Useful properties and contraindications of Macadamia nut

Australia’s wet forests are the homeland of macadamia; the plant was brought to Hawaii in 1881 where it was used for commercial purposes. The import of improved varieties of walnut to California from the Hawaiian Islands began around 1950.

Macadamia is a plant from the Proteacea family, is an evergreen tree, grows well in a mild climate with a lot of rainfall and no frosts. Let's see what benefits and harm can cause the fruits of this plant for the human body.

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    fruits Macadamia nuts have a very hard seed shell, enclosed in a green husk,which cracks when ripe. Inside the walnut there is a white core, containing up to 80% butter and up to 4% sugar.

    Australian Macadamia Nut

    Calorie Nut: 718 cal.

    When treated with high temperatures, the fruit becomes uniform in color and texture. Although M. tetraphylla has a rough shell, its seed coat is smooth and, in some varieties, on the contrary, rough.

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    This is one of the most sought after nuts in the world, so they are so expensive. The demand for this plant spawned the development of industrial production in the warm regions of South Africa and Central America , where trees still thrive if there is enough water.

    Macadamia oil is used in the cosmetic industry for the production of soap, shampoos and sunscreens. waste is used as animal feed. Also, the nut itself is used in cooking in baking, in salads.

    Health Benefits of Macadamia for Human Health

    Heals the Heart

    The content of healthy fats in macadamia fruits is high. They help to keep the arteries of the circulatory system in good condition. monounsaturated fatty acids help to reduce cholesterol levels and reduce the amount of triglycerides in the body.

    Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

    American scientists have shown that those who eat this product have significantly reduced cholesterol levels in the blood and increased the efficiency of the heart muscle.

    Supports the immune system.

    Macadamia contains flavonoids that help prevent toxins from entering the body from the environment. After these beneficial substances - flavonoids get inside, they turn into antioxidants .

    Antioxidants work in the body as free radical scavengers. Finding such, they destroy them. It protects a person from diseases.

    Macadamia Nuts are highly valued for their healing properties.

    Studies conducted at the University of Jean Mayer by the USDA on aging have found that “eating nuts somehow reduces the incidence of not only cardiovascular diseases, but also the occurrence of cancer.

    As it turned out, , in combination with nutrients, macadamia fruits contain phenolic acids, flavonoids and stilbenes, which help provide the body with useful antioxidants. That is why nuts - including macadamia - are among the best anti-cancer foods that can be consumed.

    Helps to lose weight

    A high content of healthy fats, in the composition of nuts, helps reduce appetite. But this is not the main thing, the nuts of this plant contain palmitoleic acid.

    Palmitoleic acid has the ability to increase the metabolism of fats, that is, reduces their accumulation. Macadamia fruits are harmoniously balanced by the amount of nutrients that helps a person in the process of metabolism.

    In addition, macadamia nuts contain beneficial dietary fiber , which can help people to get enough on a diet.

    Supports the intestinal microflora

    In its composition, the fruit contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers that help remove toxins from the body and assist the intestines.

    And complex carbohydrates, such as lignans , hemicelluloses, amylopectins help to get rid, in general, of problems with digestion.

    Strengthens Bones

    The pulp of fruits is rich in phosphorus, manganese and magnesium - all substances necessary for bones, teeth, and trouble-free transportation and absorption of nutrients into the blood.

    Macadamia oil strengthens bone tissue, helps prevent osteoporosis.

    Calcium is known to help in the formation of bone tissue, while manganese is the main body of new bone. If the body maintains the presence of these substances, the musculoskeletal system will remain strong, even in old age. Another important fact is that in case of kidney disease, the body's ability to absorb calcium and manganese decreases significantly.

    Improves Brain and Nervous System

    The copper contained in the fruits, vitamins B1, , magnesium and manganese help strengthen neurotransmitters, which are important chemicals. They send signals to the brain. Macadamia nuts are also composed of oleic acid , which protects nerve cells in the brain. From this it must be concluded that this product contributes to the healthy functioning of the nervous system.

    In addition, the fruit contains omega-9 .This substance benefits brain activity in many areas.

    First, omega-9 can improve mood. This substance contributes to the development of memory and prevents neurological diseases.

    Memory performance has been investigated by many scientists, some of whom have found that erucic acid can be a therapeutic tool for the treatment of diseases associated with cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. This means that a person eating foods with omega-9 not only maintains a good mental state, but also protects the cognitive functions of the brain.

    Reduces chronic inflammation and symptoms of arthritis

    A substance known as omega-6 is found in most nuts: almonds - 3.4 grams, cashews - 2.2 grams, macadamia - 0.36 grams. With an excess of it in the body, increasing chronic inflammation in the body. And it is inflammation that causes most diseases, such as arthritis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and others.

    Macadamia oil relieves severe headaches, treats inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.

    , which is a common drug, has a common drug, which is a common drug, and also a common drug, a drug, and a common drug.arthritis. Substance omega-6, contained in the product in small quantities, does not lead to negative consequences.

    Harm, restrictions to the use of walnut

    No contraindications. Macadamia nuts can be eaten even for pregnant women .Scientists have shown that children, whose mothers often consumed nuts during pregnancy, were less likely to be allergic to this product. The only ones who should not abuse the fruits of macadamia are diabetics.

    Especially attentive need to be people who have animals at home. A dog, having eaten such a fruit, is paralyzed for a day, but not fatally, it is restored after a while. But still, it is dangerous for pets.

    Folk recipes

    The most simple and useful recipe :

    • 1 tablespoon chopped macadamia nuts
    • 2 tablespoons of honey
    • a few drops of lemon juice

    Eat in the morning, one tablespoon per day.

    Macadamia fruits are very often used in high-end

    cosmetics. Face scrub recipe:

    • 2 tablespoons of heavy cream or sour cream
    • 2 teaspoons of nuts

    Apply this mass on your face with light massage movements. Massaged for 4 minutes , and then left for another period. Wash off with warm clean water.

    Moisturizing face mask:

    • powdered macadamia nut - 1 tbsp.
    • honey - 1 tbsp.
    • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

    Fighting Cellulite:

    • 1 teaspoon macadamia oil
    • 10 drops of geranium oil
    • 10 drops m. Rosemary
    • 10 drops m. Lemongrass

    All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Keep in a cool, dark place. Rub into problem areas, into wet skin , daily for a month.

    Do not use in people with very sensitive skin.


    The richness of vitamins, beneficial fatty acids makes macadamia fruits a very useful food product. Its high price( approximately 700 rubles per 100 grams) pays off with the many beneficial properties of :

    • relieving fatigue
    • rejuvenates the skin
    • reduces the risk of developing cancer
    • destroys fat deposits
    • is a strong antioxidant
    • eliminates cellulite, varicose veins, rosacea and other

    Despite toloriynost, the product is recommended to be used for getting rid of excess weight .This is due to the fibers that cleanse the intestines, accelerate the processes of digestion and normalize metabolism.

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