Many gardeners and gardeners grow currants on their land. But, for a good harvest to please for many years, you need to make a lot of effort.
All varieties of currants are subject to various diseases. There are more than 70 species of insects that harm the bushes. They are their activities lead to a decrease in yield and complete death of plants.
In order to save currant plantings from diseases and pests on time, needs to know their symptoms and methods of neutralizing .
Table of contents
- The main diseases of black and red currants and the treatment of them
- Mealy dew on the leaves: how to treat?
- Anthracnose
- How to deal with terry?
- White spot or septoriosis - what to handle in summer and spring?
- What to do with rust?
- . Why does stray shoots dry out?
- Striped mosaic: disease control measures
- Major pests: correct treatment from them
- How to process a bush from a blackcurrant gall midge
- How to save the crop from black currant?
- How to spray from spider mite?
- Currant glass bowl and plant care
- How to get rid of the fire?
- How to spray on the peppered moth?
- Treating and spraying bushes with chemical and folk remedies in the fall
Major diseases of black and red currants and treatment of them
Mealy dew on the leaves: how to treat?
Mealy dew is caused by the marsupial fungus Erysiphales .With the disease on the surface of young leaves and berries formed white loose scurf. Mealy dew is not common.
When symptoms are observed, is recommended to spray Fitosporin shrubs or pharmacy iodine solution. If this treatment is not effective, should be applied 1% bluestone .
At the time of treatment measures allow you to quickly overcome the disease. In any case, the presence of the disease indicates the deterioration of the currant bush.

At the initial stage of anthracnose, small dark spots appear. They gradually increase with the progression of the disease.
Stains deform the leaves and fruits, and also have a negative impact on the entire bush. anthracnose causes premature leaf fall and a decrease in the winter hardiness of the bush.
Fungicides are used to destroy anthracnose pathogen in accordance with the instructions. The most famous drugs to treat the bush are: Fitosporin, Previkur, Acrobat, Ridomil .

How to deal with terry?
kidney mite is considered to be the main causative agent of currant terronemia. Terry currant is characterized by an ugly state of the extreme leaves. As the disease progresses, the flower brush becomes thinner, and the scales replace the flowers.
There is a strong pulling of the leaves of young shoots. From the five leaves, they turn into three leaves. Veins become rough. The color of the foliage becomes dark green. Disappears spicy aroma, characteristic currants.
How to fight? The plant is sprayed with a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur or lime-sulfur decoction.
The treatment is performed during the period when the mite leaves the old buds. After 10 days, is processed again.
If the damage is severe, two more spraying is required( at the end of flowering and berry picking).

White spot or septoriosis - what to treat in summer and spring?
White spot or Septoria causes the fungus Septoria sibirica .This ailment is one of the most common.
Septoria is characterized by the appearance of small brown spots on the surface of the leaves. In the future, they acquire a white color, but the brown edging remains. Spots are able to spread on berries.
Harm from white spot:
- leaf fall prematurely;
- stuck bush growth and wilting;
- crop failure.
For the treatment of currant plantings and soil, is treated with Nitroferon or copper sulfate in the form of an solution. The event should be carried out in the spring before the start of bud break.
In summer, a four-stage treatment of with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or oxychloride of copper is allowed.
For prophylaxis, it is necessary to to monitor the soil moisture, timely destroy dead foliage, make currant plantings, cultivate and dig up the soil in the autumn and early spring period.

What to do with rust?
There are two varieties of currant rust: columnar and cupid .
Columnar rust is caused by the fungus Cronartium ribicola Dietr .The pathogen has a negative effect on foliage.
Orange outgrowths develop on the leaves from the bottom side and form many bright spores when powdered. Yellow spots appear on the upper side of the leaf.
Columnar rust appears on currant bushes in early August and is rapidly spreading. The disease causes a massive fall of the leaves ahead of time and reduces yield.
Also with columnar rust, there is a decrease in the growth of young animals and a decrease in nutrient reserves.
Puccinia ribesii caricis causes glass rust. With this disease, bright orange pads develop on the foliage, flowers and ovaries.
Active infection occurs during the flowering stage. For this reason, flowers and ovaries are badly damaged.
Humid climate and proximity to sedge favorably affects the harmful fungus. Glass rust affects almost all foliage and flowers. This causes their premature fall and leads to a significant decrease in yield.

. Both types of rust can be treated with currants. Fungicides "Topaz", "Previkur", "Fitosporin-M" suppress the development of the pathogen, do not allow disputes to ripen and divide.
It is also allowed to spray bushes with 1% bordeaux liquid.
As a preventive measure for , a plant is transplanted to an elevation, drying the soil, removing sedge thickets.
. Why does stray shoots dry out?
causes the Nectria ribis fungus to decay. The disease is characterized by the formation of orange-colored spots on the branches and shoots.
They gradually grow and transform into bulky hillocks. At the stage of maturation of the spore, the tubercles are painted black, and the young processes dry and die.
When the first signs appear, it is necessary to start a struggle: prune the infected branches and burn them. Sections are sanitized by Bordeaux mixture and treated with garden pitch.
For prophylaxis you should regularly remove weeds, remove fallen leaves and feed.

Striped mosaic: disease control measures
Striped mosaic is a viral disease .Ailment is characterized by the appearance of a bright yellow pattern on the leaves around the main veins after blooming.
There is no cure for the striped mosaic : The infected hive should be removed.

Main pests: correct treatment of them
Than to process the bush from currant leaves midge
Currant leaves midges are brown mosquitoes, you will have a yellow one, you will have a yellow one, you will have a louse, you will need a bit of a yellow house, and you will have a yellow one, and you will have a yellow one, and you will see a yellow currant, and a curly leaf gall midge will be a brown mosquito, a little yellow curtain, and a yellow curtain will draw a bit of a yellow currant, and the currant leaf gall midges are .Insects lay eggs on young leaves of growing shoots.
Unfolded leaves are damaged by the larvae. In the future, they freak out and die. Shoots stop their growth and begin to branch incorrectly.
Damaged shoots should be cut without hemp in summer or autumn( until mid-September).Be sure to dig up the soil in the autumn season.

How to save the crop from black currant?
Currant goldfish - beetles of a greenish-copper color up to 9 mm long .Legs with flattened larvae with an enlarged anterior end are yellowish-white. They prefer the core of the currant branch.
The top of a damaged shoot dries out, and then the entire shoot dies. As a result, reduced fruiting bush.
To get rid of currant goldfish, must be carried out low pruning and burning of affected branches .

How to spray from a spider mite?
A spider mite is considered to be a small sucking pest. He lives on a sheet from the bottom and he weaves the surface with his cobwebs.
Damage is characterized by the formation of a bright spot at the beginning of the infection, then a complete discoloration of the area. Heavily damaged sheets take on a marble look, eventually drying and falling.
Active development of ticks occurs from July to August.
For spring treatment ( during bud break), spray the bush with acaricides. Drugs with sulfur can cause leaf burns.
In case of severe injury re-spray. Acaricide can be added to the chlorophos solution and applied after flowering.
For the prevention of , the fallen leaves are destroyed and the soil is dug.

Currant glass bowl and plant care
Currant glass bowl - is a 1.5 cm butterfly .It is covered with black scales with a lilac shade. On the abdomen of the glass case there are light transverse stripes.
Pest females are able to lay up to 60 eggs in the cracks of the bark of the branches. The white caterpillars that have appeared are gnawing through the core of the branches and making them for wintering.
By the next fall, they reach a length of 2 cm, but do not go outside. They are inside the currant branches spend another winter.
At the end of May, the larvae gnaw out and pupate. In June, butterflies fly out. After flowering, the branches damaged by the larvae wither and dry.
For the prevention of , plantings are regularly inspected with signs of a glass case. It is important to time pruning and destruction of damaged branches.

How to get rid of a fire burn?
Flame is a small gray butterfly 1 cm long .The pupae of the flame-guns overwinter under currant plantations. During flowering butterflies lay eggs in flowers. This leads to the defeat of the flower.
The presence of pests can be identified by the presence of hatched caterpillars on a bush and web-covered fruits. Caterpillars feed on currant berries.
This cover will not allow pests to get out of the soil. After flowering sheets can be removed.

before starting flowering. What to spray on with the moth?
Gooseberry moth - butterfly with wings covered with black and yellow spots. Usually, she prefers gooseberries, but she also wants to eat currants. Laying eggs from the back of the leaves.
Appeared caterpillars devour the leaves from all sides. In the middle of summer, they turn into pupae and hang on branches.
For preventive maintenance it is necessary:
- to carefully clean and cultivate the land;
- collect all the pupae in July and destroy;
- to treat with urea in the fall;
- spray plantings( “Fitoverm”, arsenic acid calcium DDT and others).