Nature has generously endowed currants, decorating not only black and red berries, but also white ones, rewarding each variety with characteristic qualities. White currant bushes enrich the gardens, and the fruits are considered to be healing berries.
Table of Contents- Europe and Russia, where shrubs with red berries met around the tenth century. White currant appeared some time later, as a result of “domestication” of red berry culture.
The plant belongs to the Gooseberry family. It is a perennial shrub with a height of one and a half meters. But in a climate that is ideal for a plant, a bush can reach two meters.
Decorate the bush 3-5 lobes dense leaves, the edges of which are jagged. Small, inconspicuous flowers, yellow-green, collected in a brush, bloom in May.
Juicy, tasty fruits have a yellow, cream or light pink color, spherical shape, with a diameter of 6-10 mm. The ripening period falls on July, August.
The plant has a number of advantages:
- , with the observance of agrotechnics, gives a plant with annual abundant crops and is well suited for reproduction;
- berries are on the bushes for a long time and do not crumble until late autumn;
- not susceptibility to currant mite, which is the main enemy of the shrub;
- actively fructifies both in arid and rainy weather conditions, due to a strong and highly developed root system;
- frost resistance, therefore, will delight delicious fruits regardless of the weather;
- is an unpretentious berry, therefore, requires minimal maintenance;
- is a universal destination fruit with a high taste rating and good transportability.
In addition to the weighty merits of the culture, there are also minor flaws, namely:
- , when the shrub is formed incorrectly, comes to fruition late;
- grows poorly in shaded areas, grows poorly, and is damaged more by diseases and pests.

Benefits and harm to health
In addition to the delicate and unique taste, white currants are considered a source of beneficial substances, a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.
Possessing a number of useful properties, it has a positive effect on almost the entire human body since:
- ensures the full functioning of the heart and blood vessels system;
- normalizes redox processes, increases immunity and protects the body from viral diseases;
- stimulates the separation of bile, helps strengthen the liver cells;
- absorbs and removes heavy metal salts from the body;
- helps get rid of excess cholesterol;
- is a good antipyretic agent;
- prevents memory loss and the development of sclerosis in the elderly;
- rejuvenates the body and slows down the aging process;
- promotes mental and physical activity of the body.
But no matter how useful the berry is, there is a category of people who should refrain from using it in order not to harm their body. This group includes patients suffering from gastritis, with increased acidity and a tendency to ulcers.
Since the composition of the berries is rich in organic acids, which can provoke exacerbations of these diseases. Also, you should not be carried away by the fruits of thrombophlebitis, because of the high content of vitamin K can increase blood clotting.

The healing berry is a supplier of nutrients to the body, which has a positive effect on human health. The main thing to remember about contraindications, which will remove the maximum benefit from the product while not harming health.
Planting and growing rules in the fall and spring
The plant is best planted in the fall. Start the event in the second half of September and until the end of October. The main thing is not to miss the deadlines so that young saplings have time to get rooted in the soil and adapt to external conditions. You can also plant in the spring, but you need to land as soon as possible, as soon as the ground allows, and until the buds have blossomed at the seedling.
- Determination of landing siteBest of all, the culture will bear fruit on a sunny, windless stretch. Given this, you should plant seedlings on the south or south-west side. Planting should be carried out on clay, loamy and sandy soils. In addition, the level of groundwater distribution should be taken into account. And if their depth exceeds the allowable rate, then it is imperative to plant on the bulk mounds. Excessive moisture can cause lichens and the death of the plant.
Bunches of ripe white currant berries. Under shrubs dig holes 50 cm in diameter and 40 cm deep. The distance from one bush to another must be at least one meter. Equip the bottom of the pit with humus mixed with the ground. If the soil is highly acidic, you must add lime.
- . Planting process.
. Quality planting material is a determining factor when currant is planted, as weak and diseased seedlings will not give the opportunity to grow full-fledged, prolific berry bushes. A good seedling should have three large roots, about 15 cm long. Lower by fifteen centimeters so that the plant could better develop additional roots and quickly began to grow. Then gently straighten the rhizomes, and fill them with fertile soil.
- Necessary measures after planting
Upon completion of the work, gently compact the ground around the bush, pour it over and mulch it with humus. Also, the shoots of a seedling cut and leave only two buds above the ground. This procedure will promote the development of a healthy root system, the formation of a well-branched shrub and the establishment of a strong and healthy culture.
For the first time after planting, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and, if necessary, water the plant.Tips for caring and reproduction
Care is to perform appropriate procedures that will help increase the yield and improve the quality of the berries. These activities include:
- Watering. White currant loves water very much, so it needs to be watered often, especially in dry times. To reduce the loss of moisture, it is recommended to mulch the ground around the shrub. The most regular watering necessary for the plant in the period of the onset of the appearance of berries and their ripening. In order for weeds not to take away moisture, nutrients and sunlight from a plant, it is necessary to eliminate them in a timely manner.
Moisture on the leaves and fruits during watering is unacceptable.- Trimming and shaping .In order for the bushes to be strong and fruitful, they should be pruned in a timely and correct manner. The first time pruning is carried out after the landing. Remove all branches, while leaving three buds at the base of the shoot. This will help the plant to direct all its forces to the growth of roots, which will subsequently enable the plant to release strong fruitful shoots in the spring.
A bunch of white currant branches
Formative pruning to perform every fall, while leaving about three strong shoots. The rest of the shoots cut at the base.
It is important to carefully examine the plant and not allow the bushes to thicken, and the shoots to grow old.- Top dressing .The plant is responsive to good nutrition, which is used as potash, nitrogen, organic and phosphorus additives. After each application of fertilizer, you need to mulch the earth with a mixture of peat and manure. This will help to better assimilate fertilizers, as well as protect the berry crop from weed growth and retain moisture. Will be useful and foliar feeding solutions of potassium permanganate or boric acid. These spraying will increase the size of the fruit and increase its setting.
The timely implementation of these procedures will favorably affect the quality of the harvest and the development of the bush as a whole.
The most famous varieties are
Ural White
The Ural White variety of the middle early ripening period. A densely growing bush has a moderate height. Slightly curved shoots of medium thickness, have a greenish color with the presence of a pinkish pale patina. Large, five-lobed leaves are green with sharp long teeth. Flowers are medium in size, sepals are yellow-green, bent. Rounded berries of yellow color, endowed with seeds in small quantities. The fruits of the universal destination of a pleasant sweet taste and slightly noticeable sourness.
White Fairy
The White Fairy is a mid-season, self-pollinating variety. Productivity is high. Medium-sized shrub is formed very thick and lush. Brushes are thin, long. The berries are round, one-dimensional, weighing from 0.6 to 0.8 grams. The color of the fruit is white, with a yellowing. Differ, thin, but dense skin. Gentle sweet-sour taste, without aroma.
Currant variety White Fairy
Dessert Bayana
Dessert Bayana is a universal variety of late ripening period. It is one of the best white beauty varieties in terms of yield, fruit quality and resistance to diseases. Shrub medium size, but very thick. Leaf 3-5 lobes, large, light green, dull, slightly pubescent from below, elongated. The berries are white in color, round, transparent. Juicy fruits with a pleasant sweet-sour taste and thin skin.
White currant is one of the most unpretentious plants in the garden. Of great importance are its taste properties, which are characterized by the content of many nutrients, so culture is in special demand and very popular.