What to do if your favorite apple does not bear fruit

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videoAnd what to do if the apple tree does not bear fruit after planting for more than seven years? Such problems often happen with an apple tree. Not only does the harvest have to wait for a long time, and after the allotted time, the tree pleases only with its beautiful foliage and healthy appearance.

Investigation of the causes of fruitlessness

First of all, when purchasing a sapling, you should ask what year the tree will enter into mature age. There are early varieties that begin to bear fruit in the fourth year, and there are late varieties, they bloom in the eighth spring after planting, they live up to 60 years. If you hit such a long-lived, you have to suffer and wait for the fruit.

In other cases, you should take a closer look at why an apple tree does not bear fruit, and gradually remove the causes of infertility:

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  • improper planting of a tree;
  • crown formation does not comply with the rules;
  • care does not meet the requirements of agricultural engineering;
  • non-zoned variety with all the consequences.

Each of these areas can lead to a sad result.

Proper planting of apples

You need to purchase seedlings only in specialized farms. At the same time, the probability to buy a high-quality seedling of a zoned variety is high.

You need to buy a sapling carefully. Well inspect the seedling, it should be with a straight trunk and a developed root system. The graft site should be clearly visible. You should ask the seller about the features of the variety or find out the name in order to see biology in the catalog. Proper planting of apple trees is the key to future harvest.

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The landing pit is prepared in a month. The apple tree loves a lighted area with low groundwater. In the filling soil should be enough food. The pit, 100x100x70 cm in size, is filled with a third of fertile soil with the addition of several buckets of humus, superphosphate and wood ash in a glass and half of this dose of potassium sulphide. The lower part is thoroughly mixed.

A tree that is planted wrong will not bear fruit. Therefore, it is important to plant a tree in a hole where the ground has already settled, and the trunk will not fall down, the root collar will not wash when watering.

A layer of nutritious soil is added to the prepared soil without fertilizer and a hole is shed so that the soil is compacted. The root system of the seedling is placed on this fertile pillow and sprinkled on top so as not to dig the neck. Deepening is a cause of fruit bearing delay. At the same time you need to put a peg and bind the sapling of the year for two. When trampling and watering the seedling, they make it touch with a fertile layer of soil.

How to form an apple crown

Pruning and shaping begin in the fourth year. Methods of forming apple crown can be viewed in the video tutorial on the site. It is considered correct when pruning young apples to restrain the growth of the tree in height, to prevent the growth of branches inside the crown, so as not to thicken the tree. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fruit twigs, remove the tops, annual shoots, thickening the crown. But when pruning and harvesting, it is necessary to take care of the short branches of the creepers, on which flower buds are formed in the spring. Making pruning you need to know that with a hard removal of several skeletal branches, the tree will begin to recover and the crop will be minimal.

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will help to decorate the landscape If all the branches of the apple-tree are directed upwards, there will be no pods. It is necessary to make a gradual formation with a horizontal deviation of the branch. Attach the load to the vertical branch for its gradual deviation. Another way would be bending the trunk with a rope.

In the autumn, when the tree has dropped foliage, a sparrow can fly through the branches in all directions. This means that the apple tree is properly formed.

If an apple tree resets its color, perhaps there is not a single apple tree nearby, the flowers have not pollinated. Flowers open for a short period of time, do not have time to pollinate, the variety is not zoned. The flowers are deformed, do not open to the end, they fall off - the work of the weevil beetle larva, tsvetoeda. Apple trees may lack nutrition and moisture, and it flushes the ovary.

Pruning of apple trees in the area of ​​the root system can be a cardinal way to start fruiting. With good nutrition and with a predominance of nitrogenous fertilizers, the roots provide tree growth to the detriment of fruit formation. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce or eliminate nitrogen in the dressings, and cut the roots at a distance of crown projection on the ground. Having received stress, the apple tree will remember that it is necessary to take care of the continuation of the genus and will throw out the fruit twigs, called fruit pillows.

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You can feed the apple tree with iron old nails, or buy a special preparation containing iron salts in a digestible form. If after all the events a healthy tree does not bear fruit, it means that you have to replace it, there are separate instances of barren trees.

Diseases of apple trees leading to infertility

All the activities that are trying to awaken the tree to fruition will not help the sick specimen. If a tree has been suffering from fungal or bacterial diseases for several years and no treatment is provided, it becomes weaker. The fight against the disease takes power, and the formation of the fruit becomes secondary, when all are aimed at survival. Initially, the harvest of the diseased tree is reduced, and then the apple tree stops even flowering. If you miss the disease of apple trees and start their treatment late, you can be left without apples.

When purchasing a variety, you should ask whether each year fructification occurs. There are apple trees that give a big harvest in a year. In any case, you should take care of your fruit tree and regulate the number of apples on the branches. With a bountiful harvest, an apple tree exhausts its strength, and its immune system cannot cope with it under extreme conditions. In this case, the tree is more threatened by winter frost and spring burns. Only full compliance with all activities aimed at maintaining a healthy garden will give a positive result.

How to make an apple fruit - video

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