Detailed description of the barberry variety Thunberg Atropurpurea

Every gardener dreams of a beautiful plot. The barberry is very popular among most ornamental plants. There are many varieties of this shrub. The barberry tunberg atropurpurea is considered one of the most unusual and colorful varieties.


  • Description barberry varieties Thunberg atropurpurea
  • growing conditions
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • planting rules
  • Care
    • Feeding
    • Pruning
  • Diseases and pests
  • Reviews

Description barberry varieties Thunberg atropurpurea

Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea very beautiful and unusual shrub that is grown for decorationgarden or as a hedge.

Unfortunately, barberry fruits of this class are not taken for food, they contain a lot of alkaloids, which is why they are bitter and not tasty. They ripen in late October and are red, small and oblong berries that literally shower the shrub. Due to the appearance, the barberry often attracts the attention of birds, which helps, to some extent, to protect other fruit and berry plantations.

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Shrub of the Barberis Thunberg Atropurpurea with

berries By the age of 5, the shrub grows up to 2 meters in height and 3.5 meters in width. The dwarf form of barberry Atropurpurea is called Thunberg Atropurpurenan . In the people, the variety of barberry tunberg atropurpurea is called the redberry barberry , which is explained by the unusual color of the leaves. In the summer they are purple, in the fall the color becomes more saturated and turns into bright red. Green spots appear in the shadows on the leaves, therefore, in order to preserve the decorative appearance of the barberry, it is better to plant it in sunny places.

Flowering occurs on 2-3 weeks May .The flowers are rounded in shape, they grow only up to 1 centimeter in diameter, usually they are collected in brushes of 3-6 pieces. The inner side of the flowers is bright yellow, and the outer purple-red.

The Caucasus’s natural habitats and mountains are considered to be the natural habitats of the shrubbery, but its frost resistance allows cultivation in colder areas.

The life cycle of this plant is 50-60 years.

Growing Conditions

The red barberry has good winter hardiness, and can grow it in almost any area of ​​.It is also necessary to note the endurance of this plant in the sunlight, it is not afraid of not only frost, but also heat.

The only condition that must be observed during planting is sensitivity to soil moisture, it should not be dry, but the presence of nearby groundwater may cause the root system to rot.

Advantages and disadvantages of

The only disadvantage of the barberry tunberg atropurpurea is the taste of fruits, they are not suitable for consumption, and therefore this shrub is suitable for growing only as an ornamental plant.

Barberry Thunberg Atropurpurea will decorate any backyard

The advantages of this variety can be distinguished much more

  • shrub is not afraid of the winter cold ;
  • longevity;
  • variety is not demanding for care and growing conditions; it tolerates heat, drought, etc.;
  • bright berries allow you to divert the attention of birds , thereby protecting other plants.
  • Planting Rules

    There are several rules, observing that the barberry shrub will decorate the garden for a very long time. First you need to decide on the place, it must meet the following requirements :

    • necessarily the presence of large amounts of sunlight , shading can cause a change in the color of the leaves;
    • even the barberry loves moisture, but its excess can destroy the plant, therefore should avoid the lowlands and the places where precipitation and melting snow accumulate;
    • also can not be planted barberry in places with a high level of groundwater .
    The gardener must take into account the diameter of the crown of the shrub and place it at a distance of at least 4 meters from other plantings.

    It is also necessary to prepare the soil in advance. If planting is carried out in spring, the soil is prepared from autumn, and in the case of autumn planting for 3-4 weeks before work :

    When choosing a site for planting, it is necessary to take into account that for barber Tunberg Atropurpurea a lot of white light will come.the increased acidity
    is allowed, therefore, if this indicator is present, lime or dolomite flour must be added;

  • must be “lightened up” with loamy or chernozem soil using peat or sand ;
  • The size of the well depends on the age of the plant:
    • up to 2 years diameter and depth equal 25-30 centimeters ;
    • for shrubs aged to 3 years pit sizes will be 50x50 centimeters .
    If a barberry is planted as a hedge it is necessary to dig a trench with a width and depth of 40 centimeters.
    1. While digging a hole, the top fertile soil layer is mixed with :
    • with 2 compost or humus buckets;
    • 2 buckets of sand;
    • 100 grams of superphosphate.

    The best time for landing is considered to be the beginning of spring, but work can also be done in mid-October.

    Before planting, the soil must be thoroughly moistened, and watered additionally, after the seedling is in the ground. It is also recommended to mulch the soil.


    Watering adult barberry bushes of Thunberg Atropurpurea can be done 2-3 times a month

    Like any other plant, barberry needs care. Adult shrub is not whimsical to the frequency of watering, you can moisten the soil 2-3 times per month , the main thing is not to allow drying. The young barberry , which is still adapting to its new habitat, requires much more moisture, it is watered 1-2 times per week .

    Barberry is very picky about the amount of oxygen in the soil, so you need to loosen the ground around the shrubs as often as possible. Also an important step is the removal of weeds and other plants.

    After watering and weeding the root zone, it is recommended to cover with a 5-7 cm layer of mulch from sawdust, peat or other material. This procedure will help retain moisture and oxygen as long as possible.

    Top dressing

    One of the most important steps in growing a shrub is the correct top dressing. Although it is believed that barberry tunberg atropurpurea is not picky about the quality of the soil, when it is saturated, the shrub will look much more powerful and beautiful .

    Fertilizer In the spring, the next year after planting, this procedure is repeated once every 4 years. A young plant is watered with 30 grams of urea diluted in 10 liters of water. As the shrub grows by 1 square meter of the root zone, 1 bucket of fertilizer will be consumed.
    Before and after flowering For one adult shrub the following mixture is prepared:
    • kilogram of rotted manure or humus is filled with 3 liters of water and left for 3 days;
    • then filter the mixture and 1 liter of the resulting infusion is diluted with 3 liters of water;
    • with this fertilizer watered shrub.
    Late autumn, after leaf fall Mineral fertilizers are needed to prepare the plant for the winter. Under one bush pour 15 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium sulphide. If the weather is rainy, then the fertilizers are left dry, but if precipitation is not foreseen, it is best to water the plants so that the top dressing is dissolved.

    The adult barberry does not need a winter shelter, but the young and fragile shrub may die due to severe frost. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend to close plants with sacking for the winter before the onset of 4-5-year-old .


    Barberry Thunberg Atropurpurea is used for hedges

    Barberry tunberg Atropurpurea is grown as a decorative element, so in the spring, , while the plant is at rest, it is necessary for it to give to form a decorative element. Usually, such a shrub is shaped into a ball. The barberry growing as a hedge is cut to the desired height.

    The shrub also needs sanitary pruning, which is carried out in early spring and late autumn. The purpose of such work is to remove dry, frozen or damaged branches.

    Diseases and pests

    Barberry is resistant to many diseases and pests, but still gardeners may encounter the following problems :

    Powdery mildew or rust
    Barberry sawfinder Plant treatment with 1 or 3 percent chlorophos solution.
    Barberry aphid Well helps solution, in the process of preparation of which 150 grams of soap is diluted in 5 liters of water.


    Olga: my mom started growing red-leafed barberries, and since then a bright hedge has appeared on our site. Our bushes are more than 30 years old. Of course, I prune them every year, but they look just wonderful. This is an ideal option for a lazy grower.

    Victor: read somewhere that the berries of barberry attract the attention of birds, decided to plant and did not regret, besides the distracting effect that I wanted to achieve, I got a beautiful and unusual plant on my plot that pleases the eye and attracts the attention of neighbors.

    Anastasia: decided to do landscaping, a familiar landscape designer advised barberry tunberg atropurpurea, planted it and did not regret its choice. The bush magnificent and beautiful, perfectly fits into any decorative composition.

    Barberry Thunberg Atropurpurea in the garden area

    Barberry Tunberg Atropurpurea will be a great element of any landscape design .In addition, such a plant does not require special attention and even an inexperienced gardener can handle it.

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