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Growing potatoes in the cramped conditions of the summer cottage does not allow for full-fledged crop rotation, especially for potato plantations. Diseases accumulate in the ground, transmitted through the tubers. If there is no exchange of planting material, then an excellent harvest is six tubers from a bush.
Ways to increase the yield of potatoes
The question of how to grow a good crop of potatoes, every gardener is puzzled. Everyone wants to reduce the area of garden crops due to yield. In order to grow a crop of potatoes you need:
- observe crop rotation;
- to fulfill agrotechnical requirements;
- regularly replace planting material.
With this approach, a ton of potatoes from the weave will become a reality. The property of potato tuber to gradually accumulate diseases, over the years to lose taste and yield, are known to all.
How to grow a good crop of potatoes guaranteed? You can update the seeds by purchasing elite material in seed farms and breeding stations. It is expensive, and some of the nodules obtained will still have to be propagated. As a result, in three or four years the harvest will fall again.
After a few years, any potato degenerates and requires new replacement. The best way is to get healthy planting material from seeds.
Seed Potatoes Growing potatoes from seeds can be an exciting and rewarding activity. The berries on the bushes contain seeds, but do not carry hereditary diseases. That is, getting a potato bush from a seed, we get superelite planting material. Only seeds smaller than a pinhead and do not inspire faith in the result.
You can buy seeds in a specialized store, and you can independently get from your plantation, collecting large balabolki from the bushes in the fall. Then they need to hold up to the sluggish state on the window and select the seeds in the tank, wash, dry and put in a dry dark place until the end of March. And those and other seeds in the berry have a splitting properties. Healthy bushes will grow from the seeds, but not all will repeat the properties of the mother plant.
How to grow seedlings?
There are several points that should be taken into account by a gardener:
- seed germination persists for 2 years;
- seedlings poorly tolerate picks;
- soil should not contain pathogens.
Pre-seed preparation consists of processing potassium permanganate followed by washing and drying of small seeds. The earth should be a loose nutrient mixture, necessarily sifted. In the pan several cups with drainage holes are installed. The soil is poured on two thirds of a cup in 100 ml and several seeds are laid out on the surface. It is necessary to lightly sprinkle the surface with sand, sprinkle with a spray gun for compaction. Glasses to cover. Shoots will appear in 2 - 3 weeks.
It is impossible to water the seedlings with soaking the leaflet.
Proper watering of potatoes at this stage through the pan, as for begonias. The earth itself will pull moisture. Of the few seedlings that have appeared, you need to leave one of the strongest, the rest cut off with nail scissors. Very weak root system of seedlings is poorly restored. Therefore, you should avoid the stages of injury when picking. The seed is stored in excess, and the bushes are grown to two dozen. For personal farming is no longer required.
In the future, transshipment into more capacious containers will be required. Thus, the seedlings grow to a steady heat without return frosts. The term of seedling cultivation is 60 days plus 2 weeks for seedlings. So, the seed must be lowered into the ground two and a half months before the steady heat in the region. How to care for seedlings grown potatoes?
Care for seed potatoes
Planted in loose, fertile soil, seedlings will develop quickly. It should be noted that the bushes will differ in appearance. The goal of the gardener will be to wait for the harvest and take the seeds from the most successful specimens, up to the last smallest tuber. Proper irrigation of potatoes is not wetting the leaf plate from above, but irrigation on high furrows. After the ragging of the potatoes, water runs into the furrows, and conditions are created for soaking the entire stroke. Such irrigation over the summer need 2.
Waterlogging is harmful to potatoes. If the ground is wet at a depth of 10 cm, everything is in order.
Potato gets moisture from the air through the pubescent leaf plate. After a while, a plantation grown from seedlings will stand out with its healthy appearance. It is important to keep the weeds clean. How to weed the potatoes every gardener knows. Here you just need to carefully examine each bush. Such a weed as quinoa, is the place where the development of the phytophthora begins. And for an elite potato, her presence nearby is completely useless.
Not bad during the summer season to spend 2 - 3 spraying the plantation with EM-1 Baikal. This preparation creates conditions for better development and filling of the root. Microorganisms have a beneficial effect on the development of plants and the improvement of the soil.
If you take care of potatoes as your favorite plant, the results will surprise. Each bush will give up to twenty tubers of different sizes. To select from the bush you like you need the whole crop. Do not throw away even the smallest potatoes. To get from it a full-fledged bush, simply save the tuber.
A club with a claw will be a full-fledged bush for the next year.
Rinse all selected material and hold it on diffused light in a cool to light green. Probably, the next year a new grade will be derived from the new material. To fix its properties is the next task.
How often do seeds of potatoes change?
The planting material obtained from seeds for agronomists for the second year is called the super-elite first reproduction. From it the next year, diluted varietal potatoes will become super elite. The following reproduction gives ware potatoes and elite seed material. After three years, the yield begins to fall and you need to look again for fresh potatoes for breeding. It is easier to grow several bushes from seeds every year, and gradually prepare fresh planting material.