Water underfloor heating convector: their types and characteristics

Panoramic windows of housing - is in demand fashion trend of modern repairing and building. To heat a room with such windows standard heating devices are not suitable, so the experts have developed a built-in flush mount devices.

They are universal water underfloor heating convectors, advantageous features compact and attractive appearance. Before deciding on the use of innovative equipment, it is necessary to understand its features, right?

The article described in detail the various types of floor convectors are identified strengths and weaknesses of the radiators, as well as some tips for their selection and installation.

The content of the article:

  • Convectors in the interior
  • built-in heating system which uses
  • Types and characteristics of the equipment
  • The main requirements to the housing of the device
  • What type of lattice prefer?
  • Features underfloor water devices
  • Differences radiator and electric types
  • Rules of the device of choice
    • Main characteristics of the convector
    • The pressure heating system
    • The choice of coolant options
  • instagram viewer
  • Features mounting convectors
  • Advantages and disadvantages of equipment
    • Cons embedded devices
    • Pros underfloor systems
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Convectors in the interior

The modern market offers a variety of heating equipment, which is designed to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the rooms for various purposes.

Trench model - are universal devices that perform heating and a decorative function. They provide the desired temperature in an apartment or office for a short period of time.

Built convector

Water Floor convectors - efficient appliances that are installed in the floor. They are designed to quickly heat the room

Connected to the water heating system or to the power supply convector - a multifunctional device that perfectly fulfills its direct function and serves as interior decoration. He not only plays the role of a compact almost imperceptible heating equipment, but also a stylish addition the design space.

If the landlord chose to heat the device to be placed in the floor construction, in the repair process is to prepare a special niche.

floor convector

Water convectors - are devices, which are installed under the floor. They effectively will warm and decorate the living room

Built-in models are more attractive and effective than conventional radiators. Recent warm room with the heat radiation and electric heaters and water in addition to the radiation model also heat circulating through them the air flow.

Features of work, as well as recommendations on the choice of electric and water underfloor convectors type listed in the articles:

  1. How to choose electric heating convectors: what to look for before buying stamps + review
  2. Water floor heating convectors: types, manufacturers, how to choose the best

Trench heaters are closed from 3 sides, so most of the heat is given to the top, regardless of location. Through the use of special insulation materials in hand leaves a small portion of thermal energy.

built-in heating system which uses

Floor convectors - innovative heating equipment, which is characterized by unique features and stylish appearance.

They should be installed in the following cases:

  1. In areas with large window openingsTo exclude the possibility of a draft in the room.
  2. In small rooms a lack of available space, or in those in which at the project design should be no unnecessary elements. Devices built into the floor screed, leaving a maximum free space.
  3. In environments with high humidity levels regardless of their purpose. Here their role - to provide a kind of veil, which prevents fogging of the windows.

In order not to be disappointed and to avoid loss of money recommended to examine information on your favorite model before purchase.

Properly selected heater necessarily meet the expectations and allows considerable savings on energy consumption.

Types and characteristics of the equipment

The design of the built-in electric unit is quite simple. It consists of a metal housing-box, which is located in the middle of the heating element. To maximize heat transfer, convective equip his ribs. Top heater closes aesthetic bars located on the floor level.

Convector on the windowsill

Built-in heaters in some cases placed in the window sill. This technique is practiced, if the underfloor heaters is not sufficient for optimal space heating

To increase the thermal power in some models put fans. They increase the speed of movement and the heating of air by 75-90%. To reduce the noise arising from the operation of the fans, using special inserts made of foam rubber.

If a large thermal capacity is required, an underfloor appliance can operate the fan switched off by natural convection.

In order to achieve the optimum temperature in the room and use controls temperature sensorsWhich are located in the middle of the metal body. Regulators are electromechanical or electronic.

This unit monitors the rate of temperature and fan speed. Convenient "manual" control allows you to set the required parameters, if necessary.

Thermostat temperature controller

Convectors, recessed into the floor, can be equipped with a thermostat which indicates the temperature, controls the coolant flow process in a heat exchanger and fan speed

A plug with a heating circuit embedded the heating device differs from the electric only in that instead of heating element tube extends inside it. By analogy, it is equipped with fins, the purpose of which is to increase the heat transfer.

Water type of floor convectors can also be equipped with a fan to speed up the heating process.

Each element of the convector made of different materials, has certain characteristics and performs its function. Therefore, the quality and functionality of the heater should be evaluated on the basis of accessory components.

For temperature control thermostat is inserted, and to increase the efficiency of the device - the fan.

The main requirements to the housing of the device

The appearance of the metal housing is not as important as it is located in the floor of the room. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of this element, as the index depends on the reliability and durability of the heating unit and is defined by its class.

The importance of the role played by the metal of the housing:

  1. For use in wet areas suitable Convector enclosure of stainless material having enhanced moisture resistance.
  2. The dry pick premises device with galvanized or black steel body which is covered, resistant to external influences, antirust paint

Usually special powder compositions are used for coating a metal body. They effectively protect the metal from rust and external influences.

Aesthetic convector

Designers recommend choosing convectors, whose details and inner wall of the body painted in a dark color. They are practically invisible, so look more aesthetically pleasing

What type of lattice prefer?

When selecting a heater embedded in the floor, to pay special attention to the bars. This element is given a decorative role, as it remains above the floor.

The lattice can be made of such materials:

  • galvanized, stainless steel or ordinary steel;
  • anodised aluminum;
  • natural marble;
  • wood - beech, ash, merbau, oak and so on..

In choosing the material necessary to consider that the system should fit harmoniously into the interior and meet the design hotel rooms.

By their construction type 2 grids for floor convectors:

  • Rolling - Lattice more expensive and convenient to use, since they can be rolled;
  • linear - must be fully raised.

Strips in rolling grilles are located exclusively across. In the linear version they are located along and across the heater.


Grilles - a stylish completion of the underfloor heating system. They help hide the ventilation and heating device

grid design is especially important if on top of it will have to step down. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance and materials used in the manufacture. It is necessary to check that the grille does not contain any plastic parts that manufacturers sometimes use in areas of the frame and slats connection.

To evenly distribute the load on the instrument, to reduce noise and increase the comfort, some manufacturers install a spring at the attachment frame and slats.

At high load conditions it is better to select the lattice having the same structure on both sides. If it is erased, it can be flipped for further exploitation.

Features underfloor water devices

The heating element water heaters built into the floor - it is a hollow tube with pressed-on or weld the plates. Heat transfer is performed coolant with antifreeze or water. Convectors connected to the common hot water heating system by means of threaded nipples.

Embedded water products plays an important role exchanger. Maximum power provide a more expensive copper and copper-aluminum heat exchangers. The last feature pipe made of copper and fins made of aluminum.

Manufacturers also offer low-end models of stainless steel and an economy option - galvanized.

black heat exchanger

Heat exchangers and internal wall of the body most models of convectors are painted in a dark color. Due to this, they are almost not visible through the grille

Expensive convectors equipped with heat exchangers made of copper, besides increasing device power function have several drawbacks.

Cons of using such models:

  1. Copper requires special conditions of use. It is not compatible with certain metals, which are made of heat-carrier and grounding devices.
  2. Operation of the heat exchangers of the metal models in the central heating system can cause problems.

Instead, they are suitable for individual heating systems where wiring polymer is observed, or metallopolimernye copper pipes. It is better if the boiler heat exchanger is also made of copper.

Valves and fittings should be used with chrome and nickel-plated, brass or bronze.

In addition to water, electrical manufacturers offer built-in heaters. In them the main role is played by heating element - PETN. It disposed plates designed to increase the area of ​​contact with air device.

These devices serve as an additional source of thermal radiation in areas where there is no possibility to connect the water heating.

Differences radiator and electric types

In electrical and water underfloor heating devices for increasing the power of the fans is set. This allows you to get a lot more heat from the convectors.

The fans are powered by a DC network at 12, 24 and AC 220 V. To reduce noise, they put on Vibration mounts.

Convectors Convention

In spite of the noise coming from the usual convectors with forced convection, they have important benefits. Devices give more heat and precipitated with cold streams that enter from the glass surface

If the owner of the premises will use convector water as the sole or primary source of heat, it is recommended to choose a model with forced convection. They quickly and effectively heat the air in the room, preventing condensation settle on the glass.

Some models, for example, products of the company KermiIt can be used not only for heating but also for cooling. This is due to the use of 2 separate heat exchange elements connected to different systems - heating and cooling.

There are 2 types of embedded systems - two-pipe and four-pipe. In one two-pipe heat exchanger is working with 2 systems.

In today's market presents modifications convectors, filed into the room clean and warm air. At first he comes into the hole, and then cleaned with built-in filters. Then the air is heated and then into the room.

Water convectors with built-in filters

Water convectors with built-in filters are ideal for installation in rooms with windows. They usually have low humidity and lack of oxygen

Manufacturers also produce inside-effective devices for heating residential, commercial and industrial buildings with high levels of humidity. In their manufacture are used water-resistant and modern electrical equipment. These models are equipped with drainage water to drain accumulated condensate.

Before starting the repair, you can order a custom size convector, the corresponding characteristics of the premises.

Some manufacturers make rotary heating elements that facilitate maintenance of the interior of the housing. The heat exchanger can be mounted on a flexible hose, due to this it can be easily removed for cleaning.

Convector to order

Customer-specific floor duct convectors do with the desired radius of curvature or angle. It is more commonly used for window dressing or rooms with custom geometry

For temperature control and power convector respond electronics or electromechanical thermostats. They are located in the unit, controlled by a remote control panel or remote. Electronic thermostats allow you to program the temperature for the time of day, day of the week.

Rules of the device of choice

When selecting convector type main electric power and estimate the size of the device. More desirable to determine the type of convection, which may be natural and forced.

Selection of water heaters, embedded in the floor, requires to take into account many parameters of the functional features of the device.

Main characteristics of the convector

Initially, it is necessary to select the size of the product, the presence of the fan, the housing material, the edges of pipes. In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to other characteristics.

Considering recessed convector type water as a device for home heating, it is necessary to determine the manufacturer.

Convector domestic proivodstva

Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer heaters with a wide power range. Properly selecting this option, you will provide a comfortable temperature in the room

One of the most important features considered convector type heating system - single tube or two. The diameters of the connection does not relate to primary selection criteria, as there are adapters.

The pressure heating system

This is one of the most important indicators of the water unit. For heating private houses, two-storey and three-storey cottage is suitable any model, since the pressure in the common heating system is usually not more than 3 bar.

Convector in high-rise building

Typically, for installation in high-rise buildings is recommended to install floor duct convectors, working pressure up to 15 bar

For apartments of apartment buildings should take into account test pressure and working pressure. The operating organization should know these figures for your home by comparing them with the characteristics of the chosen model.

The choice of coolant options

When selecting the optimal model convectors must take into account the type and parameters of the device. For individual heating fit any model, since the landlord can own to set and control the temperature and coolant specifications.

Residents of high-rise buildings will have to adapt to the conditions and parameters of water that flows into the sewers. Thus it is necessary to take into account such factors: temperature, the amount of mists, Ph, oxygen content, the optimal type of device connections.

Features mounting convectors

Set model built convector for heating water type in several ways: the device to the room or to the glass.

If the equipment is deployed to the window, coming from the window opening the cold air will be clipped, which will ensure the impossibility of condensation. However, the room temperature would be very slow to reach a comfortable residence values, since most of the heat for heating the glass be spent.

Installation of convector to the window

When installing underfloor devices to the glass in the room temperature is stable. This result is uniform mixing of warm and cold air masses

By deploying the device in the direction of the room, you can get a quick heating. With this arrangement, condensate can form on the glass. One major disadvantage of this method - indoors observed zones with different temperatures which create discomfort.

Built-in appliances are installed in a trench prepared in the course of repair work. If the concrete floor in the room, then the distance between the trough walls and the device housing is filled with a solution.

When you install the convector into a wooden floor around it make a decorative frame of the boards of the identical color.

Advantages and disadvantages of equipment

In today's market presents a huge number of heating devices floor and wall mounting. Inside-purpose devices are very popular because they have unique characteristics and advantages.

Cons embedded devices

The main drawback of underfloor constructions - the high cost. Their price is several times higher than similar heaters same capacity outdoor unit.

This is due to the fact that the installation of the device is much more complex than conventional models convectors.

mounting scheme

Scheme mounting of underfloor heating describes the process of installing the water structure. It's pretty complicated, as it involves a number of important processes (+)

When installing the built-in type pipe fittings equipment must be in the floor. It is a popular solution, difficult, from a technical point of view. For flush mounting products necessary to raise the floor, you can not do in all areas.

Pros underfloor systems

The main advantage of convectors, embedded in the floor - concealed installation, which provides ample opportunities for bold design solutions. This is a suitable option for equipping shop windows and panoramic windows.

Convector in high-rise building

Despite the complexity of installation and high price of heating convectors in the floor - in demand and stylish heater

For open, stylish interior heating appliances can be a problem due to lack of space. The majority of apartments and houses, equipped with fashionable panoramic windows, bulky radiator will not fit into the overall style of the room.

Optimal yield in such situations - recessed convector. And you can choose a model with a natural or forced convection.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Video №1. Overview of embedded equipment for hot water heating:

Video №2. Device and installation of convectors:

Video№3. Care built in floor heating products:

The main function built into the floor convector water - efficient and fast heating of the room. The equipment protects the glass from condensation - with the help of the air curtain stops and heats the cold air streams that constantly come from the window and door openings.

Depending on the characteristics of the premises and the requirements for a product, you can choose the optimal device model.

Interested in the issue of selection and installation of water floor convectors offer comments and ask questions. Form for the discussions is located in the lower block.

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