When to dig dahlias, how to store them? Usually perennials we leave to spend the winter on the site, the cottage. But dahlias do not belong to such plants. They fade away, the above-ground part fades. Dahlia tubers go into a resting phase. They are afraid of frost, so they should be dug out in the fall, preserved until spring.
- When digging dahlias in the fall
- How to store dahlias
It is clear that only high-quality planting material can be well preserved, therefore all tubers undergo a thorough inspection and preparation before putting it into storage. Damaged specimens are discarded so that they do not infect the rest of the bulbs and tubers in the course of maturation.
It is also important to know not only the storage conditions, but also the terms of cleaning.
содерж to the contents ↑When digging dahlias in the fall
Dahlias can be digged after the first frost. We saw that the dahlias caught the first frost - this is a signal - it's time to dig out.

It is recommended to do this in dry and warm weather. After the leaves wither from the night cold, the stems are cut off at a height of 10-15 cm from the soil level.
It is necessary to dig out carefully, taking care not to damage the neck, which is rather fragile.
After digging out all the bushes, the tubers are cleared of soil, well washed from the remnants of the soil. Simultaneously with the remnants of the soil, all pathogens and microorganisms that were on the tubers are washed away.
The next step in preparing the tubers for storage will be the division of large tuber groups into parts. These parts are called delenki.
The division of tubers into parts is necessary, both for the most high-quality further processing of deylenok, and for convenience of storage, as well as for the spring to produce stronger and more abundant blooming specimens. When dividing the tubers, it is necessary to leave part of the neck with budded buds in each section, so that they can germinate in spring. The remains of the stem of each delenka are cut to 2-3 cm to avoid rotting of the neck. The tools you use must be ignited above the fire before dividing each new group of tubers.
After inspecting the delenki, rinse well again to remove dirt, trim the tips of the tubers, treat the tubers with any fungicide( plant decontamination agent). When processed using the dry method, the tubers are powdered; when treated with a solution, they are dipped in it for 10-15 minutes, then dried, placed on a wooden surface covered with cardboard or newspaper. At the same time, it is possible to carry out marking of tubers, placing a tag on each delenka or placing groups of delenok in grades, then to put them on joint storage. On the label tags that are attached to each Delkey, the name of the variety is indicated.
How to store dahlias
The storage room must have good ventilation, an optimum temperature, and an appropriate level of importance.
You can store tubers until spring in sawdust or vermiculite. When using vermiculite, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature storage conditions so that the temperature rise does not provoke the early appearance of sprouts.
Vermiculite or large sawdust is poured into bags or storage tanks, then the tubers are placed there and poured from above with the same filler.
A separate bag can be used for each class, which is then tied and packed in a plastic bag.
Packed tubers are stored at a temperature not lower than + 1 ° С and not higher than + 5 ° С in a room with a humidity level of not more than 60-65%.
Another commonly used method for storing tubers is that they are packed into boxes filled with vermiculite or sawdust, which have been pre-lined from the inside with several layers of newspaper that will protect the tubers from moisture loss. After filling the tubers, the boxes and boxes are closed with tightly fitting lids and sent to storage.
Storage temperature in a room where boxes or packages are placed should be stable, without sudden changes.
It is quite possible to “revive” the slightly dried root in the spring by dipping it in warm water for several hours. And if instead of water we take a weak solution of potassium permanganate, this procedure will also serve as the preparation of the root for planting.
Ksenia Litskevich, on materials "Ogorodicha"