wrapped with sphagnum and covered with an
- package. It is important that the moss under the film does not dry out, it is moistened with a spray bottle.
- When roots sprout through sphagnum, the bar is removed and an independent seedling is cut from the mother plant.
Often at the place below the slice over the past time, the beginnings of shoots are formed, which become new trunks of the dragon.
The separated sprout is rooted into the ground for adult plants, and it is useful to place it in a greenhouse for a week or cover it with a large jar for accelerated acclimatization.
Read also: Planting and caring for ornamental lungwort in the garden at the cottage
This method is more complicated than breeding dragon stones with cuttings taken from the stem or from the top of the shoot, but with proper care, the young seedling takes root and grows much faster.
Propagation dracaena seeds
At home, to cause flowering, and even more to get the seeds is extremely difficult. If at the disposal of the grower is so rare planting material, you should not hesitate.
The seeds of draceni are sealed into the ground only fresh, but before that they are thoroughly cleaned of the remaining fruit and immersed in a growth stimulator solution for 10–15 minutes:
- The dried seeds are sown on the surface of a wet sandy-peat-disinfected mixture.
- Slightly sprinkled with soil, covered with foil or put in a greenhouse for germination. For pecking, seeds require light and a constant temperature of about 25 ° C.
- Until the seeds have risen, they regularly air the greenhouse, trying not to let the cold air and condensation out under the film.
- Awesome shoots should be expected in 25-30 days.
Little drapes are gradually getting used to room air. And then the plants dive and transferred into separate pots.
This is the most difficult and unusual way of breeding dracaenas at home, but it can also bear fruit and replenish the grower's knowledge of an interesting room culture.
Video about breeding dracaena houses