Detailed description of black currant varieties Selechenskaya

It is difficult to find a garden area without black currant bushes. Her plant everything and everywhere - garden, garden, cottage. The most difficult thing to decide on the choice of varieties, there are now more than 200 species.

The currant berry is tasty and useful .In order for it to be longer on our table fresh, it is desirable to have varieties of different ripening terms at the site.

Currant is divided into early, middle, and late in terms of ripening. Consider the currant variety of early ripening - Selechenskaya .


  • description and grade characteristics
  • Landing Selechenskoy currant seedlings
  • Care blackcurrant
  • Pruning shrubs
  • Reproduction
  • Diseases and pests
    • American mildew
    • Petals
    • Anthracnose
    • Septoria Leaf Spot or white spotting
    • currant leaf midge
    • currant sesiidae
  • Vitamin composition

Description and characteristics of the variety

The variety was obtained by AI Astakhov in the 90s of the last century in rezuIn the intersection of varieties of seedlings Dove and Bredthorp( line 32-77).

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According to the State Registry, recommended for cultivation in the Central, Central Black Earth part of Russia, as well as in Western and Eastern Siberia. It can also be grown throughout Ukraine and Belarus.

Berries are large, weighing 2.2-5.0 g , rounded, black, medium thickness of the skin, dry berries. The ripening of berries is the first decade of July. Berry is sweet, taste is 4.6 points on a 5-point scale.

The purpose of the berries is universal, according to the characteristics they are good both in fresh form and in freezing and processing.

. The variety's good hardiness and resistance to cold. , resistant to spring frosts, tolerates drought well.

The advantages of the variety are the high yield of ( up to 2.5 kg / bush), large-fruited berries, high palatability( sweet and sweet, dessert), harmonious ripening of berries. Resistance to powdery mildew and kidney mite is good.

The Selechenskaya currant variety is winter-hardy, has high yields, large-fruited

berries. The Selechenskaya currant variety belongs to varieties of intensive type and therefore is picky about soil fertility, fertilizing and irrigation in dry years.

Selechenskaya currant has a more promising, improved version - Selechenskaya-2.The grade takes a worthy place among large-fruited and early fellows.

Compared to its predecessor, the , it is more productive ( 3.5 kg / bush), the size of the berries reaches 5 g, the berries are sweeter with a pronounced currant flavor. The skin of the berries is thin. Tasting berries rating 4.9 points. Ripens in late June.

The variety is less demanding on the agrotechnology of growing ( frost and drought resistance are high), resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose.

The bush is compact, upright, the branches under the bountiful harvest do not bend and do not need a garter. This is the best sort of breeder A. I. Astakhov.

Description and characteristics of the Selechenskaya-2 currant variety:

Planting of the Selechenskaya currant saplings

Black currant Selechenskaya, like any black currant, is a moisture-loving plant with a superficial root system .This should be considered when choosing a landing site.

The place should be well-lit, but not the sun-shade ( in the midday hours it is desirable for her to be in partial shade), sufficiently moist and protected from the winds.

The landing pits are filled with organic fertilizers and ashes, and mineral, for example, superphosphate is added if desired. The soil in the areas where the currants are placed should not be acidic. , for deoxidation, lime is added to the soil in the fall at a rate of 0.5 kg / m2.

It is possible to plant currants both in spring and in autumn, but planting is preferable to .

It is better to plant a currant of the Selechenskaya variety in the fall, planting a bush at an angle of 45 degrees

Planted black currant at a distance of 1-1.5 m between bushes in planting pits 40 × 40 cm.

is planted at a 45 degree angle of , which will contribute to the formation of additional roots and new shoots from the submerged buds.

Sapling planting deepens up to 10 cm and pruning branches, leaving 3 buds above the soil surface. This will contribute to better rooting and development of the seedling.

After planting, we plant watered currant bushes, compact and mulch the ground. In winter, the young sapling is sheltered with fallen leaves for a better wintering.

If you decide to plant black currants in the fall, then you need to do this two weeks before the onset of sustained cold weather, so that the plant can take root. Depending on the region, this period is the end of September-October.

Spring landing is limited in terms of .Black currant wakes up early, and you need to plant a sapling before budding begins. If you are late with planting, the plant will take root badly and hurt.

Black Currant Care

If you planted such supercurrants as Selechenskaya and Selechenskaya-2 on your plot, is no reason to forget about plants for a long time .Without proper care, you should not make high demands on them. Plants need regular watering, dressing, shallow loosening of the soil.

Currant Selechenskaya moisture-loving , therefore needs watering. For this, it is advisable to make grooves up to 20 cm deep at a distance of 40 cm from the end of the branches and watering in them, consuming at least 30 liters of water per m2.Fertilizers can be applied to these grooves.

After watering the soil around the bushes, you need to mulch , or cover with black agrofibre. It will protect the plant not only from the evaporation of moisture and the formation of a crust, but it will not give the opportunity to grow weeds, it will eliminate the necessary regular loosening of the soil under the bushes.

The Selechenskaya currant variety needs top dressing with urea and ash, irrigation and soil loosening.

Currant needs additional feeding, just like irrigation. In the spring, urea is applied under the bushes - 30 g per m2, after flowering, liquid organic fertilizers are applied with 20 g of urea added to the bucket of organic matter, and after harvesting again organic fertilizer.

Once every two weeks, foliar fertilizing is done on foliage, combining them with treatment against diseases and pests. In order to deoxidize the soil in autumn, it is necessary to add ash under the currant bushes, with subsequent incorporation into the soil.

Pruning of bushes

Pruning of currant bushes is needed for the formation of bushes and maintaining their productivity.

Black currant fruits mainly on the growth of the last year, so the old branches need to be removed for constant renewal of plants. For better illumination of bushes also need to be thinned regularly.

The next year after planting, 3-4 well-developed and located leaves well-developed basal shoots, and if the ends of the shoots have not matured, they are also removed. In subsequent years, trimming is the same.

Removed weak and thickening shoots, sick and dry. Of the zero shoots( shoots grown from the soil) leave no more than 4 strongest annually. So that the bush does not thicken, the distance between the young shoots should be 10-15 cm. .

By the age of 5, the formation of a bush ends and we should have a full-fledged bush with 10-15 well-developed shoots of different ages. The branches of each age should be from 2 to 4.

For the rejuvenation of the bush old branches are cut, it gives an impetus to the growth of new ones.

Important when pruning:

  • pruning black currant bushes should be done in the spring before bud break, in the fall before the onset of frost;
  • branches older than 5 years of age are deleted;
  • when pruning hemp can not be left, they settle pests and diseases;
  • in order to avoid diseases the bush should not be thickened, therefore thinning of the bush is necessary;
  • shoots of zero order are left the strongest and well developed.


Propagate the black currant layering and cuttings.

The simplest and most commonly used method is the method of reproduction using the horizontal layers. To this end, in early spring, shallow grooves are being dug up by bushes.

Annual shoots are shortened by 1/5 of their length, to stimulate bud germination. Clipped shoots are laid in grooves, pinned with hooks and lightly covered with earth.

After the green shoots with a height of 10 cm are sprung from the buds, they are sprinkled with well-fertilized soil to a height of 5 cm. During the growing season, the layers are watered regularly.

In the fall, the grooves with layering open, separate from the mother bush and plant : strong seedlings to a permanent place, weak ones grow in a schoolhouse. With one shoot per season you can get 5-7 seedlings.

Video instruction on the reproduction of currants by layering:

For reproduction by AS ldvonesennymi cuttings are taken not damaged, healthy one-year branches.

Shoots that are as thick as a pencil are cut in February( cuttings can be cut at the end of autumn, but then they need to be properly stored) cut into cuttings with at least 3 buds, the lower end is dipped in a root formation stimulator and planted in prepared containers.

2 buds should remain above the ground. Capacities are covered with polyethylene and pritenuyut. The rooting process occurs at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, with periodic watering and ventilation of the cuttings.

Approximately in 1.5-2 months cuttings take root. In the fall, they can be transplanted to a permanent place, but it is good to cover them for the winter, in order to avoid freezing.

Diseases and pests

American powdery mildew

The disease affects the shoots, leaves and berries on them appears a white powdery coating. Infected shoots bend, stop growing and die.

Control measures:

  • choose for growing varieties resistant to the disease( Selechenskaya currant refers to such, it can be partially affected only during very long wet summer periods);
  • to remove and burn affected ends of shoots;
  • in early spring, before bud break, spraying with a 3% nitraphine solution;
  • if there is no desire to treat plants with chemical preparations, you can spray it with a solution of soda ash. To do this, dissolve 100 g of soap and 100 g of soda ash in 10 liters of water. Spray the bushes before flowering, after flowering and then twice more with an interval of 10 days.
Currant can be sprayed with American powdery mildew with a solution of household soap with soda ash

Terry covering

Dangerous viral disease. The plant thickens, the leaves of the five-lobed become three-lobed, shrink and lose currant smell. At the ends of the branches there are many shoots.

Control measures: removal of black currant bushes and burning. And it is necessary to fight the vector of the disease with a kidney tick.


The disease affects the leaves, petioles, shoots and berries .Small brown spots appear on them, which then merge into one solid, the leaves curl upwards and fall off.

The disease begins in early June and with a strong infection by the middle of summer, the bushes completely discard the foliage, the shoots dry out.

Control measures:

  • choose disease resistant varieties of currants, Selechenskaya one of these varieties;
  • diseased leaves are removed and burned;
  • process bushes with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid before blooming, and 3% before flowering and after harvesting.
To control anthracnose, black currant is treated with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid, leaves are removed and burned.

Septoria or white spot

In May, small spots with a brown border, , appear on the currant leaves, which then turn white and merge. Leaves dry out and fall off.

Premature shedding of foliage affects the winter resistance of the plant and the harvest of the next year, as the plant does not develop normally.

The control measures for are the same as for anthracosis.

Currant bud mite

Small insect that damages the kidneys of .The buds swell and round, do not develop and dry out the following year. Insect is a carrier of viral diseases.

Control measures:

  • before the beginning of the growing season, patients with bloated buds pluck out;
  • with a strong defeat of the bush branches are removed to the base;
  • carry out the treatment of plants with infusions of onion, garlic, and pine needles during the season;
  • spraying before bud break 3% nitrafene solution or 1% solution of colloidal sulfur.

Currant leaf galley

A small mosquito damaging the leaves .The leaves first wither, then dry and fall off, the ends of the shoots die off. As a result, fat shoots from the sinuses of fallen leaves appear, the plant is depleted.

Control measures:

  • very effectively digging up the soil under the bushes with its subsequent mulching;
  • treatment of bushes before flowering and after 0.2-0.3% karbofos emulsion.
Currant varieties Selechenskaya susceptible to pests such as: currant glass bowl, leaf gallfly, kidney mite

Currant glass bowl

Pest damaging shoots. Caterpillars hatching from larvae penetrate into the stalks and eat away the middle of the shoot, making passages in it with blackened walls. Damaged shoots wither and dry.

Control measures:

  • annual cutting of old and damaged shoots, which are characterized by weak growth and small buds;
  • after flowering treatment of bushes with 10% karbofos at the rate of 75g per 10 liters of water;
  • from folk methods - treatment with decoctions and infusions of pepper, garlic, mustard solution and laundry soap with 200 g of soap and mustard per 10 liters of water.

Vitamin composition

Black currant occupies a special place among the fruit and berry crops. It is not for nothing that they call a mine of vitamins :

  1. It contains a large amount of vitamin C up to 340 ml, 15-20 berries per day provide the body's daily need for this vitamin.
  2. Currant is rich in vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of capillaries.
  3. On the content of vitamin E, it stands on the 4th place after sea buckthorn, wild rose and chokeberry.
  4. It does not have the same vitamin A content among fruits and berries.
  5. The list of vitamins is supplemented with the B vitamins found in it( B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), as well as PP and K.
  6. It contains an increased amount of potassium and iron salts.
  7. It contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.
Currant contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, not only its fruits are beneficial, but also the leaves

But what is there in it? Organic acids( malic, citric) - are, pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances too.

In black currant , not only berries are beneficial, but also leaves with shoots. Whoever brewed tea with currant twigs( in the spring in the country) will never forget this taste and aroma.

Grow black currants, and you will never regret the time spent on it for care. She will reward you with a generous, tasty and rewarding harvest.

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