Vitamins do it yourself - compote of apples and cherries

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apple compoteand cherries cooked at home, much better than the juice bought in the store. First, it is 100% natural, and secondly, it quenches thirst better. The store juice, tinted with dyes and stuffed with flavors, looks beautiful and tasty( according to advertising), but it does not bring any good. Whether it's juice or compote, cooked with your own hands! Children from such a treat come to the delight. After all, the combined apple-cherry compote to taste is not as sour as cherry. Cherries give this compote a light acidity and add a beautiful color.

A simple compote of apples and cherries

Even the most inexperienced hostess can make a seasonal compote of apples and cherries. Just in case, who forgot, further step by step.

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Cherry should be washed, and apples cut into pieces, pour into a saucepan and add water.

As soon as the water begins to boil, add sugar( about 1 cup per three-liter saucepan) and let it boil again.

It is not necessary to boil compote for a long time, otherwise the fruit can be boiled soft.

It is enough to turn off the burner after boiling and leave the compote until it cools completely. During this time, he will have time to insist.

You can slightly complicate the recipe and play with taste - try to prepare apple-cherry compote with the addition of cinnamon or mint. Nothing too complicated, and preparing quickly - 20 minutes.

Apple-cherry compote with cinnamon


  • apples - 350 g;
  • cherries - 350 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • water - 2.5 liters.
Read also: Interesting recipes for apple jam with oranges

Wash apples and cherries, peel apples from the inner core and cut into slices. Pour sugar into boiling water, and when it dissolves - fruit and cinnamon. Boil compote for a maximum of 4 minutes and let it brew under the lid until it is completely cool. Drink better cold.

Compote of apples and cherries with mint


  • apples - 5 pieces;
  • cherries - 300 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.
  • mint - a couple of twigs;
  • water - 3 liters.

Cut apples into small slices and put in boiled water along with cherries. Cook for 10 minutes, and if the fruit starts to fall apart, reduce the cooking time.

Add sugar and mint before turning off the compote, and let it brew.

You can put honey instead of sugar, but not in hot compote, but in a glass before use, because, as you know, honey loses its qualities in hot water.

Compote from apples and cherries for the winter without sterilization

But with the preparation of compote for the winter you need to tinker a bit, although nothing complicated here either. Cherries for seeding compote should be well ripened, but not soft, but apples on the contrary - a little greenish. They will add the necessary sour accent, and will not fall apart during the cooking process.

Wash the cherries, dry them( do not remove the stone), and cut out part of the seeds in apples. The peel of apples do not peel off, because everyone knows that it is a storehouse of vitamins.

Banks are pre-sterilized, and the lids are boiled. Put apples and cherries in jars, filling a little more than half the container.

Read also: Winter reserves: Cherry in its own juice

Fill the jars with boiling water, cover with lids and leave for 20 minutes. After the specified time, drain the water back into the pan. By the way, for this reception it is convenient to use a lid with holes - and the water will drain, and the berries will not fall out, and the hostess will not scald with hot water.

Add sugar to the saucepan with water, add some water to the stock and put it on fire again. The amount of sugar equals 1 cup for each liter of water that has poured from the can.

After the syrup boils and all the sugar is completely dissolved, immediately pour it into the jars and roll it up.

Banks check for tightness, turn over, wrap something warm on top and leave to cool for a day.

Ready cooled compote to transfer to the cellar or basement for storage.

When opening a can in the winter with a compote of apples and cherries, it is necessary to add water at the rate of 1: 1 before using it. In order not to dilute the compote, you can try to set up less fruits in the jar when seaming.

Compote of apples and cherries for the winter in the multi-cooker

During stockpiling for the winter near the stove, you have to spend a lot of time. Modern equipment in the form of a multicooker helps to make more than just a daily cooking. With it, you can cook even compotes. The only thing that cooking in a multivariate compote for the winter will require a little extra time, since it will need to be sterilized further.

So, the following components will be needed for compote:

  • small apples - 1 kg;
  • cherries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 2 liters.
Read also: Methods for preparing several kinds of thorns compote for the winter

Before you do compote, you must prepare the container, or rather sterilize the jars and dry them. For compotes, 2-liter containers are more suitable, but if you wish, you can also take liter jars.

Gradual compote preparation in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash the cherries, drain excess water, and pour them into prepared jars.
  2. Prepare apples - wash, peel and peel, cut into slices. Do not throw away the rind - it is useful for making syrup!
  3. To prepare the syrup, fold the apple peel into the bowl of the multicooker and add hot water. Select the program "Multipovar"( temperature - 160 degrees) or "Quenching" and set the timer for 15 minutes. After boiling water, pour sugar into the slow cooker and add another 5 minutes on the timer.
  4. In jars, where cherries already lie, put sliced ​​apples, pour the prepared syrup and leave for a while, so that the compote is infused.
  5. After the liquid has cooled, it needs to be drained from the jar, put back into the slow cooker and allowed to boil in the mode used in the previous step.
  6. Pour the boiling syrup over the banks, without adding 2 centimeters to the top.
  7. Banks cover and deliver sterilized.
  8. For sterilization, it is necessary to put gauze( several layers) on the bottom of the bowl of the multicooker, pour warm water and put a jar of hot compote into it.
  9. Select the program “Frying” or “Baking” - until the time when the water boils, and after boiling switch to “Stewing” and set the timer for 20 minutes.
  10. After the specified time, roll the can with the compote and allow it to cool completely at room temperature.

Compote ready. All bon appetit and warm winter evenings!

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